Chapter 8

"Talk to me" Sienna starts her day with a 911 in the pit. The ambo stops right when she gets out.

"55 year old John Doe, 3rd degree burn wounds and smoke inhalation" Gabby continues reading the man's vitals. Sienna finally has a chance to check the man's face and is shocked when she sees it.

"No, he's not a John Doe." She frowns, "This is Pat Halstead"

"You know him?" Choi asks her

"Yeah, let's get him to trauma bay. Page Plastics"

"Copy that Doctor"

Sienna and Choi cut off what's left of his shirt and starts treating him.


She calls Jay after she treated his dad. There's unfortunately no way he's going to make it. His organs have shut down completely.

"Hey Si, I'm in the middle of a case."

"Jay, your dad is at Med. He has third degree burn wounds and smoke inhalation. He's not going to make it"

Jay's silent for a few seconds. "I c-can't. Not now Si."

Sienna sighs, she understands where he's coming from. Jay's estranged to his family ever since his mom died. Will's in New York as a fancy Plastic surgeon.

They haven't had contact since before Jay got deployed.

"Okay, it's time to bury the hatchet Jay"

He hangs up without saying anything else. Sienna sighs and goes to check on Pat. He's barely awake when she walks in. He gives her a tiny smile.

Sienna has only met him twice. Jay clamps up every time someone asks about his father.

"Hi Pat, you remember me?"

The man coughs, "Jay's....friend"

"Yeah" Sienna smiles, "You shouldn't talk. You suffered from third degree burn wounds and smoke inhalation. I treated you as best as I could but your organs are shutting down. I'm sorry I don't have better news for you."

She hands him a notebook and a pen she always keep on her. He immediately writes something and then shows it to her.

My boys?

"Will's in New York. He's on his way, and Jay... Jay's busy with a case."

Jay's in Chicago?

Sienna nods, "He is. He's back from Afghanistan."

He nods but doesn't write anything back. Sienna sighs in sympathy and walks out of the room to find Will Halstead by the nurses' station.

"Will?" Sienna walks up to the red-head He turns around and smiles brightly at the blonde girl.

"Sienna Roberts, as I live and breathe"

She gives him a hug. "I'm sorry it's not better circumstances, but it is good to see you."

He smiles, "It's always good to see you. When did you get back from Afghanistan?"

"A year ago. I uh, got a job in Boston as Head of Trauma but moved as soon as there was a place for me here."

"I'm glad you're in Chicago. Do you have any news on my dad?"

Sienna frowns, "His organs are shutting down; all we can do now is make him comfortable. He's in room 5"

He nods, "Jay?"

"I told him, he's working."

"He's not coming is he?" Will guesses, his suspicions are confirmed with the look on Sienna's face.

"I'll try to convince him."

"I know you will" He chuckles, "Room 5?"

Upon Sienna's nod, he walks to his father's room.


Sienna is busy treating a patient when a little girl walks in. Her clothes are bloodied.

"Take over for me" She tells the resident. He nods his head

"Hi sweetie" Sienna walks up to her. She looks bewildered; her lip is trembling and her green eyes are wide in panic.

"I'm Sienna, what's your name?"


Sienna crouches down to be on Libby's level. "Can you tell me what happened, Libby?"

"Everyone is sleeping except for me."

Sienna frowns, "Who is sleeping?"

"My mommy and daddy"

Sienna smiles at the girl, "Alright, Libby, can I ask you to come lie down in one of these beds so we can see if you're alright?"

The little girl nods her head and grabs Sienna's hand. The doctor takes her to the examination bed.

"You're going to be fine here Libby"

"Can you make my booboos go away?" the girl asks. Sienna nods her head, "I can. Where does it hurt?"

"My mommy calls it my protected place"

Sienna tries to mask her shock, "o-okay Libby. I'm going to ask one of these friendly nurses to take you up to your own room, is that okay?"

"Please don't leave me" Libby trembles, her voice small.

"I'm not going to leave you. But in order for me to make your booboos go away I need to get some stuff, is that okay?"


She walks out of the room and immediately spots April.

"Order a rape kit"

April's face falls. "Dammit. Alright, must I notify CPD?"

"I already did" Sienna confirms, "Put a guard on her, make sure nobody except us and CPD come in. I'm sure she doesn't want to see any men, so let's work with me you and Maggie okay?"


