Chapter 1


Mature content.

Today was a big day, you were gonna go for a night at the Hotel Cortez. This renowned hotel. You read a lot of stories about it being haunted by ghosts that died in it. But what you were first looking for were those sorte of vampires that live in the hotel...

"Hi ! A room for one" You asked the lady at the check-in.
"Perfect here you go, room 64." Said Iris.
You took the elevator, opened your room and left your things in it. You went in the hallways and saw a woman and asked her.
"Excuse me, where could I find the bar ?"
"Second floor, a girl named Liz will serve you."
"Okay, thank you !"
You started to walk toward the elevator but you couldn't hold it.
"Sorry, I just needed to tell you that your dress is incredible, I love it so much !"
"Oh, I have one that I don't wear anymore come with me."
"Alright ! And what is your name again ?"
"I didn't tell you, my name is Elizabeth, I'm the countess."
"I'm y/n, nice to meet you."
You both walked through the hallways and finally arrived in front of two big doors that the countess opened. You were now looking at a guy chilling on the couch in the middle of the room.
"I brought company !" Said Elizabeth to the guy.
"Nice..." He replied.
"Are you like a couple or something ?" You asked.
"Yeah, kind off, I'm Donovan by the way."
"I'm y/n"
Elizabeth went to find the dress she was talking about earlier when Donovan approached his face too your's. He put his hand on your face and started kissing you when the countess came back and you said.
"Whoa ! I'm so sorry I don't know what happened."
Without minding she showed you the dress."
"Here try it on, the bathroom is on your left."
You put the dress on and came back in the sort of living room. Donovan and Elizabeth were staring at you and then he grabbed your hand and took you near him and her. She did the first move and gently pushed you on the bed and got on top of you. She touched your face until she started kissing your neck. Then a few seconds later Donovan did the same but you tried to tell them to stop.
"Hum, I'm sorry this is, I don't think it's right what we are doing. Maybe later. I just wanted a drink !"
"Donovan ! We forgot the drink, poor girl" The countess said to Donovan.
They got off you and y'all sat on the couch while drinking.
"Okay, hum, I have a ridiculous question, I know, but I just need to ask it."
"Go head." Said Donovan.
"So, I searched a lot about the hotel Cortez and I saw a legend about some sort of vampire living in the hotel. I don't know if you heard about this. Anyways, I was just wondering if, maybe, you were both sort of vampires. I know it's funny, well not really because inside of me I wish it could be me. But you know there aren't vampires everywhere. So are you or not and I'm just a stupid girl that dream too much, it's okay if it's the case. But please talk."
"Well, I didn't know people were interested in our kind." Said the countess.
"We may have an offer for you." Said Donovan.
"We just have to get back to this bed and have some fun, then I'll transform you into one of us." Added Elizabeth.
"Are you kidding me ? You would do that for me !"
"Only if you want !" Said Donovan.
"Of course I want !" You said.
Not even a second had time to pass that Donovan took your hand and grabbed you to the bed for a second time. The countess pushes you on the bed and they both take off their clothes in front of you and then tear up your dress. He gently moves both of his strong hands all over your body while the countess starts to lick all your body beginning by your feet to your lips. Kissing you so hard the countess started movement on your body, back front back front, in a loop. Then Donovan slowly kisses your lobe ear sexually and finds your special place down there. While he rolled over there, Elizabeth asked you if you were ready for the transformation. Speechless by the pleasure you finally succeed between two moans to say.
"Yes... I'm ready !"
Then with her sharp nail ring she made a cut in her arm and made you drink it. You put your lips on the cut and slowly lick it and drink it. You even took her arm to continue but she stopped you and kissed you. She had blood all over herself and looked at Donovan with agreement so he kissed you, making him too have blood all over himself. When he finally makes you arrive at your point, you moan and they both lay next to you, all with blood everywhere you smiled.

*There will be more tomorrow and more characters will come in the story !*
