

The couple had managed to drive safely to the airport. Once there the two rushed out to fly to the staff. "Transylvania!" Marcellus said as Y/n stood besides him trying to catch her breath. 

"you wanna go where?" the employee asked. "Transylvania" Y/n said "as soon as possible" Marcellus added. "We don't fly directly to Ttansylavaina" The employee said with no emotion in her voice.

"You don't?" Marcellus said with panic in his voice "you can go to Bucharest, but you'll have to switch planes in Chicago and then Zürich." the employee said. "When will we get there?" Y/n asked. 

"well, the Chicago flights delayed due to bad weather"  Marcellus stared at the woman before his his eyes turned red and his face illuminated red, his fangs showed more as he growled at the employee who didn't seem bothered one bit. "so two seats coach?" the employee said "no!" he frowned before he pulled out a Pancho. 

"..Marcellus..are you sure?" Y/n asked and Marcellus nodded to her. The two ran out of the airport and Y/n pulled out sunscreen out of nowhere. "Where did you get-..." Marcellus asked but stopped talking seeing how she was applying it on his face. "We want to get you there as quickly but SAFE as possible" she said and squeezed some of the sunscreen on his hand so he could apply it himself. 

Y/n checked everyone and noticed someone wearing a hat. She approached them. "Hello can I have that?" She pointed to their hat and they took it off and shook their head. "I'll give you a hundred dollars." she said and the person gladly handed it to her. 

They stuck out their hand and Y/n reached into her pocket and pulled out Leonardo's wallet that she totally didn't steal. "here's two hundred" she smiled and waved them goodbye. 

She placed it on Marcellus head and the two looked at each other with determination in their eyes to get home. 

Marcellus transformed into a bat and picked his wife up by her shirt and he flew them away. 

The two passed by some clouds that got stuck in Y/n's hair and afterwards were faced with a storm. 


"Honey look!" Y/n pointed to the hotel and Marcellus stared to fly even faster than before. Marcellus flew them both to the ground safely and Marcellus detransformed. " I'll look inside" He ran inside and seconds later was besides Y/n. "There not there..." He said. 

The eight landed right in front of them somehow not noticing them. 


Marcellus phone started to buzz and he picked it up seeing it was his dad calling him. "so, hey, when are you going to be here already. We've been waiting.." Dracula smiled nervously 

Y/n walked up to them and placed his phone down. His smile fell as he saw the couple were right in front of them. Marcellus hung up the phone as he walked closer to the group and the two glared at them.

"We just went out for some avocados" Dracula tried to explain but the two weren't having it. "Mommy we flew!" Denis said "I saw" Y/n said not amused as Marcellus showed a remix video of the twins falling to their almost death. 

The twins ran up to their parents and hugged both of them. 

Travis seemed a bit more shaken up then Denis as he was shaking once he was in his mothers arms. Y/n noticed this and patted his back reassuringly. "I'm taking them inside.." she said and walked with the two inside. 

"I was so worried that Travis, and Denis wasn't safe around other monsters. Now I don't even feel like he's safe around you." Marcellus said with an obvious saddened tone. Dracula looked at his son with a saddened expression as he walked up to him.

 "But I was just...." Dracula started  Marcellus crossed his arms "what was it you said? Human, monster, unicorn. That it didn't matter." Marcellus crossed his arms hoping that his dad would remember what he said to him on his wedding day. That whatever form Y/n was didn't matter as long as they love each other.  

Dracula seemed to remember and looked down in shame "we'll have the twins party here on Wednesday...Then we're moving" Marcellus said ignoring his fathers heartbroken expression at the final words.

 Dracula walked closer to his son "please...honey-bat..don't leave" Marcellus shook his head "maybe you let humans into your hotel, Dad. But I don't think you let them into your heart" he said before leaving the eight and making his way to his family. 


"Mommy it was amazing!" Denis said with a huge smile as he jumped up and down on the bed. "was it now? hmm...even more amazing then this!" Y/n picked up Denis and held him a firm manner as she soared him through the air. Denis laughed and shook his head "nope! nothings better then mommy!" Y/n smiled and kissed his forehead. 

Y/n put Denis back on the bed and turned to Travis "now...Travis what about you?" Travis shook his head "..scary.." Y/n frowned and kissed his forehead. Travis burst out into tears as he clung onto his mom. Denis stopped jumping on the bed and noticed how his brother was crying and frowned. 

