Chapter 9


Never did change did we Freddie
(Tags: @Fred.W)

@L.Lovegood: What are you doing
@George.W: no idea don't ask
@KingWeasley1: you always have been quite strange
@JustHarry: you think
@No1Weasley: You'd think it was obvious
@KingWeasley1: Oh shush Ginerva
@Littlered: Don't . Call . Me . Ginerva
@mione: You know better then to call her Ginerva Ronald
@KingWeasley1: I know Luna please Don't let your girlfriend kill me
@L.Lovegood: I'll try but I'm not making any promises
@NottTheo: Think that's a cue to start running
@KingWeasley1: Already on it


Never did like to be apart
(Tags: @Nev.Longbottom)

@Pans.P: You still look like mini mischief makers even back then
@Littlered: Oh you don't even know it mum still tells stories about how their accidental magic made the chicken explode on Christmas
@KingWeasley1: Or how they temporarily dyed Bill and Charlie's hair Electric blue for 3 full weeks
@ThatsSoSirius: Moony that would have been a good one to pull on Snivellus
@Moony: Don't get any ideas Sirius we're not at Hogwars anymore
@JustHarry: Haha I have all my dad old journals about all the pranks you played while at Hogwarts and they were hilarious
@Fred.W: Wait are You, Professor Lupin and Harry's dad the marauders?
@ThatsSoSirius: We are but how did you know that ?
@George.W: 😱🤯
@Fred.W: 😱🤯
@JustHarry: They're like your biggest fans pads 😂
@ThatsSoSirius: Good to know


Not the best but the only one I could find
(Tags: @D.Malfoy)

@NottTheo: I want my kids to look like this
@Nev.Longbottom: 🤭💀
@Blaisee: *cOuGh* ship it *cOuGh*
@Pans.P: *cOuGh* same *cOuGh*
@L.Lovegood: *cOuGh* why are we coughing *cOuGh*
@KingWeasley1:*cOuGh* I don't know *cOuGh*
@JustHarry: What has this comment section become ??
@mione: I don't know Harry, I really don't
@C.Chang: Y'all are weird
@D.Malfoy: Oh we know, we just don't do anything about it
@mione: besides the point, Neville you have really pretty eyes
@Nev.Longbottom: thanks mione


I was a fucking adorable baby
(Tags: @JustHarry)

@JustHarry: Fuck I want one
@D.Malfoy: . . .
@JustHarry: I did not mean to press post
@Pans.P: Yessss bless me with my god children
@Blaisee: Yessssss
@mione: I'm going to have a little niece or nephew running around soon and they're going to be spoiled rotten
@D.Malfoy: You do realise we just got together right ??
@L.Lovegood: Oh hush Draco let us have our fantasy's
@Littlered: She's right now we just gotta play your wedding,honeymoon and baby shower
@JustHarry: I'm regretting being born
@D.Malfoy: Me too love


I have absolutely amazing fashion sense
Guess who dressed me today ??
(Tags: No one)

@KingWeasley1: Lucky guess Sirius
@JustHarry: ✨ G a s p✨ correct
@ThatsSoSirius: I have great fashion sense
@Moony: He literally just looks like you, I don't even see James in him. Somethings I wonder if he's actually your kid not James'
@D.Malfoy: Family Drama 🎭
@JustHarry: Oh shove off Dray 😂
@D.Malfoy: You were an adorable baby 😉
@JustHarry: 🤭
@ThatsSoSirius No sex, No Children
@Nev.Longbottom: Pfftttt get told Harry
@JustHarry: I don't like to follow rules
@D.Malfoy: 😳

should I write some smut I need your opinion



Later dudes 🔪😘
