Hunter vs Fairy

Killua's POV

Since me and Gon were arguing I guess the people on the ground thought they could attack us because we're off guard. But they were totally wrong! A hunter has to be ready for
anything and we always get the job done. 'Killing these people won't take long. After I'm done it'll be way easier to find the monster.' I said to myself as the pink haired man inches closer.

"Stop, don't move one more step." I calmly said while turning my head to the pink haired guy and giving him a glare. He stopped in his tracks and stared at me in awe before smirking.

"Come down here and make me!"

He yelled as he threw his fist in the air. I turned to Gon to see what his reaction was and it was as usual. He started to tremble but he was grinning at the same time. "Killuaaa, I wanna fight too!" Gon whined while jumping up and down. I snickered and pointed at the dude in front of us, "Have at it."

Gon's POV

I nodded at Killua's 'encouraging' words. I instantly dashed towards pinky and got my fist ready. But, I sensed his power so I wasn't actually going to hit him so plainly. When he got his fist ready to punch me I quickly sprinted behind him. He seemed confused for a second which gave me the advantage. Knowing this, I punched him in the back of his head which sent him flying into the building me and Killua were on top of.


My head turned to where the voice came from and what I saw shocked me. There were four other people running towards pinky. It angered me to think that the punch I just gave him actually knocked him out.

"Move out of the way, he's fine."

The four looked up at Killua with a face of anger. "What do you mean he's fine?! He just got punched into a wall!" The black haired guy yelled as he gritted his teeth. "He really is fine though. That punch wouldn't have hurt someone like him. He's really powerful!" I said with a happy tone which sent the angry four into shock. They knew I was right though so they just walked away from the hole in the wall.

Pinky walked out with a couple of bruises and bumps on his face along with ripped clothing. "I'm all fired up now!" He yelled out as we both got into our fighting stances.

"First comes..."

"Fire dragon..."



Our attacks flew at each other only to make an enormous explosion. "Woah! Cool! You can use fire like I can!" I cheered out while prancing around. "That is cool! Hey who are you?" Pink asked with a big grin.

"I'm Gon! And my friend up there is Killua!"

"I'm Natsu! Nice to meet you, Gon!"

(Cue the fairy tail music my guy)

Lucy's POV

I sweat dropped as I saw the two males communicate like they weren't at each other's throats a few seconds ago. "What just happened?" I asked the team as I could feel my body move in the wind. "I don't know." Erza replied with a face palm.

-Time Skip-

"So you're looking for the monsters too?" Natsu asked before the boy with black hair and green streaks rapidly nodded in response. "I can't sense anything here though so they might have been taken out already." Green streaks stated.

"Well since there are no monsters, wanna come with us back to our guild?"

"Guild? Uh, sure! Killua, is that okay?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

'I cannot believe Natsu just invited them into the guild like that. What if they're in the phantom guild! They're probably just spies! Well, I guess I'll just have to ask Levy when we get back.' My face went pale at all the thoughts that went through my head. But I couldn't really be angry at Natsu, it's just who he is.

"Alright, let's go!"

A/N: Hello, so as you can tell I'm trying VERY hard to be descriptive! But I'm just gonna hold off on that for now since I'm just gonna start having fun with this story, tehe. If you're reading this I am thankful to you 🥰🤟🏽 k byeeee
