
After getting away from the Fire Dragonblood, Jay returned to Ninjago and walked up to the great hall. This was where everything happened; tournaments, meetings and this is where everyone ate. They could eat in their homes but many people preferred to eat with all their friends and family. As he walked in, Jay could hear Ed giving everyone a theory lesson as Edna served them some dinner.

"All right, where did Cole go wrong in the ring today?"

"I rushed to my left when I should have moved to the right, that would have to give me the perfect opening; it was a stupid mistake," Cole growled.

"No no, you were great!" Zane smiled, trying to make more friends.

"Cole's right." Ed corrected. "You need to be tough on yourselves, now, where did Jay go wrong?" He asked as the freckled teen stumbled over to an empty table with a small plate of food, ignoring the looks and muffled snickers from the others.

"He showed up." Harumi laughed.

"He didn't get eaten," Dareth smirked

"He's never where we should be." Cole glared at him.

"Thank you for that answer, Cole." Ed sighed as he walked over to an old massive book on a pedestal in the corner, picked it up, and dropped it on the table the others were sitting at. "You kids need to live and breathe all this stuff, now, this is the dragonblood guide, it contains everything we know about every dragonblood species we know of." He explained he dropped the book on the table for the teens. While the others looked at the cover of the old book, Edna looked out one of the windows of the hall as thunder clapped loudly overhead.

"No attacks tonight, you youngsters study up." She instructed before she walked off with her husband as Harumi gave the older couple a horrified look.

"Wait, you want us to read?" She cried. "Why read words when you can just smurf the stuff the words tell you about?"

"I've read it seven times." Dareth smiled and Ronin had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "There's this dragonblood that can mimic your form, and there's this other one that-"

"Yeah, that sounds great, there was a chance I'd read it but not now." Plundar sighed before he and Harumi left for their huts. Ronin sighed before he and Dareth stood up and followed them out, leaving Zane and Cole alone at the table. Jay waited for a moment before he nervously walked over to them and gulped.

"S-So I guess we'll share?" He grinned.

"Read it already," Cole said as he pushed the book to the other two and walked away.

"I will read it with you if you want to?" Zane offered.

"Sure." Jay grinned, that was the first time someone had actually said yes. Jay took a seat and Zane opened the book to the first chapter.

"Dragonblood classifications: Strike Class, Fear Class, Mystery Class." Zane read out loud.

"Sound Dragonbloods: This reclusive dragonblood inhabits caves and isolated areas," Jay added. "When startled, the Sound Dragonblood produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range; extremely dangerous, kill on sight."

"Speed Dragonbloods: This lean creature has razor-sharp wings that can slice through full-grown trees and it is said that they can reach top speeds of 360 mph; extremely dangerous, kill on sight.

"Nature Dragonbloods: Shoots razor-sharp leaves at its victims; extremely dangerous."

"Poison Dragonbloods: Even newly hatched dragonbloods can spray acid; kill on sight." Jay groaned as they continued to flip through the hundreds of pages. He flinched and grimaced at the sight of disturbing illustrations of dragonbloods in their dragon forms attacking and slaughtering humans. After a few minutes of reading, Jay took the chance to find out about the creature that was currently stuck in a bowl of rock

"So, what do you know about Fire Dragonbloods?" He asked casually, only to look confused when he saw Zane's face grow solemn and the blonde closed the book.

"I know about them, I've never actually seen one; but their cold, cruel, vile creatures, and every last one of them should be wiped from this planet." He spat venomously. Jay looked down to the cover of the book, knowing he'd probably regret what he was about to say.

"You sound like you speak from experience." He muttered and Zane looked away from him so he couldn't see his eyes.

"My mother and my little brother; they were both killed by a Fire Dragonblood, they didn't do anything, people told me they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." He growled and Jay felt his eyes tear up as he covered his mouth with his hand.

"I'm so sorry Zane."

"It's alright Jay, that's why I asked my father if we could move here," Zane replied as he looked right at the ginger, and Jay could have sworn he almost didn't recognize him. There was a murderous glint to his eyes, all traces of the gentle boy Jay knew gone. "If I ever find the Fire Dragonblood, I am going to be the one to kill it; pure and simple, revenge." He seethed, his eyes appearing icier than before. Jay held his breath and tried not to look into those insane eyes.

Sensing his unease, Zane sighed, before putting on one of his signature smiles.

"I am sorry for my outburst Jay, but I best be off before my father worries." He stood up smiling, looking like the old Zane again. "Well, it was nice chatting with you, see you tomorrow!" He said and walked towards the exit and waved. Jay waved back, trying to be polite to his only friend on this island. He shut the door, and Jay let out the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding in. That was absolutely terrifying. He looked around and noticed for the first time that while they had been talking, everyone had left.

He stood up and re-lit a few candles in case anyone else came into the hall, before sitting back down with the book.

Taking a few more deep breaths, he opened the book like it was a new chapter of his life. He kept reading, the fear in his chest slowly becoming more and more evident with his racing heart. A flash of thunder suddenly rolled in the distance and Jay screamed. He turned towards the door as lighting flashed temporarily lighting the dark, silent room. Realizing it was nothing to fear, yet anyway, he slowly turned back to the old book about the many types of dragonbloods.

He flicked through the pages, the drawing of dragonbloods seeming to come to life on the pages.

The more he read, the more disturbing the drawings became. Jay's eyes widened in fear, and he was certain he was going to suffer a stroke with how fast it was beating. He turned the pages as fast as possible but the more gruesome facts still seemed to jump out at him. He read how dragonbloods stole from their victims, stabbed their victims, or tortured their victims. Just as he was about to slam the book shut and hide away in his bed, a seemingly blank page came up.

At first, Jay thought it was a type of error, but looking at the top of the page he saw a single word printed in fine black ink that made his face pale in terror.

"Fire Dragonbloods." He read-out-loud, dread, and fear evident in his voice. He looked at the bottom of the page, and sure enough, there was the information. Unfortunately, its strength was unknown and its speed was also unknown. The book described this dangerous beast as the unholy offspring of power and death itself. The book strongly advised that no one should ever challenge this monster, their only chance was to hide and pray it does not find them.

Jay reached into his pocket and pulled out his notepad.

Opening to the page of his most recent sketch, he placed the smaller book down in the large space under the title of the Fire Dragonbloods' blank page. The drawing sat slightly crooked on the nearly blank page like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, only without a box to look at. Jay had always liked puzzles. Even with all the terrifying stories about how dangerous this dragonblood was, he looked forward to completing this one...


A group of large boats slowly cut through the dark, misty waters. While most of them dragged behind the largest one, a fine white ship led the group, like a pack of wolves going in for the kill. A massive cloud of fog confronted the boats like a solid wall, and the ships came to a stop a few meters away. Cliff Gordon stood at a table on the deck, closely studying a map of the known world.

"I can almost smell them, they're close." He frowned as he turned towards the fog wall that was only shown as a large, swirling grey mass on the map. He called to the others and the boats moved along the wall for a few more minutes, before Cliff gave the command. The others aboard started screaming orders around the grand boat.

"Hard to port! For the Devil's Gate."

"Hard to port!"

All the ships turned and slowly moved into the thick of the fog. For a split second, nothing could be seen or heard. A bright flash lit the sky and a dragon's shape could be seen in the fog followed by people screaming...
