Chapter 5

Fashion show

Mature content.

Tonight, you, Elizabeth and Donovan are gonna go to a fashion show made in the hotel. You were so excited to finally have an activity. It had been one week since you were transformed and you really enjoyed your life here. You met so many nice people and really like this hotel.

You had dinner with James just before the fashion show and asked him.
"Finally are you coming with me or not ?
"Oh, I don't think so."
"So I guess I'm gonna see you tomorrow then... "
"Have a nice night !"
"You too !" You said before getting out of his room.

You walked to Elizabeth and Donovan's room. As always they were so hot both of them. The countess was in the middle of you and Donovan while walking to the fashion show. Arriving at the entrance of the hotel where it was, you all sat. You didn't really wanna be there, you wanted to be with James. The countess and Donovan were watching the show when you snuck out and ran to James's room. While looking at the number on the door 78 you just opened it without knocking.
"What are you doing here so early ?" He asked.
"I couldn't stay there one more minute, it was so boring !"
"I see so we have the night for us ?"
"Exactly !"
You couldn't stop looking at his lips until you made the move and you made your lips touched his. He turns you while he continues to kiss you and passes to his bed room. He punched you on it and covered your neck with his strong hand making you struggle with your breath. He kissed you a last time before whispering in your ear.
"Are you ready ?"
"Yes darling." You replied
"Alright darling."
How he said darling, with his accent, you couldn't help it, you took his hand and made it slide all over your body. James then put his in you. Instantly you moan and gasp out of breathing. He moaned too and took your two hands and traped them above your head. He continued his back and forth until you arrived at your point and him too. You raised your head and kissed him. He then put his hand on your face and continued kissing you.
Time passed and you just stayed laid on the bed and talked.
"So this is your life ?" You asked James.
"What about it ?"
"You do whatever you want for eternity."
"Well that is yours too now."
"I know but it's only been a week now."
"Well you will get used to it !"
"At least we can be together !"
"May I ask you something." Asked James.
"Of course !"
"Why did you want to get changed into one of those vampires ?"
"It seemed cool, I don't know..."
"Well, darling you are lucky..."
"Why are you saying that ?"
"Because you can get out of this hotel... I can't."
His face became deep, you felt bad for him. So you decided you needed to do something.
"And I'll make my luckinest, you're too darling."
"How darling ?"
"You'll see..."

~I'm sure some of y'all maybe wanted Tristan's part, but y/n was with James already. But while writing I had another idea with the season hotel, so be there because soon I'm gonna post another story with Tristan in it !~