Sienna grabs a teddy bear from Paediatrics and walks back into Libby's room. She hands the girl the soft toy watching Libby's face light up.

"Do you have friends Libby?"

The girl nods, "Good, me too. She's going to come in to ask you some questions but I'm going to be here the entire time alright?"

Upon Libby's nod, Sienna calls in Erin.

"Hi Libby, my name is Erin. Can you tell me what happened?"

Libby looks at Sienna for support and the doctor nods her head.

"Someone hurt my mommy and daddy. I saw them fighting with the man."

"Can you tell me what the man looks like?"

Libby nods, "I...I looked at him when he was....when he was hurting me."

"You saw his face?" Erin asks

Libby nods. "Will you be okay to look at some pictures?"

Libby nods again so Erin shows her mugshots of men they suspect for the double murder and possible rape.

"That man"

Erin smiles at the little girl, "Thank you so much, Sienna can I quickly talk to you?"

Sienna looks at Libby, "I'm going to be right out there alright. You still haven't given this poor teddy a name."

Libby smiles at Sienna as the two women walk out of the room.

"Her parents are both dead, looks like a robbery. Has the rape kit come back yet?"

"I put a rush on it but there are clear signs of vaginal tearing and abrasions."

"We'll get this monster" Erin says

"I know you will."

She hesitates to leave, "Jay's in bad shape, his head isn't in the game. Hank's had about enough."

"Dammit" Sienna curses, "His dad is here, burn victim. They don't have the best relationship and he refused to come see him."

"Is he going to be okay?"

Sienna shakes her head, "We're making him comfortable."

"What can I do?"

Sienna smiles; "Solve this case and just be there for him"

Just then a resident walks up to her and hands her a file, "Doctor Roberts. Rape case came back positive."

Both Sienna and Erin turn murderous. "This guy has been walking the streets too long."

"I agree" The detective murmurs and walks out of the ward.


"Roberts" Goodwin waits for her outside Libby's room. Libby is asleep so Sienna is finally able to work on other cases – occasionally dropping in to make sure Libby's fine. The guard – a female CPD cop – is outside until the suspects are caught.

Sienna walks out to meet her boss

"DCFS are here. They located Libby's aunt who lives in Manchester. Libby's going to stay with her"

"I want to meet this woman first"

Sharon nods, "She's going to be here in an hour. Good job today Roberts"

Sienna smiles at her. She checks her pager when it goes off: 911 Pat Halstead

She runs to the room to find the heart monitor going off.

"What happened?" She asks the resident in charge of the patient. Will's still in the room but he knows better than to intervene.

"He got a seizure, his BP is dropping."

Sienna checks his heart with her stethoscope and turns to Will.

"It's time Will" She tells the red head.

"Jay needs to say goodbye Si."

"Your dad signed a DNR, Will. I can't break the rules you know that."


Sienna frowns, "Ross, get all of the unnecessary equipment out of the room"

Doctor Ross nods his head and with the help of an orderly they get the equipment out of the room.

"I'm signing off shift in an hour; then I will go to PD. But until then I have cases to handle. Why not go to him and at least tell him you're in Chicago?"

Will gives her a look of disbelief, "both you and I know I'm the last person he's going to want to see."

"Just try" She says.


"Sienna" Erin jogs over to her. "How's Libby?"

"She's traumatized but she'll be fine. Goodwin is in there with Libby's aunt. I checked her out she looks legit. Has three dogs, so Libby's over the moon."

Erin smiles brightly, "That's amazing. We found the guy who did it – stupid idiotic kids that was cranked up on meth. Dawson put one in the rapist's skull and the other two are going away for life."

"Thanks for the update Er"

Erin turns to walk when Sienna calls her back, "Is Jay still at PD?"

"He and Antonio are going to Molly's." Erin replies, "I tried to get him to come here but he refused."

"Okay, thanks"

Sienna goes back to Pat's room.

"He's still in the coma; I don't think he's going to make it through the night Doc" Doctor Ross says softly.

"He's not. Ross, good work today, I'll take it from here."

The resident smiles at her and walks out of the room.

Maggie walks into the room and squeezes Sienna's shoulder. The doctor looks at her friend.

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay" Sienna whispers, "I need to get Molly's – find Jay and beat some sense into him."

Maggie chuckles, "Of course"
