Chapter 25

Shift starts for Sienna at 5:30 am, it wasn't easy to leave her warm bed and her cuddly husband so early.

"Sienna" Monique runs up to her with a file in her hand, "The blood results."

Sienna beams, "Thank you Monique"

She gets a page for a trauma consult and gives Maggie the lab results for safe-keeping. Two hours later she quickly calls Gabby.

Gabby being off-shift gets to the hospital quickly. "Will you look with me?" Gabby asks as soon as the two walk into the Attending's Lounge for privacy.

"Of course"

Gabby takes several deep breaths and then looks at the test results. Her smile breaks out in a wide beaming grin, her eyes shining with absolute joy. "I'm pregnant"

Sienna's face is a mirror reflection on her sister-in-law's. "Congratulations sister. I'm so happy for you" She hugs Gabby. "I'm so happy for you"

Gabby looks teary, "I'm going to be a mom"

"I know" She whispers, "Have you told Matt?"

"Not yet. I wanted to be sure first."

Sienna nods, "Well you're going to have to tell him and Boden because you can't go running into burning buildings anymore. You have a little life to think of now."

"I have a little baby to think of." She gushes. "I'm going to be a mom"


Two years later

The girls - Erin; Gabby; Kim; Sylvie; Natalie and Maggie and Sienna - are drinking coffee at their favourite café. Little two-year-old Carlos Dawson-Casey is drinking a milkshake while playing with his toy fire truck.

"He's so cute" Sienna ruffles her godson's hair.

"When are you and Tony getting one?" Erin asks as the girls all faff over the little boy. For a two-year-old he's damn sweet. The boy never even throws a tantrum.

"Antonio being undercover this year more than he is in Chicago has put a pause on family-talk" Sienna says. She's trying to tease but Erin; Maggie and Gabby – who know her the best – hear the underlining sadness.

Sienna knew when she started dating Antonio all those years ago that he's an undercover cop – best in the damn city – and she respects that, but she hasn't seen him in almost 10 months. He's undercover to catch a mafia boss in prison which is extremely dangerous and stupid, to say the least, of Intelligence to put him under alone.

"Does Intelligence have a lead on him yet?" Kim asks Erin who shakes her head. "I'm not allowed to dispute information, you know that."

"It's fine" Sienna insists although it isn't really fine, but Jay also told her that even though they want to they aren't allowed to tell anyone anything. The mafia boss has eyes and ears everywhere in the U.S.

Gabby squeezes her sister's shoulder. Before Sienna, Gabby was the one who worried – who stayed up until early mornings thinking of him being undercover.

"Let's talk about something else" Maggie says frowning when she sees the uncomfortable look on Sienna's face.

"I want to talk about Miss Erin Halstead – oh, oh I'm sorry Lindsay."

"Hardy har har har" Erin narrows her eyes, a smirk dances on her lips. Jay has asked her to marry him two years ago and she accepted but the two are even worse than Sienna and Antonio was.

They haven't set a date, and it doesn't look like they will anytime soon.

"You two are slower than Si and Antonio. I never thought that was possible" Natalie teases. Her sister got cleared three weeks after the death of her husband. It wasn't her who killed her husband, but the drug dealer her husband owed money to. He hired three people to kill him. Intelligence caught the killers and broke up the drug ring in the process. Her sister is now in rehab.

"Hey" Sienna whines causing the girls to laugh.

"I know we are. There's so much shit happening with us right now, I'm not sure if we're ever going to get married – not if Hank is our boss."

The girls stay quiet, "Hey, Hank just has to deal with it. A lot of people have in-house relationships. This isn't just a casual fling anymore – it's the real deal." Natalie murmurs. "I mean, Miss Goodwin is fine with the fact that Will and I are dating"

"I still can't believe you and ginger are a thing" Maggie interjects with a grin. The girls laugh.

"Me neither" Natalie grumbles. "He's a pain sometimes"

"All men are sweetie" Sienna deadpans causing the girls to laugh loudly as they order another round of cappuccinos and chocolate cake.


The next evening Sienna and Rhodes are driving to Mineral Point in Wisconsin for a trauma. Their hospital isn't equipped for a Transcranial Brainstem Stab injury.

They are talking about the case when they hear some sort of an explosion followed by unsteady bumping from the ambo.

Rhodes knocks on the window separating them from the driver, "What's going on out there?"

"I hit something." The driver says as he pulls over. He gets out of the ambulance to check. The two doctors' open the ambo door to find the driver squatting down.

"What's going on?" Sienna asks as they get out of the ambulance.

"I'm not sure. Whatever I hit is gone now."

"Help me replace the wheel" The driver directs his instruction to Connor.

Sienna jumps up and down to get warm. Chicago is buried under snow.



"Did you guys hear that?" Sienna asks. The two guys get quiet and they hear the weakened voice of a man in the far distance.

'Somebody... Help'

"Let's span out and search" Connor instructs.

"Call out!" Sienna yells as they split up to find the man. "We're trauma surgeons, call out!"


"Over here!" Sienna yells for Connor. They run to the man – badly injured.

"Sir, I'm Doctor Roberts, this is my partner Doctor Rhodes. What happened?"

