Chapter 1


Don't you think this rivalry's getting boring, New year new us ??
(Tags: @D.Malfoy @Pans.P @Blaisee @NottTheo)

@Pans.P: Agreed Potter, Looking good btw
@Blaisee: yeah, this rivalry is getting a bit childish
@D.Malfoy: I don't see why not pothead just don't piss me off
@L.Lovegood: Even the nargals agree that it's time to become friends
@NottTheo: If you buy me some chocolate frogs I might consider it
@KingWeasley1: well interhouse unity is a thing now I guess
@mione: when did he learn that word Harry
@JustHarry: No idea mione


I mean the Gryffindorks aren't as bad as I though: Harry where are your glasses bro
(Tags: @JustHarry @KingWeasley1)

@JustHarry: See we aren't all courage and 'I want to jump head first into danger'
@D.Malfoy: I didn't get an invitation because???
@KingWeasley1: this was literally on the way to dinner we were all at
@D.Malfoy: Oh, Right
@Pans.P: Use your eyes Draco, we are wearing the same outfits.
@D.Malfoy: Yea yea I can see that
@JustPotter: 😂😂
@JustHarry: Also I 'm wearing muggle contact lenses Parkinson
@Pans.P: Ohhh that makes sense, also call me Pansy, we're friends now


That moment when someone takes the last slice of pizza 🍕😭
(Tags: @KingWeasley1)

@KingWeasley1: I said I was sorry dude
@Littlered: 😏😏
@Pans.P: does anyone smell that??
@JustHarry: smell what ??
@Pans.P: A new ship is stiring
@Mione: I see it to
@Nev.Longbottom: Everyone for Blairon say I
@Littlered: I
@Pans.P: I
@NottTheo: I
@L.Lovegood: I
@D.Malfoy: I
@Fred.W: I
@George.W: I
@KingWeasley1: Fuck off

chapter one complete
