The Wedding

(so I'm trying to credit another Wattpad author but it doesn't let me for some reason..but I was able to credit them in the first book so if you want to know you can check it out, and read some of their books if you're interested)

"Y/n you look so beautiful." Esther said as she helped Y/n with her dress. "Thank you are things going with you and Dal?" Esther was Dal's wife. She was Haitian had short black hair and brown eyes and was quite tall. 

"Its been going good. Sora just learned to walk yesterday!" She said with a huge smile on her face "Your done sweetheart" she said as Y/n looked at herself in the mirror. "its beautiful thank you Esther" the two hugged. (Imagine the dress however you want)

"You know I wish we could have hung out more. Dal would always talk about you and Johnny with such a huge smile. It's as if he thought of you two as his own children" she said as she touched Y/n's cheek. 

"Knock, Knock" Dal said as he waited for permission to enter "you can enter babe" Esther said as he opened the door with the baby in his hands.  "wow...pumpkin you look so amazing" he said as tears spilled through his eyes. 

"Babe.." Esther said as she handed him some paper to sip his tears off. "I know I promised I wouldn't cry before I walked her down the aisle but can you blame me? I practically raised her and now I'm walking her down to her new life" He said as he continued to wipe down the tears that kept falling. Esther grabbed their child and patted her husbands back to reassure him. 

"Dal.." Y/n said as she brought him into a hug "Dal are they coming...? " Y/n asked with a hopeful tone. Dal frowned and he shook his head "sorry pumpkin...they had a urgent meeting to take care of" she frowned and Dal hugged her even tighter "they would have love to come see you get married Pumpkin I promise.." She nodded and the two let go of the hug. 

"Y/n were about to take pictures!" Johnny said as he opened the door and grabbed the girls hand "Johnny slow down!" she said as she was trying to run in heels. 

" they sure are the energetic duo" Esther said as she laughed "You have no idea" Dal said as the two followed the friends.

"My family are also here!" Johnny said as they made it to the grand entrance of the hotel. "Y/n darling!" Johnny's mother Linda said as she hugged the girl. "Todays your big day!" She said and Y/n smiled at her. 

"Time for pictures!" someone yelled 

Johnny took a picture with his backpack, Blobby, Marcellus, and Johnny's two brothers. 

Y/n took a picture with Johnny, Dal, Esther, and Sora as they all posed

Marcellus took a picture with Dal, Johnny, and some other monsters. Unfortunately Marcellus was not seen in any of the picture but he didn't seem to mind. 

Lastly there was a family picture. 

Dal was holding onto Sora and Esther was kissing Sora's cheek. Johnny was next to Y/n as he gave her a giant bear hug as he lifted her into the air.  Y/n was laughing at the two as Johnny was holding her up and Marcellus was kissing her cheek. Dracula was smiling at his son and Johnny's family was on the others side looking towards the camera with a smile. The two vampires did not show. 

"Yo, how hot is my date?" Murray asked as he turned to his friends and they smiled at him.  "So hot" Griffin said as he turned to his left to show an empty seat "How 'bout how hot mine is?" he said and the friends all looked at the empty chair. 

"You got a date?" Murray asked and Griffin's hat titled to show that he was nodding. "Yeah she's invisible. Thats why you can't see her" Frank smirked "oh right. This is the one from Canada" Frank air quoted the word Canada. 

Griffin shushed them "Wedding's starting" he said and his friends smiled and turned to the Marcellus who was looking round nervously as he watched the door watching for his soon-to-be wife.

 "Nervous?" Johnny whispered to him and he nodded "I've been thinking about this moment for a while but now that its here...kinda overwhelming" he chuckled and Johnny nodded "once she walks down that aisle and holds your hand all that worrying will be over"

 Marcellus looked at Johnny confused "how'd you know? You never got married before" Johnny laughed "I haven't but Dal said thats how he felt during his wedding. Thought I might share that with you" Johnny said as the two looked back at the door just in time to see a young human girl get clawed by some of the werewolf pups. 

The light showed Y/n with Dal by her side. "Wow...this feels so much different when you're on the other side" Dal said as Y/n chuckled. "Good luck pumpkin" he hugged her as she grabbed Marcellus hand and the two stared at each other with so much love in their eyes. 

Dracula smiled at his son and started to picture him as a little child instead of the young adult he was. Dal was wiping away his tears as he also started to picture Y/n and Johnny as the child version of themselves. 

Marcellus put the ring on Y/n's finger and she did the same. The two leaned in to kiss each other and Dracula put a head in front of them. Marcellus stared at him in disapproval as Dracula smiled nervously and gestured that the kiss should be small. 

Marcellus rolled his eyes as the couple gave each other a quick peck. Dracula and Dal started to scream as the two clapped excitedly the others clapped just not with the same energy as Dracula. Y/n rolled her eyes, grabbing Marcellus and gave him a real kiss. The crowd started to cheer as Marcellus chuckled at his wife. 

A few minutes have passed and they were now listening to Marty as he did his toasty.  All the monsters started to cry. Johnny raised his glass. "True. So true, Marty" All the humans looked confused as they stared at each other.

Marcellus and Y/n cut the scream cake and it started to scream handing it to the monsters. They cut the other cake the non-screaming one and handed it to the humans. 

It was time to slow dance and the couple were now dancing with each other before Dal walked up to Y/n and Dracula walked up to Marcellus. 

Y/n grabbed Dal's hand and the two started to slow dance together and they smiled realizing that Marcellus and Dracula were dancing on the celling "they make everything look cooler" Dal whispered and Y/n laughed "they really do" 

the two stopped dancing once they saw Dal's son Sora walking towards them asking for his father. "Sora...say hi to sister Y/n" Dal chuckled picking up his son. Y/n smiled at the young boy as he stared at her with a smile. 

Sora went to Y/n and kissed her cheek. "Aww...I missed you baby" Y/n said the two weren't every able to spend much time together because soon after he was born because her and Johnny began to travel. 

Sora laughed as he went back to his father. "you should go sit with him..It would be hard to dance with a baby" Y/n said and Dal smiled at her and Sora waved her goodbye. Y/n waved Sora goodbye. 

"Man Esther and Dal's kid is so adorable" Johnny said as he approached Y/n "yeah..he's the sweetest" she said and the two friends smiled at each other. 

"Are they still up there?-Oh yup" Johnny laughed looking up to see the two Vampires were still dancing up in the celling. Y/n smiled and the two walked off to Dal's family. "hello Y/n, Johnny" Esther said as she smiled at the two. "Hello Esther" the two said as they sat down. 

They started to talk with each other and had some laughs before it all ended when Marcellus approached their table. "Father wants to sing us a song" he said and he held out his hand. Y/n grabbed it and they walked off. 

"And you'll always be my moonlight. But now on wings of love you soar.  Now that you're Y/n's man. Y/n's man" the couple smile at each other as Y/n kissed his cheek. "And kind of Daddy's, too..your mom would be so happy. 'Cause she always knew. Love is making room for all the best in you."  Dracula ended as everyone began to clap. 

A monster started to kiss Johnny's brother and he looked at her shocked and kinda terrified. Johnny's parents were clapping before Big foot's tear fell down at Linda and she stopped clapping. Mike looked at his wife and pulled a small napkin and smiled at her nervously as he handed it to her. 
