Step Nineteen: You Tell Her You Love Her

Step Nineteen:You Tell Her You Love Her

In small moments like theses a person can find it hard to breath. Everything was still for only second until vikings launched at the Scott. Out of instinct she aimed her bow pointing it directly at the forehead of a viking not much older than her.

Her father had taught her to shoot at threats, but were they really? In there eyes she was a threat. Not much of one but a threat none the less. Slowly she stepped back giving more of a distance between her and the vikings.

Slowly she lowered her bow again, looked back and Hiccup being cautious of her surroundings. Letting out a breath she let out secrets that none of the vikings had known, "The wisps led me ta ye," she says, "and ayed know why they did why we found each other."

Everything was quiet again Hiccup nodded softly. Merida let out another breath a bit more shaky. She closed her eyes only for a second before opening them.

"Ay think it was to end this," She says. Slowly she took a breath speaking the story that had taught her many lessons. Ones she knew would probably fly over most of there heads. "Once there was an ancient kingdom. It's name long forgotten,

ruled by a wise and fair king who was much beloved. And when he grew old he divided the kingdom among his four sons.

That they should be the pillars on which their piece of land rested. But the oldest prince wanted to rule the land for himself, he followed his own path and the kingdom fell, from war and chaos and ruin."

Merida shakily finished the vikings didn't see phased by any of it. Stoick picked up a sword, "Thats a nices story," he said. It was sarcam obviously he didn't care about some stupid story like Merida had once not.

As he got closer Merida raised her bow again, "It's not just a story. Legends are lessons and they ring with truths," she says, backing farther away, "Don't ye see? In the end we both lose, we must stop the war or they'll be nothin left! We can stop it all there has ta be a way."

This caused the chief to pause. Merida slowly lowed her bow setting down her weapons than holding up her hands in surrender. Hiccup eyes widen what was she doing? Panicked and still in shock, he started making his way towards her and his father.

Merida spoke slowly, "I'm not gonna fight ye, aye surrender, if ye believe that after I'm done speaking that it won't work, ye can do whatever ye want, all ay ask is ye listen for just a second."

"Merida!" Hiccup called his heart pound. He couldn't let her do this, he couldn't lose her.

Just as she looked at him with her blue eyes. Oh how she loved him. "Everything will be okay," she says sounding like something Punz would say at this time. This brought tears to her eyes, she'd might never see her friend again, or anyone she loved again.

In the next few moments she could be dead, along with the chances of the end of this war. Hiccup knew this too. Which made him sick to his stomach. Toothless nudged his side trying to provide comfort. Hiccup gave him a soft smile.

"Equal ruling," Merida spoke.

This caused the vikings to laugh, "Easier said than done," Stoick said he raised a sword, Merida's hands shook slightly in fear but she clinched them into fist and stood strong.

"No!" Hiccup shouted but nobody even glanced his way.

"We 'ave ta try!" Merida says her voices rang in everyones ears, "Listen, ay just want ta do whats right 'ere, aye want ta protect those aye love and yer son is one of them!"

Stoick frozes as did everyone. Merida put her hands togther bowing her head slightly than turned to Hiccup who stood stiff. She had said she loved him again, and this time Hiccup didn't run away instead he took a step forward.

"Merida-" he started but was just off by Merida's scream.

She shrieked in pain as she was lifted off the ground by a dragon, its claws digging into her shoulders and back. Her eyes filled with fearful tears looked up she'd knew this dragon. Hiccup had drawn it for her so she could see what it looked like. It seemed like years ago.

It was a deadly nadder, its scales mainly blue. Merida gasped as she was raised higher into the sky. Until the huge vikings weren't so big anymore. The dragon flew fast towards a large platform of rocks, some grass and wood not to far from Berk.

The dragon dived slinging the Scott against the rocks. She hissed as her body scrapped against the rock. Her head smacked against one making everything slighty fuzzy. Blood ran down her head. Her dressed ripped covered with dirt and red liquid from scrape wounds.

Meridas vision became slightly clear she came in face with a blonde. Astird. In her hand she held her ax. It gleemed in the setting sun. "I want let you and your stupid clans hurt Berk!"

Merida spoke her voice quivering in pain, "Aye want ta s-stop, the...t-the w-ar am not gonna hurt a-anyone."

Astrid stepped more towards the weapon less Queen. The look in her eyes told Merida she didn't believe or trust her. In fact most likely never wood. Astird got closer throwing a glance up as she seen Hiccup along with the rest of the gang flying towards them, "Stormfly stop them."

Suddenly the sky was lit in flames and flying spikes. Merida still on the ground in to much pain to stand turned slight looking around for anything she could use to protect herself. Her attention was brought back to the girl viking when Astrid stepped on her ankle.

"Ah!" Merida groaned.

Blood now caked part of her faces. She blacked out slightly from pain, her eyes reopened to find flames circling the small platform. Burning the bit of wood and grass. "You have no were to run," Astrid says.

Astrid walked until she was standing over the redhead. Merida's eyes widen as the girl raised her ax over her head. Before she could bring it all the way down Merida kicked out her unhurt leg. Causing  her attacker to fall.

