Step Fourteen:You Learn The Truth

Step Fourteen:You Learn The Truth

Merida chocked as smoke fillled her lungs. Her vision blurred she felt something grab her she started to lash out at the person. Only to stop when she met Rapunzels faces, "Calm down its gonna be alright."

Rapunzel helped her friend to her feet. Merida eyes widen as she watched the people fighting in front of her. Vikings and dragons everywhere. If it wasn't for Rapunzel pulling her she would have ran to fight them.

She wanted to so bad but knew she was weapon-less. Her and Punz quickly ran out of the room and up the stairs towards Meridas room. But half way up Merida paused, her family she had to help them she went to turn but Punz stopped her.

"We have to go!" Punz yelled over the crys and screams of falling warriors.

"Aye got to get me family, aye have to protect my kingdom," she went to turn and leave again but Punz grabbed her wrist tightly.

"No!" Rapunzel cried, "I promised your mother that if this ever happened I'd get you out here, besides I was ordered to protect the queen which was your mother but now its you im gonna protect you."

"Why? No matter what orders anyone gave ye, yer don't have to ye can save yer self!" Mer pointed.

"No your my best friend and you'd do the same for me," Tears fell down her faces as she looked at her redhead friend, "You can't go down there your defenseless!"

"Yes aye can Punz, it my kingdom, aye have to help!"

"You can help if your dead! As soon as you go down there they'll kill you," Punz pulled Merida higher up the steps, "You can't fight now, you need weapons, then you can go,"

Merida nodded running up the steps with her friend. Just as Merida stepped through the door Rapunzel slammed the door locking it. Merida turned running to the small window. "Rapunzel let me out this instance."

Rapunzel shook her head pulling a sword off on of the walls holding it in both hands, "Im sorry Merida I can't let you die."

Merida let out a angery scream, "Rapunzel aye open the door, thats a order!"

Rapunzel shook she went to reach to open the door but someone stopped her, "No," it was Elinor.

"Mum ye got to let me out aye have to fight-,"

"Listen Merida!" Elinor spoke calm.

"No aye am the Queen now ye listen to me!" Merida shouted.

"Im sorry Merida," with that Elinor took a sword herself and ran down the stairs leaving Merida and Rapunzel.

"Punzie please!" Merida cried.

"I promised to keep you safe, I promised to take care of my ally, I promised to take care of the Queen," Rapunzel explained,  "And I don't break my promises."

With that Rapunzel went down the stairs, "RAPUNZEL!" Merida turned away from the door looking around the room quickly she put her bow and arrows around her before tying on a cloke to cover them.

Pulling on her hood she looked around trying to find away she could get out. She heard a dragon screech. She quickly ran to the door seeing a Monsterous Nightmare. Hiccup had taught her all about dragons. Including how to make them mad.

"Aye!" She yelled startling it. She smirked taking a apple from one of a bowl she had ob her desk. She throw it through the door window hitting the dragon.

It instantly bursted into flames breaking through the door, avoiding the flames Merida got around it and out the door. Quickly she rushed down the steps just in time to watch her best friend crumble to the floor with bloody gash in her head.

Letting a sod she ran to her friend soem how making it through the fighting mob of people. She fell to the floor pulling her friend in my lap. "Rapunzel," she cried, "Please wake up, wake up!"

Her friends grip on her sword went limp hitting the floor with a clatter. As a viking rushed towards her she grabbed it laying Rapunzle down before standing protectively infront of her.

"You promised to take care of me, now I promise to protect you," Merida whispered.

She looked around the room watching the fights. She knew why they were here. They were here for her it was obvious. As she listened to the screams, crys, weapons falling something snapped. Her own words echoed in her mind.

She said she would protect her kingdom and she would. Raising her sword she clided it with the viking infront of her. He was tall with red hair and beard. Her hood fell her crown shimmering in the light.

Many of the vikings seen it and they knew they found the queen. Before Merida could reacted she found her own sword falling hitting the ground. And at that moment she knew she was caught.

And possibly dead. She could here her mothers crys and her peoples battle crys. But she didn't even flinch, however she cried. Not just for her lossing the fight, but her fallen people, for her familys tears, for her best friend in the world Rapunzel, and for the boy she loved Hiccup, who wasn't here to save her like in fairytales.