"Love.." Marcellus said as he waited by the door to talk with his wife. She hummed and kissed the boys forehead and gave them a gentle smile and went outside to talk with her husband. 

"Travis...?" Travis looked at Denis and tears came out of eyes even more. 

Denis panicked and quickly gave him a hug. "Whats wrong?" Travis clung onto his brothers shirt. "I no-like flying..." He muttered and started to shake remembering the fear he felt when falling down on that tower with his brother. How close they were to death before Dracula saved them. 


 The eight were sitting in a camp-fire with the other vampires as they all sang songs. Dracula didn't want to stay there any longer and grabbed both of the twins hands and left the camp fire site. "Were going" he said leaving the group. Frank looked at him surprised "what? where?" he said and the seven followed Dracula as they made their way to the tower. 

"uh Dracu I don't think this is such a good idea..." Johnny called out as they kept climbing the tower. "you don't want to be separated from your best friend again do you?..and you're the last person I want to hear about my ideas" Dracula said as they continued to climb the tower.  

"I-I mean no but this is to much-" Johnny said but stopped hearing Travis trembling voice. "..uncle Johnny...scary.." Travis said as he looked down but got scared and closed his eyes. 

"No need to be worried little dude uncle Johnny got you!" Johnny said hoping it would calm him down but unfortunately it didn't as Travis kept his eyes covered. "Why are we doing this?" Murray asked as they continued climbing. "You'd rather be listening to those putrid new songs?" Dracula asked annoyed. "Yes!" Travis and literally everyone else minus Denis and Dracula called out. 

Once at the top Dracula looked at his grandson's with pride. "who's ready?" Denis eyes sparkled "Me! me! me!" He called out "not me! not me!" Travis said at the same time as Denis. "We'll be like a superhero!" Denis said making a superhero pose. Travis shook his head as his brothers excitement. "Better! like a vampire!" Dracula said with pride.

The others managed to climb onto the top with the three but were still holding onto the items. "Drac..this is too dangerous-" Dracula glared at him and Johnny frowned "maybe they aren't supposed to fly" He continued but Dracula shook his head "quiet. This is how they learn. You throw them and they figure it out. It's how I was taught." 

"I wanna fly!" Denis said "Attabat"  Dracula smiled

"I don't!" Travis frowned and Dracula patted his head "first-time flyers are always nervous" He said thinking he was encouraging him but it was the opposite.

"I can't watch this" Griffin said taking off his glasses

"please don't" Murray said with worry in his voice 

With Frank and Johnny in the back looking at the two twins with worry and extreme uncertainty. 

"Here we go!" Dracula threw the twins out off the tower. 

"WEE!" Denis cried out

"MOMMMY! DADDY!" Travis called out as the two continued falling

Johnny fainted but quickly regained his composure as he leaned over the tower to see them still falling "oh darn they aren't flying. RESUCE THEM!" He yelled but Dracula shook his head "give it some time." 

 "still not" Wayne said and Johnny started to bite on his nails as he watched them still falling

"It'll happen" Dracula said and Johnny started to pull his hair as he watched the twins STILL FALLING

"This is a tall tower" Frank said and Dracula nodded "thats why it's good." 

"You should get him" Murray said looking at Dracula with worry 

"Their gonna fall to their death" Wayne said with worry "their taking his time" Dracula said

"MOMMY!" the twins yelled as they kept falling 

"DRAC!" Frank and Johnny yelled 

"I did that my first time" Dracula said 

"Their getting too close to the ground!" Murray said and threw his hands up in the air

Johnny screamed and grabbed Draculas shoulders and pointed to the twins "SAVE THEM!" He cried out and Dracula shook johnny's arms off his shoulders and looked at the twins "Yeah they're not gonna fly" He drove down to the twins and grabbed onto them before they could fall. 

The twins once in Dracula's arms seemed like they were almost ready to cry..


Y/n and Marcellus were outside the twins door discussing at their move after the twins party so they were a bit surprised once going back inside the room to seem them asleep. They walked up to them and Y/n cupped Denis face and kissed his forehead. She went too Travis and did the same action and wiped his tears away. 

"Must have been a stressful day..." Marcellus said kissing his son's foreheads. The two walk out of the room and closed the door before leaving the twins to their sleep. 
