
Kai growled as he thought about how much his life had gone wrong in the past few days. First, he got shot out of the sky then he got trapped in the valley with cliff faces too steep to climb. To make things worst he lost part of his tail, crippling him for life. After that, he had met the world's most pathetic looking warrior who was currently the only one that knew Kai's location. His life pretty much sucked right now, and now, whenever he wanted to fly, he needed Jay to help or he'd crash and burn.

Kai was his puppet now, even though the human would never see it like that.

All freedom had just been stripped away from the dragonblood, but then again, maybe this was then going back to the lair; to the souls, Kai had the misfortune of calling family. Either way, he was stuck here and only Jay knew that. Kai couldn't contact anyone, not that he'd want to, and if Jay told anyone he'd be as good as dead. He glanced at the teen and saw he was sitting a few feet away from him on a small rock. Jay looked like a drowned rat with his wet hair clinging to his face and his clothes darkened and dripping.

Kai could also faintly see he was shivering, but the human didn't say anything.

Kai didn't know whether to laugh or growl again. Humans were so stubborn it was frustrating.

"No one is to know I'm here." He said sternly.

"I'm not completely stupid, I know what they would do." He replied and an awkward silence followed, but suddenly Jay perked up with a small gasp, an idea written on his face almost. "How about we make a deal?" He said and Kai raised an eyebrow.

"A deal?" He asked and Jay nodded excitedly.

"We help each other out; I'll try and modify your new tail so you can fly whenever and wherever you want if you can help me." He offered and the dragonblood smirked. Jay wasn't as dumb as he looked.

"What do I have that you could possibly want?" Kai said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Jay looked away, seemingly ashamed of what he was about to ask.

"I need to pass Dragonblood training-"

"And you want me to tell you how to defeat the other dragonbloods?" Kai finish, finally understanding what the teen wanted. Jay looked terribly guilty, but Kai couldn't help but laugh. "You...want" He cackled as he tried to stop laughing, but it was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard. This was why the brunette had no idea why he said this.

"Sure." He said, out of breath from all the laughing, and Jay's eyes widened so much he thought they would pop out of his skull.

"Really?" He cried in shock and Kai shrugged.

"Why not? I tell you what you need to pass, and if I do this you can help me fly." He replied and Jay's face lit up. They shook on it, and the first truce was made between a Dragonblood and a Human was officially made. "So what will you be fighting tomorrow?" He asked, though Jay still looked guilty, yet somehow relieved Kai had agreed to help him. Kai swore he could read him like a book.

"Um... I think Edna said something about a Wind Dragonblood." He replied and Kai had to admit he was surprised by the fact. Honestly, Wind Dragonbloods may have been smaller than most, but they were incredibly fast and light on their feet, especially in the air. If the others were at Jay's level, Kai dreaded to think about what could happen.

"How many students have died?" He asked and Jay looked over at him as if he was insane.


"A Wind Dragonblood isn't exactly weak."

"Ed told us that." He replied and Kai frowned. Jay didn't seem to understand the danger he was really in. Not that Kai cared or anything.

"Some Wind Dragonbloods can suck the air right out of your lungs." He added casually and Jay seemed fine with the new information, sitting there as if nothing happened. That is until Kai's words started to sink in and his blue eyes widened in horror.

"WHAT?!" He shrieked and started ranting as he paced back and forth in front of the Fire Dragonblood. Kai simply rolled his eyes.

"They're not that hard to defeat." He said and Jay's eyes narrowed.

"FOR YOU MAYBE!" He cried and Kai's smirk widened. To be fair, most other dragonbloods were really easy for him to beat.

"True, but to suck the air out of your lungs would take a lot of concentration and skill." He explained, not seeing how Jay paled, looking ready to pass out. When he did notice, Kai sighed. "I know it sounds bad."

"No...really?" He snapped and Kai glared at the boy, shaking his head at his failed sarcasm.

"It sounds bad, but its attack relay on movement." He explained carefully, and Jay didn't look quite as scared. "As long as you get the others not to panic and keep moving, it's weak; wipe out his defenses until there's an opening." He said and the smaller boy's face lit up like a giant weight was just taken off his shoulders. He stood back up and started to run off.

"Thanks, Kai!" He exclaimed as Kai jumped up, but he was already out of reach.

"Wait! What about the deal?!"

"Tomorrow, I promise! See ya!" He called back as he ran up the small trail between the cliffs, and even though Kai was only an inch or so taller, it was still too small for him to get out through.

"JAY!" Kai shouted but he was long gone. The brunette groaned, before walking over to a tree. The sky was starting to darken and he realized just how much time had gone by. He sighed, promising that if Jay doesn't come back tomorrow he swore he'd kill him, but deep down in the back of his mind he knew Jay wasn't the kind to break promises. So for now, all Kai could do was hope he didn't get himself killed in that stupid training thing he did...


"Today is about teamwork!" Ed called as his wife unlocked the massive cage, and before the teens could even see it fully open, they were suddenly blasted back by a powerful gust of wind. Remembering something they had all learned in pre-school, they quickly gathered into groups of two. Zane went back to back with Jay. The freckled teen was more than glad to have a better fighter on his side. As soon as everyone regained their footing, the Wind Dragonblood shot out of its cage in its dragon form.

It darted around the cage at incredible speed as Jay examined its form.

