Jordan Martin-Indy Fuel

I Met my boyfriend when we were in college in Wisconsin he played hockey I just went to college for the fun of it

He became famous on TikTok with his buddies from the hockey team some of then quit hockey to continue social media but not him he wanted to play hockey

We recently moved to Indiana because he started with a new team Indy Fuel he excited because he gets to play with his younger brother Jon

Today was the home opener for Indy I got ready I put on ripped jeans and a hoodie

Indy player the Kwings today one of the players used to play for the kwings and I guess the players get a little crazy I hear he's a hot head and he even sent a guy to the hospital last season when he was with kalamazoo I'm excited I like hockey fights

I arrived at the arena and walked in I have already met all the girls before hand so it wouldn't be as weird hanging out with them

I grabbed some food and a drink before heading to my seat I sat with the person I knew best kaylee Jon's girl friend I've know kaylee for about 2 years now so nothings weird between us she's like my sister

We watched the boys warmups and watched them go off the ice and then come back out for the game

And then puck drop

The game was pretty crazy lots of fights Darby wanted to fight everyone and Jordan got a goal But they ended up losing

After the game I went and waited for him he Jon came out

"Good job bro"

"Thanks cal oh and your boyfriend will be out in a couple"

"Ok thank for letting me know"

He talked with Kaylee before leaving

Jordan walked out

"Hey baby nice goal"

"Thank beautiful" he kissed me

"Ready to go" he asked


We pulled into our house which he shared with jon

And went in and got ready for bed

We got in bed and cuddled up together

"Goodnight jordan I love you"

"Goodnight cal I love you more"

He kissed me and we went to bed

Authors notes:I haven't updated in forever I'm sorry but I don't know who or what to write about I also have two other stories but I'll try and update more
