Special and unique

- No one's POV -

Kyogaku was walking fast through the halls, trailing behind her a nervous Midoriya
She was pissed

She could feel glares from students but honestly, she didn't care
Her pace fastened, she just wanted to get out

- Izuku's POV -

Kyogaku started going faster so I tried doing the same
Though, I ended up running

Once we were out of the main building, she turned to look at me
She smiled but I could see anger in her eyes
Is she mad at me..?

"Hey Midoriya" She finally said, "where do you normally eat lunch?"
"I- umm behind the school building.." I answered

Kyogaku stood there, looking at me like she was patiently waiting for something
I looked at her with a confused gaze

"Well, are you gonna take me there or are we eating here?" She asked jokingly, laughing a bit
"I- right.. Follow me"

I started walking, Kyogaku was now the one following behind me
Once we were there, I let out a soft 'here' while pointing at some stairs that led to a door
No one knew what was behind the door, it was locked anyways

"Oh cool! Let's go eat then!" Kyogaku exclaimed as she took my hand, making me stumble
We went to sit and started silently eating

- No one's POV -

While eating, something kept bugging Izuku
Minutes of thinking about it, he decided to ask Aika

"H-hey Kyogaku..?" He blurred out
The blond girl looked at him, mouth full, a 'mhm?' sound coming out of her
"I.. I was just wondering why you did that.."
Aika swallowed her food, "did what?" She asked
"Defend me.."
The girl looked dumbfounded at Izuku, basically still not understanding
"Because it felt right..?" She softly said, sounding more like a question than a statement
Izuku was silent, looking at her like that meant nothing

Aika signed and looked in front, "I don't know?? because that's what heroes do? Because that's not how you're supposed to call someone? Because you look like you don't deserve it? Heck! No one should deserve this kind of treatment! Not even villains!" She half exclaimed

"Even the quirkless..?" Izuku softly asked
"Yeah! Especially them!" Aika said, looking back at Izuku
He looked at her shocked, not really believing what Aika had just stated
"And if I understood correctly, you're quirkless, right?" The blonde asked
"Y-yeah.." The greenette whispered out, looking at the ground

"Well, let me tell you something Izuku Midoriya" Aika smiled as she made Izuku look at her, "you are special and unique"

"H-huh-?" Izuku asked confused
"You heard me greeny!" Aika exclaimed, her smile widening
The boy still seemed confused therefore Aika continued, "you see, quirkless are only 20% of the population while the 80% others do have quirks, that's why you're special! You're one of the few to be quirkless" She smiled
"And then, you're unique cause well, you are you" She finished off

Izuku had small tears prickling up his eyes, trying to smile, "why would y-you ever say that..?" He managed to ask
"Because I think it's important for you to know" Aika simply stated, "and I will tell you every day until you think and say it yourself, just like my mom did and still does with my dad!" She added

"Y-your dad is..?"
"Quirkless, yep" Aika said unfazed

Izuku sniffled, trying to hold the few tears he had
"You're allowed to cry you know" The blonde stated, opening her arms, "and you can hug me too" She smiled
And that's what Izuku did, he hugged her and she hugged back
The geenette started softly crying onto her shoulder, Aika petting his fluffy hair
"T-thank you.." He blurred out, his voice muffled by Aika's clothes
"It's only natural Midoriya" The girl answerd, squeezing the greenette a little but more

Izuku enjoyed every second of it
This hug was the first one he had in years apart from the hugs his mom gave him, and it was just as warm

Minutes after, they pulled back
"By the way Midoriya, we're friends now" Aika happily said
"O-ok!" Izuku exclaimed, giving her a genuine smile

After this, they ate, talked about heroes and stuff, until the bell rang

(Here are some fragments of their discussion)


"So you wanna be a hero too huh?" The girl asked
"Yes!" Izuku smiled
"Then we'll be hero buddies!" Aika exclaimed


"Who's your favorite pro hero Kyogaku?" Izuku asked
"Oh please call me Aika, I prefer heh" Aika softly laughed, "as for my favorite pro hero.. I think EraserHead is pretty cool! He's mysterious but that's what I like about him, then of course all of the other heroes are amazing in their own way!"
"Oh I like EraserHead too! He's so cool! Though my favorite of all time is All Might!" Izuku smiled, "and Aika, call me Izuku"
The blonde only smiled at him


Aika laughed, "wow Izuku, you sure are a hero fanboy in general! Though you might be All Might's n°1"
"Y-you think?  Hehe... I actually hope I am"


"Hey Aika? May I ask you more questions about your quirk after class?" Izuku curiously asked
"Sure thing!" Aika responded, "why though?"
"O-oh.. For my hero analysis book.." Izuku nervously said
"That's cool! You'll let me read it some day right?"
"You.. You want to?" The greenette asked confused
"Of course!"


◖ Time skip to when everyone is in class except for Aika and Izuku ◗  

- Katsuki's POV -

"So Bakugou, what do you think about the new girl?" I heard one of the extras ask
Though I didn't wanna answer, I was just wondering where Izu-Deku was
He was never late
In fact, he was the first one to be I class

"Bakugou? You heard me?" I heard him ask again

Why the fuck is he being so annoying? Shut it would you?

"Hey man, you there?" I heard a second extra say

Fucking morons, don't they understand what my silence means?

And that's when I saw Izuku with the new extra coming, laughing and smiling at each other

This bitch..

"Oi! You wanted to know how I felt about the new extra right?!" I said not letting my eyes wander somewhere else besides Izuku
"Yeah..?" I heard my extra say

"Well I fucking hate her!"


A/N: for those who think Aika might fall in love with Izuku, y'all better shush cause she's a proud lesbian
Plus, all my oc won't be part of the story for long, but will sure play a big role cause I don't wanna do what I'm about to with actual BNHA characters :)
