One at a Time

Third Person POV

Team Natsu was sent into distress when one of their very close friends seemed, different.

"You can all leave now, I have this under control." An evil smile appeared on Gon's once cute little face. Those around him felt a nasty aura, one that made them want to end everything right then and there.

His feet began moving towards the building that shot a canon in his body. Well it wasn't his but you get the point. With every step followed that dark aura, "Phantom Lord, hm? Sounds delicious." He licked his lips and clenched his fist, getting ready to fight.

"What's this? This little boy thinks he can handle me? That's really funny, how about I shoot you again? Maybe then you'll finally die." The nasty sounding voice spouted from the speaker. It caused the boy to laugh.

"We'll see about that."  His laughter filled the ears of the people behind him once more, this situation couldn't get any weirder huh?

He jumped up on the roof of the mobile house in front of him and crashed through it. The hole in his stomach was supposed to stop him by now but the entity that had overcome him filled the hole in with a black substance.

"I have to get this over with, this filling won't last long." He said to himself while looking down at his stomach. He sighed with annoyance and began on his way where he assumed the dark guilds master would be.

"Ugh, he infiltrated the building. Go stop him at once! If you don't I will personally kill you myself." The old man barked at his children. They obeyed and ran over to the boy who calmly roamed the halls.

"Hey Kid, how about you give up now and make this easier? We swear it won't hurt." A big man with a very round stomach said with a raspy voice, as if he hadn't drank water in weeks.

The little boy didn't answer.

"Haha! Did I scare you? It's only natural, a puny little kid like you could never beat me!" The man laughed with his ugly voice. Gon still hadn't said anything, it was a waste of him time.

"I hate people like you. So how about I make you shut up?" The boy looked up his eyes had changed to black and that evil smile appeared on his face once more. He got into his battle stance and opened his mouth.

"First comes..."

As what seemed to be a fiery ball of death built up in between his two hands grew fear and confusion. How could such a small boy harness such a power? Every second came a loud "crack" sound from his power becoming both more powerful and large.


His attack flew towards the man and it caused a giant hole in his stomach. It matched the one Gon had in his stomach, "That was payback." It's sort of weird how strong he was, huh?

But things happen man so we're just gonna keep moving along.

Quick lil note: So I know some of this is yk random buuut I swear things will get more logical after this lmao. Ight love y'all and I'll let y'all go now 🤟🏽

The old man who was that phantom guilds Master was pissed. He couldn't believe one of his goons had been taken out so easily, the flies in his way were more annoying than he thought.

"Little flies! Getting in my way! I'll take Lucy if it kills me!" He said with a raspy voice that radiated big pedophile energy.

"Well, I guess it's a loss cause then. Cause you're gonna get die before you even lay a hand on her." The thing inside of Gon began laughing, why are they laughing like for real this is getting creepy.

(*Record Scratches* Tiny Voice inside my head -tvimh-: Wait, seriously? This again? I KNEW we should have hired a qualified narrator.

Lucy: No, it's just some funny lines to lighten up the mood. It's what every story needs *shrugs*

Tvimh: Yeah well it's kind of ruining the mood. Besides what's up with this novel?! It's barely even logical! Where the heck did Lilac even come from? And who's the voice in Gon's head?

Lucy: well maybe if you paid any attention you'd realize the hints Gon gave off a few chapters back.

Tvimh: Yeah yeah whatever. I'm gonna end the chapter here.

Lucy: Wha-?! You ca-

*fighting noises*

Sorry Guys! I've been editing and drawing a lot lately and I totally forgot about the story. Don't worry this week was just not my week so I'll probably update waaay more. Love you and thanks for understanding!

The Voice & Lucy: bye!)
