A new student

◖Time skip to two years later, they're now twelve years old◗  

- Izuku's POV -

Two years have passed now, nothing really has changed..
Ok yes, maybe a little thing: Kacchan doesn't really bully me anymore

He umm.. Still does but not as much as before and well, everytime it does happen, I can catch a glimpse of sadness and guilt in his eyes before he turns around and leaves

It's weird but.. I'm somehow happy at the same time..

I didn't continue to cut, just scratched my forearms from time to time when the itching came back
Yes, both of them now

It felt good, really good, I just couldn't stop
And there was no rush to stop
I wasn't doing anything that could kill me right? They were just bloody scratches, nothing severe

I still wore some bandages though and cleaned them, I didn't want them to sting and infect

The cut I made that day is still faintly visible, like a scar
It's there, just there, beautifully displayed across my forearm

Today was normal day, just like the others
I woke up, went up to pick my uniform from my closet and did my morning routine

I went to the living room, ate breakfast with my mom, kissed her goodbye and started walking to school

As usual, I crossed Kacchan in the middle of my walk
We still went to the same school after all
Huh, well, middle school
We're both in 7th grade now!
(A/N; ok, I apologize right here. If I got something wrong, don't mind me, I'm using what I got while searching it up. The truth is, where I live that's not how we call schools and grades. So, since I don't know anything about school's in Japan and that it's currently 3am, I'm writing this with American schools in mind. Again, I still might do them wrongಥ‿ಥ)

◖Time skip to when they're in class◗  

- No one's POV -

The class was silent waiting for their teacher to come in

Well, silent was a big word
Chatters and whispers could be heard between students
All except Izuku Midoriya

- Back to Izuku's POV -

"Did you hear the news?" I heard someone ask their friend, "there's a new student coming today!"
"Wait really?" Someone else asked

A new student? Huh.. Well, I just hope they're not that mean with me

The whole class heard the news, or more like a small rumor, and started talking and chatting about it

"Whatever, I just hope they're not just some other extra that is gonna piss me off" And here goes Kacchan
"Bakugou, don't talk like that, it's rude~" A friend chanted

That's right, people stopped calling themselves with they're first names
Now it's their last names, just like the adults as some might say

Though, I'm still calling Kacchan by his childhood name since he doesn't 'mind' and he's still calling me Deku
To be honest, everyone does
It's like a joke to them

Deku, the useless quirkless wannabe hero
If I'm being honest, they sound like those villains in the comics book Kacchan and I used to read

The villain always calling the hero a 'stupid wannabe' and sometimes adding the 'hero' at the end

I signed, I kinda miss those times...

Just after, the teacher came in

"Quiete down everyone" He shushed
"So, before we start anything, I want to introduce you someone new, please come in" The teacher said to the door

"I knew it!" I heard someone whisper shout behind me

Then, a girl came in

She was kind of short, had long blond waivy hair up in two ponytails, some of her hair still loose in the back
She had what seemed like greenish eyes, light freckles dusted all over her face
She had a nervous smile, looking down, her pink backpack sticking out compared to the black uniform she was wearing

She went in front of the class and started, "Umm.. I- hi everyone.." She mumbled but everyone could hear
Her eyes were still looking down

"M-my name is Aika, Aika Kyogaku... My quirk is 'Melody'" She fidgeted with her thumbs
"I can turn any of my emotions towards someone into a song I start to s-sing, then what I feel is materialised.. or not.. towards said person. Most of my.. desires come true when I sing, except for death and love.. I can't kill with my quirk nor make someone fall in love. It also goes that I can't revive an already diceased person.." She finally looked up, now a shy smile on her lips

"That's all I think.. I hope we can get along and maybe be friends..?" She finally finished

Wow.. Her quirk sure sounds interesting!

"Ok Kyogaku, you can go sit on the place.." The teacher trailed off, scanning the room until his gaze felt upon one of the only empty desks in the class, "right in front of Midoriya!" He finished off
"Midoriya, please raise your hand so Kyogaku knows where to go" He added soon after

I slowly raised my hand up
Kyogaku's gaze met mine as she smiled and started to walk up to her new desk
I tried smiling back

"Good morning Midoriya" She softly whispered as she sat down and took her things out

"G-good morning.." I whispered back

I'm sure after she knows who I actually am, she won't even smile so genuinely at me like that
After all, I'm just plain old Deku

"Ok class, take your..." And the class trailed off

◖Time skip to lunch break◗  

When the bell could be heard, the teacher quickly dismissed class as people started to walk out the door

Kyogaku turned to me, smiling

Please God, don't make her hate me like everyone, it would be nice to have her as a friend-

"Heyy Midoriya! I umm.. I was just wondering if I could eat lunch with you and umm.. Maybe others, who knows..?" She said, scratching the back of her neck

"O-of course! But it's j-just that-" I was cut off by a group of girls walking up to us

"Hey Kyogaku, was it? We were wondering if you wanted to join us for lunch!" A girl happily stated

"Sure!" Kyogaku exclaimed, "What do you think Midoriya?" She asked, now turning up to me

"I-I-I-" I shuttered
I really didn't know what to say

"Ew no, not with this looser!" An other girl from the group said

"Huh? Why not? And why are calling him a looser?" Kyogaku asked, confused

"Girl, he's quirkless, he's the looser of the school, the plain useless Deku as Bakugou and his friends over there like to call him" A third girl explained, pointing at a group of boys, a blond in the middle

"You know that's just rude to say right?" Kyogaku retorted

"Whatever, it's not like anyone cares!" The same girl said

"But I do!" Kyogaku exclaimed while standing up and taking her lunch bag

She pushed the girls to the side, offering her hand to me
"Come on Midoriya, let's go eat alone"

My eyes widened

Did she just defend me? And still wants to eat with me? But why?

"O-oh! Ok.." I quickly grabbed my luck bag then her hand

She pulled me right out of my seat, next to her

We started walking out of the classroom as my eyes met with Kacchan's cold stare
I just ignored him

- No one's POV -

The group just stood there, not knowing how to react

"And here I thought she was the shy type.. She sure knows how to stand up for others.." A girl from the group signed out
"Why Midoriya though?"