"I... got....shot" He wheezes out. "S-s-shooter l-l-left"

"I'll grab a backboard" Connor runs back to the ambulance while Sienna treats the patient. While dressing the wound, she feels a cold metal something presses against the back of her head. She hears it cock, quickly realizing it's a gun.

"Stop treating him" She hears a man behind her. "Stop treating him"

The man's tone of voice is low, drawl in a warning. She's scared out of her mind but she also knows if she stops the patient will die. If she doesn't she will die.

Where are you Connor?

"I said stop!" He screams startling her. She puts down the scalpel. "Okay, okay. I'm stopping."

"Good. Stand-up"

She hesitates, "I said stand up bitch!" He shoots the guy in the face causing her to jump in surprise.

"Leave him" He drawls out when she stands up. He grabs her by the arm. "You'll leave now Doctor Roberts, you'll leave and forget you ever saw me or him or I will kill your partner."

She wrecks her brain trying to figure out how he knows her name. When he walks away she tries to catch her breath. Her legs feel like jelly as she runs back to the ambulance.

"Oh my God" She whispers at the scene in front of her. Connor has been shot in the leg; the ambo driver is in worse shape.

She kneels down to put pressure on the wound. "What the hell was that?" Connor wheezes out.

"He shot the guy in the face. He knows my name."

She packs his wound and dresses it. "You're going to be fine."

"The driver got shot in the face" Connor says as both of them try to treat the driver. Sienna is doing CPR.

"He's gone" Connor stops her, "He's gone."

Sienna sighs, her face scrunching up in frustration. "Who the hell is than son of a bitch?"

"I don't know" Connor whispers, he's lying down on the paved road feeling light headed from the blood loss.

She gives him a bottle of water to drink. "Are you okay?"

"Hmm" He smiles faintly, "I've never been shot before. It hurts like a bitch"

Sienna chuckles, "Yeah"

"Have you ever been shot?" He asks

"Once" She whispers as she sits down next to him, "In the stomach."

"Wow" Connor raises an eyebrow, "That's intense. What happened?"

"I was treating this woman and her baby and the father thought I was trying to kill them, he was a paranoid schizophrenic. It was on my second tour."

She tries to call once again but there's still no signal. They're in the middle of nowhere – and are only expected at Mineral Point in an hour and a half.

"Nobody's coming for us are they?"

"Not yet" She whispers. "There's no radio signal – phones as well. They'll eventually find us. How do you feel?"

"I'm better. My leg is numb"

Sienna frowns, "Let me change your bandages and check on that wound" She starts unwrapping the bandages. "Your stitches are holding well."

"I feel fine Si. Just wrap it and relax" He tells her smirking slightly. She chuckles and does exactly that.

"You know uh, the summer before college a friend and I go arrested while buying drugs. My father pulled strings and got me off but my friend died from an overdose. That's why I decided to be a doctor. I wanted to help people. That's been my passion ever since."

"I'm sorry about your friend" She whispers. She opens her mouth to talk when Connor yells out a 'watch out'

Sienna turns her head to see a car barrelling down the road – towards them. She pulls Connor out of the way. The driver stops a centimetre from them.

He gets out of the car, Sienna freezes when she sees it's the same man that shot that man earlier. "You need to save my partner!" He screams.

"Excuse me?"

He runs to the passenger side and practically throws his partner out of the car. The man is overdosing.

"What did he take?" Sienna asks as she keeps him steady. He's seizing.

"He didn't take nothing bitch, just fix him up" He says waving a gun around. Rhodes tries his best to stand up but his leg is still unstable.

"I need to know what drugs he took so I can treat him"

"Just tell her what he took, we're not cops. We just want to help" Connor adds.

He throws her the small packet. "What is it?" Rhodes asks

"Heroin" She pushes two of NARCAN, the seizing stops immediately.

"He's fine now" She tells the man, seeing an opportunity to grab his gun.

"Fucking whore" He growls as she throws the gun in the distance. He starts pouncing on her but she holds her own, throwing punches left and right. He chases her down in a constant battle of kicks and punches that she defends and retaliates, to the point where she's at the end of the bridge. She can see the cars driving on the road 800 metres under them. She trips and loses her balance, hanging on for dear life as she softly screams in fear. Her face is bruised and cut but the fact that she's hanging on by a thread scares her more.

"Connor!" She screams bloody murder as the man runs into the far distance.

Rhodes doesn't come so she has no choice but to try and help herself. Using all her strength she tries to pull herself up – yelping when it doesn't work. She tries to pull up again not sparing a glance at the scene from under her. She can handle a lot, but height has always been a big fear.

She finally gets her one leg up on the platform and sighs in relief when she's finally back on solid land. She runs down to Connor.

He's passed out

"Connor" She nudges him but he doesn't move. She checks his pulse – there's no heartbeat. He's not getting any oxygen.

"Connor, wake up" She whispers crawling to her bag, when she gets it she crawls back – her hip is hurting like a bitch.

She intubates him and continues bagging him until his heartbeat is back to normal. He wakes up a few minutes later, "Welcome back soldier."

Just then a car drives by. Sienna runs into the middle of the road to stop him. He starts to yell but then sees the scene.

"We're doctors" She breathes out, "There was an accident. I need to use your phone"

The man nods, thankfully trusting, and hands her his phone.

"Chicago Medical Centre, Maggie speaking"

"Maggie, it's Sienna. We need help"