The ax skid away. Merida angery now, threw herself up, and over so she was pinning Astrid down under her. Something happened in those few seconds everything peaces, love, humanity was forgotten leaving Merida an enraged animal. A mama bear who was determined to protect her cub, a wolf hungery for its prey.

Her fingers curled around a rock she raised it above her head ready to bring it down and bash it into the viking girls skull. Then she froze to the sound of her attackers cry, "Please!" Astrid said.

There Merida stood knowing hundreds of eyes watched her from a distance. Blood dripping down her face. She watched the tears fall down the vikings. Astrid nose bled from the impact of the ground when Merida had knocked her down.

Fear seemed to come from the two. Both scared not of each other but themselves. Meridas arms fell and she dropped the large rock. Realization finally hit them both, they almost did something they would both regret.

Astrid had tried to kill Merida who had done nothing wrong. And Merida had almost killed Astrid even though she was trying to make peaces between vikings and Scotts. They both almost joined a war that they both wanted to end.

"I'm sorry," Astrid whispered.

Merida dizzily nodded, "I'm sorry too."

Before she could get off the dragon pushed her. Merida tried to catch herself but was to weak. She smacked the ground her hand brushing the ring of flames around the platform. She then found herself being lift off the ground again and into the sky.

Her eyes found Hiccups who had been trying to reach her own Toothless. The dragon brought her over the cold water. "STORMFLY NO!" Astrid yelled, but it was too late.

Merida screamed as she landed in the cold icy water. Water filled her lungs. Hiccup let out a yell, "Merida," before diving with Toothless into the dark waters. The last bit of sun started to leave the sky, as they bursted through the top of the water.

Hiccups arms wrapped around the Scott. Toothless landed on the docks. Hiccup got down and carefully laid the queen down. Her mouth slightly parted her skin pale. The blood was almost completely washed off her.

"Merida," Hiccup gasped. He ignored the vikings around him, and pressed his ear against her chest. Listening, his whole body shock as he heard nothing. "No," he whispered. After a second it hit him and tears started to whelm in his eyes, "N-no."

Sitting up he quickly pressed his lips to the Scott and blew air in. He then sat up putting his hands and pushing her chest. As he did CPR he sobbed.

"No, Merida, breath, come on...I can't loses you," he says, "O-open your eyes pleases...I-I c-ant live without, seeing y-your e-eyes, pleases." It seemed like hours but really it was only seconds. "You have to live...I-I c-can' have to...Theres so much I..I have to tell you.... pleases!"

Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder and he barley glanced at his father. He pushed the chief's hand away and continued to try and bring his love back. "Hiccup, shes gone you need to stop."

"No...I can't pleases...Mer come back....I never got to tell you," he chocked. His friends came and pulled him away.

"Hiccup shes gone, you have to stop," Jack says.

Elsa stood behind him her faces in her hads crying."No, she can't be, she can't, I never got to tell her...I never got to tell her...I love her....I have to tell her I love her!"

Hiccup pulled away from his friends and went back to Merida. He looked at her pale lifeless face and let out a quiet sob. Slowly he pushed the wet red curls back. His head screamed shes dead but his heart was breaking. The sound it made was loud, blocking the voices in his head.

It made him unable to except she was gone. He layed his forehead against hers. Letting his tears fall on her wet face. "Im sorry...this is my fault...if I would have told you who I was in the beginning...if I won't have ran way when you told me you loved me...if I...if I would have just listen to my heart... maybe this wouldn't of happened."

He wanted to also blame Astrid, the war, his father, Berk, Scotland, the wisps. But every time he tried it felt wrong. No matter how much any of thoses things had played in this moment now, all of it didn't seem to compare to himself.

He should have faught harder. He should have protect her more. "I'm so sorry...I love you...I love you so much..." Hiccup sat up slightly.

He leaned down to kiss her one last time, but stopped as wisps lit up around them. He looked at them and then at Merida who started to choke up water. It sputtered from her mouth and she looked at him.

Her blue eyes tired, "Hicc..."

Hiccup let out a cry, his hands rubbed Merida's face, "Your alive," he says, "Thank Thor!" He pulled her into a hug causing her to flinch but she relaxed after a moment. "I'm  sorry you almost died it all my fault if I would have..."

"Shh...its okay it wasn't ye fault...its okay," As they pulled away Merida smiled sadly, "Its my fault aye shouldn't 'ave attacked Astrid, her dragon simply over protective."

"I love you," Hiccup says.

Merida looked at him a few tears of joy fell down her cheeks, "and aye love ye." Before she could think of what she was doing she kissed him.

The kiss was warm and made they stomachs flip. It made them oblivious to the vikings around them. They pull apart, "Maybe equal ruling could work," Stoick spoke.

The two looked at him and smiled. Merida let out a laugh in relief. The wisps around them disappeared and Merida looked at Hiccup, "Aye spent a lot of my life trying to change my fate, aye learned fate is change, and aye want ye ta know Hiccup...yer part of my fate aye would never change."

(A/N: So I kinda wanna get this story over with but note it is not over yet I still have next chapter and I thing a epilouge, so yah. Sorry for errors.

Whos seen frozen fever I thought it was adorable!