But then again she never believed in thoses fairytales which always end happily, she stuck to the legends and the lessons they taught because at least she learned something from thoses most of the time. And unlike fairytales, legends rang with truth and none of those truths were a Viking dragon train with gorgeous eyes.


"You have to let me go Jack!" Hiccup yelled.

"Why?" Jack demand standing infront of the green eyed boy.

"Because somethings not right!" Hiccup explained.

He had a sick feeling in his chest screaming something was wrong and he feared it had to do with Merida. "Whats not right?" Jack wondered.

"I don't know but I have to make sure shes okay!" Hiccup replied as he flew out of the cove Jack by his side.

"Who she? Astrid?"

"No shes- a friend I met while I wss gone, I think somethings wrong and it has to do with I got to help her!" Hiccup says.

"Listen whoever this girl you head over heels with now-"

"Im not head over heels I don't wear heels, if any one does its you!"

"Hiccup I don't wear shoes,"

"Jack I got one foot!"

Jack rolled his eyes, "Just land stay intill your father returns and then I'll help you get away!"

Hiccup froze looking at his friend, "My father left why!"

"If I tell you will you stay intill he comes back,"

Hiccup looked at Toothless he knew he had to get to Merida but he couldn't let Jack know about her. He also knew Jack would follow him if he did leave. So he nodded hoping Merida could hold on a bit lomger.

Omce they were on the ground Hiccup crossed his arms and looked at Jack, "So..."

"You father left to capture The New Queen of Scotland to get the people to surrender, " Jack says quickly, "Hes trying to put a end to this war,"

Hiccups eyes widen and the sicking filling grew. What if Merida was caught in the fight? What if shes hurt? What if shes...dead?

"How do you know they won't just get a new queen?" Hiccup questioned.

"We don't,"

"What if they do decide to forget about the queen after shes here?"

"Then we won't have no uses for her I guess," Jack said, "What do vikings do when they have no uses for something?"

Hiccup closed his eyes letting the answer flow from his lips, "They get rid of it.."


Merida struggled in the tight chains that bonded her legs. She watched as vikings ran around working. She didn't flinch at the dragons she wasn't scared of them. She also wasn't scared of vikings.

As she sat the images of the events that had occurred not to long before flashed before her eyes. She remembered seeing Rapunzel and her stomach twisted. Tears burned in her eyes and her anger raised it took everything not to reach for the bow and arrows hidding under her cloke.

They hadn't bothered to check her for weapons maybe it was because they wouldn't expect the queen to know how to uses any. It wasn't 'ladylike' as her mother would say. Oh how Merida missed her mother and her lectures.

Sighing Merida leaned her head back against the pole her legs were chain to. "Don't worry your highness will be reaching Berk soon," a man who had one arm and one leg spoke.

Merida knew it was Gobbler remembering Hiccups description of the man.She also knew that the man who had grabbed her with the red hair was the cheif. Merida pulled on her hood swiftly her fingers brushing against her cold crown. This made her flinch she was now Queen.

It was so strange to think of it. She Merida DunBroch the onces worsed Princess in the world possibly was now a Queen of  clans. She had sat there think of this for so long and deeply she didn't notice the boat bocking on a island known as Berk.

Meridas chains were removed and she was pulled to her feet. She didn't know that a certain Viking boy was standing on the dock angry for how his father never told him anaything. Stoick walked infront of the Queen who kept her head down her hood casting shadows over her faces.

She looked at the forest if she could get there she could hide, build a boat or something and go home. She just had to get past these. As Stoick stopped infront of his armed crossed son who Merida couldn't see. The Queen untangled her bow from around her pulling a arrow preparing it under her black cloke.

"Why di-" Hiccup had started to ask.

"I don't have time for this son," Stoick said.

Everyones eyes besides Meridas looked at the two quickly Merida raised her bow knowing this was her chance and aimed at Stoick. Before she could release it she was shoved to the ground by a familiar dragon Toothless. Her bow fell from her grip a arrow that was in he bag cut through her side.

She let out a cry her hood fell as did her crown which rolled like a wheel wavering then tipping landing in front of a viking. Merida watched two hands reach and grab the crown that had landed in front of him. Her blue eyes raised surprised at who it had met.

The person who held her crown was none other than Hiccup Haddock.

(A/N: I wanted to give you a Thanksgiving gift here it is I hoped you liked. Im pretty proud for this chapter.  I'll try and update soon.)