Bright emerald eyes sat rooted within the creature's thorny, scaled skull, which gave the beast a threatening-looking appearance. Several small horns sat atop its head, just above its enormous, cat-like ears. A few small fan-like skins and bone structures ran down the sides of its jawline. Its nose was small and had two long, slitted nostrils that sent out a blast of air with every breath. Several huge teeth poke out from the side of its mouth and gave a slight hint at the terror hiding inside.

A short, skinny neck ran down from its head and into a slender body.

The top was covered in dark green, almost black, curved scales and rows of fan-like growths ran down its spine and its bottom was covered in thick black scales. Four powerful limbs carried its body and allowed the creature to stand imposing and sturdy. Each limb had three digits, each of which ended in strong nails seemingly made of bone. Unlike most of them, Wind Dragonbloods didn't have wings. Instead, they used their power over the wind to propel them into the air and fly around.

Its long tail ended in a sharp, arrowhead-shaped tip and was covered in the same curved scales as its body.

"Now, if a dragonbloods wings or tails are damaged or tangled, they have difficulty flying, however, a Wind Dragonblood is extra tricky," Ed explained. "Having no wings, it relies on its control over the wind to fly, but it still needs it's tail to control its flight."

"Your job is to ground the beast before it harms you," Edna added as the dragonblood started flying around over them. It had heavy shackles around its legs to weigh it down. It could still fly but nowhere near the skill it would be if it was free. All the teens had a bola each to throw at the creature's tail. Jay didn't know why, but when scared, Zane had a habit of listing all the things that make the threat more dangerous.

"Can create gusts of winds that could travel at speeds of 173 mph, uses its powers to control clouds to help blend into the sky, so quiet you won't know it's behind you until your laying near dead..."

"Will you please stop that?" Jay hissed, already scared enough as it was. As the beast flew around above them, Ronin stupidly threw his bola at it, but it missed and hit Dareth and the younger brother fell over under the weight of the bola. He went to get up but screamed like a little girl as he was blasted by a strong gust of wind and into a wall.

"Oh, I am hurt! I am very much HURT!" The brunette cried as ran past his brother and Zane gulped, looking into the creature's eyes.

"Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now." He muttered when the Wind Dragonblood flicked it's tail, sending a whip of air towards the pale teen, and Zane screamed while running backward towards Jay. They turned and saw dark green eyes glowed above them, and Zane got ready to throw his bola.

"Zane wait!" Jay cried, but it was too late. Zane launched his bola at the monster above them, but the dragonblood gracefully moved out the way and dodged Cole's bola as well, just like Kai had warned Jay about. Zane's bola clattered to the ground and he laughed nervously as the long dragonblood finally landed on the ground to face the teens. Up close, it looked strong enough to kill them all in one blow.

"Woops..." Zane gulped as it fired its most powerful blast of wind yet to finish him off and Edna jumped.

"Zane!" She screamed in fear. Jay didn't know how, but the tall albino managed to commando roll out of the way. The blast missed him and he managed to run out of the arena where the others were taking cover since they were all out of bolas as well. So now it was just Jay and the monster. Ed looked over to the others, and after seeing them safe turned back to the ginger-haired teen.

"Now Jay!" He cried. Jay was about to throw his bola when the Wind Dragonblood suddenly charged him. He went to dodge, but tripped up, causing the bola to fall out of his hands and slide across the floor, leaving him completely defenseless. Everyone watched him and his brain worked overtime as Kai's words played in his head. Jay held his breath, and everyone else did too, as the teen pounced for the bola. The beast kept firing smaller blasts of air at him, trying to knock him off his feet.

Jay followed Kai's instructions and kept moving around and never stayed in one place too long so the dragonblood couldn't land a hit.

As soon as he grabbed it, Jay threw the bola and by some miracle, it hit its target. Everyone watched in shock as the bola wrapped tightly around the end of the dragonblood's tail, trapping it and grounding the beast. The whole monster seemed to shudder, before jumping up to try and make one last escape attempt. It was in vain, however, and it ended up falling to the arena's ground with a heavy thud. Jay allowed a small smile of self-pride to grow on his face at taking down such a strong dragonblood.

The creature tensed, and everyone watched in awe as Jay herded it back into the cage.

It wanted to fire a blast at him, but it was too scared and couldn't fly to give it an advantage.

"Back, back, back!" He exclaimed loudly. Another step forward, another step back. The Wind Dragonblood glared at him, all it could do was back away from the small human. The others slowly walked forward as well, with looks of shock on their faces. Cole actually looked distressed; he'd not been able to do such a feat. Soon the dragonblood was finally backed into the corner of the cage.

"Now, don't you make me tell you again! Yes, that's right, ack into your cage; now think about what you've done." He grinned as he shut the cage doors. He quickly locked them and once he was sure the beast was secured, he turned back to see the others. They were all frozen in amazement, Zane actually dropped his shield. Jay was slightly creeped out by their expressions. They were looking at him as if he was the monster.

" are we done? 'Cause I've got some things I need to do..." He said nervously but no-one moved, and it was hard to tell if they were even breathing. "Yep, I'll see you tomorrow!" He said and ran out of the arena as fast as he could, and could feel the daggers being glared into his back. Right now, however, he needed to go see Kai, for Jay was not one to break his promises...
