Cole caufield-Montreal Canadiens

Cole caufield the boy of my dreams but the boy I can't have

My twin brother is jack Hughes he's my bestfriend in the whole world we've done everything together it's always been Jack and Jenna I never keep anything from him but one thing the fact I have a crush on one of his closest friends Cole

I've known Cole a good amount of my life do to my brother and he's always been the sweetest person ever

I've been in love with Cole since we were 11 years old
And then at 12 he was my first kiss Jack got mad when he found that out

It's currently the off season so I see Cole everyday and we constantly flirt with each other and Jack gives us a dirty look every time

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed lemonade out of the fridge and started to pour some in my cup as I heard someone walk into the kitchen I look up to see Cole

"Hey sweetheart"

"Hey coley"

"Getting some lemonade"

He said as he walked to the cabinet grabbing a glass

"Yea want some"

He shook his head and sat his glass next to mine and I poured him some

"I can't do this"

I looked at him confused

"Do what coley"

"Pretend we're just friends"

My heart started beating faster

"Cole you know we can't date Jack would kill you"

"I don't care Jenna I love you"

"I love you too Cole but-"

He cut me off by kissing me I leaned into the kiss we broke apart when we heard

"What the fuck"

We both turned our head and there was jack he looked mad

"It's not what it looks like"I said

"Cole I thought I told you my sister was off limits and Jenna I thought I told you my friends were off limits"

"Jack I love Jenna since the moment I laid my eyes on her I have thought she was the prettiest girl I've ever seen she loving and caring and I can't hide my feeling for her anymore she means to much to me"Cole confessed

"Cole your the sweetest boy ever I love you" I smiled at him

"And Jack why can't I date your friends what's the reason"

"Because I know how hockey boys are and I don't want you to get hurt sis"

"You know damn well Cole would never hurt me"

"But what if he did"

"I won't I promise"Cole stated

"Whatever just no being lovey dovey in front of me and if you hurt her Cole you will regret it so much"

"Got it sir" he chuckled

Jack gave him a dirty look before walking away

"So will you be my girlfriend"

"Of course"

And the we kissed I'm so glad I get to be with the guy of my dreams
