
As she walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized
While I die


She walked by us two, slowly and steady while looking down on the way but eventually caught you staring at her.

She smiled at you in return and your eyes were still staring at her like she was the only one around.

It somehow dug holes in me when I saw you looking at her with those shiny eyes but then again I fed myself some comforting lies when you distracted yourself from her to me.

You looked down at the ground, smiling at your own before sparing your glance at me again and I felt so tensed under that gaze of yours because it was different from the way you just saw her.

Those subtle actions of yours had me traumatized.

"Tae, I think you're cold. Let's walk home?" You suggested after watching my face turned pale and I brought myself out of my thoughts and nodded my head nonetheless.

That was not because of the cold weather but because of you and the way you watched her with that look in your eyes.

After all of this, that night too was meant for crying like many other nights and again you were not there to wipe my tears away and hug me close tightly like your sweater which I returned you before you walked me home because it was yours, not mine, as you're not mine.


Another day came, starting another morning with a fake smile and pretending as if I was okay when I actually was not because insecurities had been gobbling me inside since last night.

I would never say and you would never know what I felt each and every day and now I feel like it's a part of me with which I have to live every day.

I had to walk to school all alone that morning because you didn't come to join me anymore.

It pierced through my heart like an arrow but then at the same time I wondered if you were okay because not having you around to walk me to school would really be rare but now it's not anymore.

I walked silently but my head was blasting loud with thoughts and as soon as I entered the campus I found you standing there, talking to someone else.

Another moment had my heart skipping the beat and then it started beating unrhythmically when you caught me standing there, watching you with my sore eyes.

I instantly averted my gaze, it was killing me to see you talking to her with that brightest smile and shy look.

I walked inside before you could follow me. I had no idea why I was doing this but I needed to escape somewhere before I could break down in front of you.

Sometimes it's just too hard to endure all of this but I was habitual of it so I tried to collect myself. I took a deep breath and faked a smile again once I reached my locker.

I pulled my stuff out, smiling at the little plushie lying there that you gifted me. The cute dragon plushie that you gave me so that it could protect my things in the locker. We were dumb and childish back then but you and I were at least 'we'.

I pulled that dragon out, watching it with your memories colliding in my head back to back. You were my best friend, my Kookie and my only source of happiness.

Before a tear could roll down my eyes I put that back in the locker and shut it close to only find you coming to my way and this time I couldn't escape so I faked that smile again.

"Good morning, Kookie!" I greeted with fake enthusiasm, for me my mornings were never good.

"Good morning Tae, ah... I'm sorry I couldn't come today. Hope you checked the text I left earlier." You said to me, seeming so apologetic that I couldn't help but melted like butter.

"Hey it's okay. There's nothing to apologise for. We will walk together back home, yeah?" I asked you and you bit your bottom lip shortly before sighing. My heart beats paced because I knew what you were going to say.

"Ah maybe not today. I actually have to go somewhere else... so..." you said and while speaking you suddenly stopped saying as your gaze fixed on someone else behind me.

Curiosity knocked on so I turned my head to find her as she walked by us and then I saw your eyes looking at her with the look I always gave you. You stared at her the same way I always stared at you. You had the same intensity in your eyes that I had in my eyes whenever I looked at you. You were looking at her the same way I would look at you.

I witnessed it all with my sore eyes that were about to flood anytime.

She had you mesmerized and I could see it because you were far too lost to even notice that a tear literally rolled down my eyes and I walked out of the scene which you didn't even bother to notice.

And that was the moment I felt like dying. Your subtle actions had me dead inside but could I do anything? No because you were never mine.


Hey ya, see you all on Friday now!

This is a mini book, generally like six chapters as all, so I will try to update quicker so it ends before my college starts.

Hope you guys enjoyed.
