
As she walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than a blue sky
She's got you mesmerized
While I die


Christmas passed away and as I knew, you didn't come over but sent your present through the parcel. You didn't even bother meeting me when everyone else I knew did.

And I cried the whole night while hugging the sweater you gifted me as a Christmas present. I had to send you your present that I wanted to give you hand to hand, with some words that I could never say and that was that I missed you more than anything.

They say Christmas time is jolly time, full of friends and family to cherish every moment but I felt blank and alone all this while. I wish there could really be someone like Santa Claus because ever since we became friends all I ever wrote on top of my wishlist was you but I still couldn't have you.

This was my worst Christmas and I missed you more and more all this while. I couldn't even see your face for days as school was closed and I craved to see you more than anything.

I was not even courageous enough to see you at your place because you were not the welcoming Jungkook anymore. I was worried to find you with her if I would visit. I may act strong but I'm not too strong to see you cuddling her or acting domestic like a couple in love. Something I could never ever have.

These days were suffocating but I breathed all this while even though it was so hard to do but I did in hope of meeting you again.

My birthday was coming closer and still there was no sign of you around. Were you seriously this much in love with her that you literally forgot about the amazing seven years we had together?

I would wear the sweater you gifted me on Christmas whenever I would feel alone and I wore it every night.

Now it was 29th of December, one day before my birthday and I wanted you on my birthday like all the past years but weird how I had to invite you this year where all the other years you would be the organiser of my birthdays.

You used to get more anticipated for my birthday than yours and now you didn't even remember it anymore.

I somehow resisted the flood of tears from my eyes and washed my face several times, checking myself if the soreness and redness was gone. I flashed a fake smile at the mirror, the only thing I was best at doing.

When I was satisfied with my fake expressions, I wore a coat over the sweater, keeping it wrapped around me because it was the only source of warmth.

I made my way to your house on foot. I walked with a collision of thoughts in my mind. I swore I was so prone to break down in tears if I would see you again after Jimin's party.

My heart was throbbing painfully rough in my chest once I reached your door and my frozen hands turned even more cold and I couldn't press the bell, neither could knock on your door. So I remained standing there for a while, debating whether to walk in or go back.

And then your door burst open, catching me off guard and there was standing you with her.

"See you tomorrow then." She whispered, gently placing her lips on the corner of your lips and you let her do.

I quickly averted my gaze away.

And she would always had you mesmerized while I would only die.

"Tae?" You questioned me once you found me standing there and she faced me too.

"Uh...I...I w-was.. just.." I stuttered dangerously.

My breath hitched so badly and my knees felt like jelly. Now even your sweater wasn't enough to warm me up.

"Bye, Take care Kookie." She walked away after waving her hand and I looked down, wondering how she started calling you with the nickname I would use to call you.

You said it was special and you loved it. And now you were letting her use it for you. This showed how special she had become to you and how much you loved to hear from her.

And the last string of endurance broke and my eyes began flooding. Before you could notice, I turned around, trying to walk away but you clutched my wrist.

I was back facing you, looking down while nibbling my bottom lip because I was so close to sob.

"Tae… hey…" you whispered, getting closer to me and I looked away again.

"You're okay?"

And you asked as you really cared, as if I really was okay. It literally seemed like an irony to me. 

Can you be okay when the one you love with all of your heart replaces someone else at your place? 

No I was not okay. 

I snatched away my wrist and ran away, not sure where my feet were leading me but I didn't want to see you anymore. I just wanted to disappear. I was so foolish to go there in the first place knowing she would be there with you. If you would care for me then you would come without my invitation.

Even after running away, I only cried remembering you. It's so complicated that I can't be with you or can't even be without you.

But I only know that I always loved you and still do but she took you away from me as she walked by us two and that was when I completely lost you.


Next chapter is the last one as the lyrics are over now but I will try to do a justice to you guys.

But telling you already, not every story has a happy ending.

Hope you guys enjoyed!
