Chapter 6

Updated! :)

Rick's pov

"Welcome home; brother" I say disappointed in his actions.

"Sure" rolling my eyes as he enters the door, I turn to walk away until a familiar scent hit my nose.

Taking in his appearance I scowl. His shirt went from black from earlier to Burgundy from now.

His leather jacket was somehow clean, his face is now stained scarlet in certain spots, especially where that smug grin is.

" didn't!" I state horrified.

"Oh I did" taking another whiff, I catch her scent...

"Rose..." I turn my angered gaze on him and said "she was my best friend!"

"I know, that's another reason I didn't kill her...yet"

Instantly at that news, I was slightly happy.

"I am warning you, brother. You hurt her I-" I start, but he ever so politely cuts me off.

"You will what, Rick? You can't beat me, I'm the one with the curse, and then there's our secret. You think that it means anything? I will kick your ass from here all the way around the world and back"

I look down and dismiss it, then out comes the happy me. I know what has happened now...

"You found her!" I smile. Let's see what he can do now.

"Who?!" Dumbass. I shake my head.

"The one, who is she?" I grin, he has found her!

"No one, simply disposed of" he smirks back at me, making me frown with worried eyes.

"Your heartless, but it will change" I say humming along the corridor and speeding all the way to Rose's home.

I can't wait to see my best friend again!

Yes, you may think I'm bipolar, but I'm actually the real bouncy type, I'm only stern and stuff when my brother's being an ass, but there are times he's friendly to me.

Sighing, I look through the portal, known as a window, looking into the Grey and black room. The ceiling caught my eye, it was black with a stary effect. Nice.

I look down to the bed, to see an unmoving figure, wrapped in sheets. Silently opening the window more ajar, so I can climb in.

Landing on the floor, I walk over to her.
She looked so peaceful, and calm. I look into her memories to see what happened...but nothing...why?

God, I can smell him on her, it's disturbing, I feel sorry for her. Tucking a strand of the black silk behind her ear. I whisper "I'm sorry" and disappeared...

Rose's pov

I wake up, groaning with a headache. Last night was a complete blank, what happened? Reaching for my phone on the bedside locker. I happen to see a note?

Gently picking up the paper, I read it.

To Rose,

Hope you enjoyed our little encounter last night, if you don't remember I can bet, you will soon,

I'll see you soon babe,

What? Who the hell is D? Giving up, I get dressed into a pair of Grey shorts, and a black vest.

I had a weird feeling deep down. It felt like something was watching me. Quickly I spin around, only to see nothing. Get a grip, you are just being paranoid.

I grab my bag and a tablet for my head. Tablets don't work, but I might as well just in case.

Leaving the house I continue the walk to school. Nobody was around. Odd. Maybe I'm a little early.

I rounded through the alley, to cut across and then all I had to do was turn right. The alley was a mossy green colour in some spots.

Liquids such as booze splashed bits of the bins. I could actually smell it.

I felt dizzy. "I should tell Rick, so he doesn't worry" pulling out my phone, I dial his number.

Rick, Rose

"Hello?...hi it's Rose...Rosey! How's it going?...OK thanks.... I won't be coming to school, I have a headache....what happened?... I'm not sure, I think I just banged it, or strained the thinking block...."

I let out a chuckle.

"OK, well I hope you get better, and if anything happens, tell me...OK thanks Rick, I've got to get home now...where are you?... I was on my way to school, then I felt dizzy so I'm going you need help to get home?...nah I should be able to handle it, thank you...hmm OK, but as I said you if anything happens, I know...that's my girl, get better soon...thanks have a good too"

Then I hung up and slipped my bag off-putting my phone inside. I turn around, and start to walk home.

My vision starts to blur, and I stop. Feeling week, I slide to the floor. My chest feels blocked, my throat feels like sand paper and my head feels like its being kicked around by a football player.

I try to stand and wobble out the alley, I felt something follow me, so I quickened my pace as much as possible without loosing balance.

After minutes of shuffling, I made it home slamming the door behind me. I climb to my room and lay on my bed shutting my eyes.

Then all was black...

Feeling a breeze brush my face, I felt a rush of nauseousness. Running into the bathroom attached to my room, I swing open the door, skidding by the toilet.

Hurling all the contents of food in me, ugh, I feel like I'm dying. I felt a presence behind me, they held my hair, and soothingly rubbed my back.

Flushing the toilet, I could see the purple and white walls.

Quickly, I brush my teeth and then say "thanks Rick, but how did you get in?" As I walk into my warm room.

"I have my ways...and who said I'm Rick?" The voice was different, husky...familiar.

Instantly I froze in my spot. Turning around I'm face to face with with the boy from last night...

The memories, came crashing down on me like an avolaunch...making me wince a little. He watched me, like a predator does to his prey. Coming closer, I backed away.

"I can't believe I found you, obviously you can't stick around because I love the way I am" he mutters out, but mainly to himself I think.

"W-what?" I ask, scared of what he could do to me.

"Your time as a free bird is up" Instinctively I ran past him.
