
Chapter 15: Where Our Story Ends

1 Year Later

Virgil looked at himself in the mirror, nervously readjusting everything he could reach.
Patton laughed and spun him around, brushing off his shoulders.
"Don't worry. He's gonna love you. If he didn't you wouldn't be here right now."
Virgil huffed and nodded. "No... you're right. There's no way he's just going to abandon me at the altar... right?" Virgil's eyes widened. "Oh god what if he doesn't show? What if he leaves me halfway through?"
Patton rolled his eyes playfully and adjusted his tie. "I have word from Roman he's just as worried as you are, so you really have nothing to worry about."
Virgil breathed out and nodded.
He couldn't believe he was here.
Right now.
Getting married to the love of his life.

Logan had proposed on their first anniversary.
They'd been out walking. Logan had taken him out on a lovely date which consisted of a picnic that reeked of Patton and, as a little extra bonus, they fed the ducks as Logan taught him they couldn't actually eat bread.
As they neared the park exit, Virgil could feel Logan getting more nervous with each step, fiddling and jittery, biting his nails.
He suddenly stopped, grabbing Virgil by the back of the hoodie.
"Virgil would you wait here please?"
Virgil, confused, had just nodded. Logan awkwardly kissed him and walked off.
After ten minutes he got a text.
'Meet me at the bandstand.'
Virgil started walking, enjoying the scenery. It was much easier to enjoy your surroundings when there wasn't anyone after you.
He rarely thought about Dorian these days, but when he did, he almost felt bad for him. He was sympathetic, but he didn't regret what he did.
Everything was safer without him.
He could see Logan in the middle of the bandstand, which had been done up with fairy lights.
It looked magical, and Virgil was in awe.
"What's this...?"
Logan took a deep breath.
"We... didn't meet in an ideal situation, and we had a really tough few months after that... but you still chose me. You chose me despite everything and... you're still here. This was the best year I've had in my life Virgil so... I wanted to ask you something."
He got down on one knee, and Virgil shut down.
... No. No fucking way was this happening right now.
"Virgil Sanders... will you marry me?"

Patton seemed more excited than Virgil did about their engagement, but that was only because, as it turned out, both Roman and Logan had planned to propose at the same time.
Patton had squealed so loudly he'd scared Missy, their baby. He'd only calmed down when she started crying.
He was still giggling as he picked her up, rocking her about.
"Daddy and I are getting married, Miss. I-I'll officially be his husband." Patton sounded so giddy Virgil couldn't help but smile.
He held out his hand, looking at his ring. Logan really had the best eye for detail. It was absolutely beautiful. Patton was babbling happily to his baby, so Virgil decided to leave the room.
He could celebrate with Patton later.
Right now, he wanted to spend time with his fiancée.

Wedding preparations went by quickly. Before they knew it, they were sitting at Roman and Pattons wedding, Virgil rocking Missys cart back and forth to keep her quiet.
Logan hadn't said anything all day, just held Virgil's hand and looked... mesmerised.
After the kiss, Logan turned to him.
"In less than a month, it's our turn my love."
Virgil had just smiled and kissed him, leaning his head against his shoulder.

Logan could see everyone.
Virgil's family, Missy Lovett-Prince being held by Mrs Lovett, Pattons mother. Everyone he knew, assembled in this room as he waited for his fiancée.
He was really going to marry him. After all his objections during all his years... here he was. He felt light headed. Perhaps it was the giddiness, or the nervousness, or both. He could vaguely hear Roman behind him, muttering to himself about plans he had for the reception, going over a speech while they waited for Virgil.
Then there he was.
Virgil, walking down the aisle with Patton, looking every bit as stunning as Logan had hoped, and more.
They met eyes, and Virgil smiled softly, almost reassuringly, and Logan lost it.
He felt the first tear splash against his hand, and he grinned. The emotion was almost overwhelming.
There was nothing he loved more in the world than the man standing right before his eyes.
And he was lucky enough to get to spend the rest of his life with him.
Logan wiped his eyes, grinning like an absolute fool.
Virgil was giggling, he could hear him over the music that was playing.
His eyes looked glossy, and any second he looked like he'd burst into tears.
Perhaps he would.
Logan couldn't help it. As soon as Virgil was in front of him, he grabbed onto him and kissed him. Virgil giggled into the kiss, the sound a melody in Logan's ears.
"You're supposed to save that to the end." They heard Patton say.
They broke off, laughing. Virgil smiles at Logan.
"You look wonderful." He whispered.
Logan was speechless.
What are you supposed to say, when faced with perfection?

The ceremony passed by in a blur. By the end of it, everyone was in tears, and Virgil's shoulders were shaking from trying really hard not to sob.
If you told him a year ago he'd fall in love with the serial killer who'd kidnapped him, he would've laughed. He would've laughed directly in your face and probably told you to fuck off for good measure.
But even after what they'd been through, other serial killers, more kidnappings, beatings, near misses...
There was no one Virgil would rather have by his side than Logan Lattimer.
Virgil managed to completely ignore the celebrant for the last portion of the wedding, eagerly awaiting the end, when they'd have officially been married.

They sealed the deal with a kiss.
They have the rest of their lives.


I actually sobbed writing this. I've been working on this for over a year now and I've finally finished... I hope you all enjoyed it! Now, I'll be writing for my other stories, so you can... hop on over there if you like, because this one is officially closed! Thank you all so much I could not have done this without any of you. There are so many of you now... I can't believe it. Thank you. I love you all, I'll see you in other stories!
