Chapter 9

Updated! :)

Rose's pov

Groaning, I my eyes flutter open to see, that I'm in a large room. And by large, I mean it's like you have put two of my rooms together to make this.

The walls were a Burgundy black shade, so when the light hits it, it looks Burgundy. The ground was a wooden floor and heated by the looks of it.

The bed was a creamy colour, a few shelves with books on, a desk with a chair and a window similar to mine with the seat.

I didn't know where I was.

Keeping calm as much as possible I was about to get up. But when I did, I felt something wrap around me and pull me back onto the bed.

I look down to my waist to see a bare arm, showing muscle. Following the arm I see a neck followed by a strong face. Ohhh noo, not him, not again...wait! Why am I in a bed with him?

He rolled over in his sleep, taking me with him, now he was resting his head in my neck muttering thing like "Me likey" and things like that.

I was literally freaking out of my mind. I push and found my self splat on the floor with a small thud. I get up rubbing my buttock.

Damn floor, and I was right. Under floor heating.

I look to the bed to see the boy was gone. I sigh and stretch, then turn towards the door only to see him. Standing there. Watching me...

With no shirt on!

I couldn't help it, my eyes disieved me and trailed down his body...he has a wonderful eight-pack, and a set of solid abs to follow.

God, I bet you could throw a brick at his stomach and the brick would crumble to dust.

"Like what you see, beautiful?" He asks with a devilish smirk.

"Nah seen better" I lie, He is the best thing I have ever seen.

"Liar" he replies.

"Not" I retort.

"Are" he smirks down at me.

"Prove it" I sass him back with a knowing look. He can't.

He smirked again and said "I can read your mind" that is a load of rubbish.

"Give me two examples" his smirk got wider.

"One we're linked, so we can do the mind talk, known as mind link, and two," he pauses, giving a wide handsome smirk.

"And I quote 'A wonderful eight pack and a set of solid abs to follow'....oh and this is my favorite, and I quote 'god, I bet you could throw a brick at his stomach and the brick would crumble to dust' "

I looked down and I could bet my face is as red as a firetruck. "Yes it is, beautiful" he pipes up again.

"Yeah and yours will be as red as a baboon's ass when I punch it" I retort, anger and embarrassment flowing through me.

"Ohh fi-" he starts but I knew what was coming.

"Don't even say 'fiestey, m-" then he cuts me off.

"Me likey" grr.

"Put a shirt on" I growl.

"Nope, is it me or is getting hot in here" he states, looking me dead in the eye.

"Which ever one means your ugly, I'm fine with it" his smirk dropped and came towards me.

"Repeat that again, I couldn't hear you" I was against the bed and came up with an idea.

"Who's lying now?" I grabbed the sheets and flung them at his face and ran to the door, flung it open and ran around the mansion looking for an exit. That's when I bump into something.

"Sorry I-" I stop and look up and see someone I didn't expect to see.

"Rick!" I say in happiness, while he says "Rose?" In complete shock.

"Rick help! There is this stranger, he won't leave me alone. Then I don't know when, but I think yesterday, he drugged me. Then I woke up here, he bit me more than once. He's weird, I think he's Dracula! Help me, and why are you looking at me like that? And why are you here?" I say all in one breath.

"I'm looking at you like that cause one, I've never met a person, per sides myself, who can speak as much as that all in one breath, and I live here" he responds.

He what?!

"Give her back Rick, she's mine" an angry voice growls down the corridor.

"Rick, you know him?" I ask completely shocked, scared and surprised.

"Yeah, shamefully sometimes" he retorts. OK, that means he isn't keen on this wacko, and wasn't in on the plan to kidnap me.

"Why are you being jolly?" I stare wide-eyed at him from my slightly smaller hight.

"I'm always--well, nearly always jolly, don't be mean" he pouted. I almost laughed but didn't.

"He's my-" he starts but the stranger cuts him off. I swear that's his hobby.

"Brother, I said give. Her. Back" The raven haired boy grits through clenched teeth as he reaches us.

"Brother?!" I shout.

"Yeah, he's the oldest at 19" he states.

"Only a year" I said, and he points at me and looks at his "brother" as if to say "see!"

"What is he?" I ask backing up next to Rick.

"We" he responds. "What?"

"We" he says again.

Vampires! "Yes babe, keep up" raven boy said, then I look at Rick.

"What is going on? What do you both want with me? Why am I here?" I say, breathing heavily.

Rick answers "I don't want anything, I just wanted a best friend, and more company other than him over there, but I wanted you to stay at your home..."

"Oh come on, I brought your besty over" the other says in a fake happy tone.

"Whatever, and he wants you because your his and I don't know what else, even though he denies it"

"What?!" I shout again.

I back away and he--raven boy-- comes closer and my head started to hurt and my chest felt tight.

Slowly the room was spinning and I was yet again falling, and a pair of arms wrapped around me and my head fell back, limp as a rag doll.

Then that was it....
