⋘ 3 ⋙

Part 3: Hellfire

Key Word: (Y/N) = Your Name

TW! Angst... Just angst

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He stood in the office as the fire started to spread around him. He could hear his father pleading for his help on the other side. The damaged animatronics have stopped pounding the metal door and accepted their fate. Michael sighed, Finally, it's over.

A door behind him opened, he turned his head and glanced at a bright light at the corner of his eyes. There he saw his mother, his little sister, and his little brother holding a yellow Fredbear plush, along with another child. He recognizes her as Henry's deceased daughter, Charlie. They all faced him with a smile, his mother held her hand towards him.

Michael slowly moved forward. He smiled, seeing his mother and his siblings for the first time in years. He was ready, ready to finally rest. He fought for so long to free everyone's spirits and stop his father. He held his hand up, about to hold onto his mother's hand. All of the sudden, he froze on his track.

A voice- A sweet, familiar voice ran through his head. It was calling out for him... 

Mi-... Michael... Michael, please... 

Michael then realized who the owner of that voice was. It was you, his partner, the love of his life, his happiness, his whole world... 

Promise me you'll come back to me, please...

He took a step back and look down. Dear god, how could he ever forget about you? You are probably waiting, waiting for him to return home. He could hear you crying in his mind. He couldn't stop imagining you sobbing in the bed you both sleep in, grieving over his death. The thought of it broke his heart deeply.

No... He can't die yet; he can't die NOW. He can't rest peacefully knowing his partner waiting for him. He can't rest knowing they'll be saddened over his disappearance. He can't rest knowing he broke a promise he swore to keep. Tears have started to form in his eyes, feeling guilty. He has to go back home, he has to! He wants to go home and return to your arms; he wants to feel your kisses and warm hugs again. He couldn't bear to imagine yourself losing it when you found out you lost him. You need him, and he needs you.

He looks up and saw a concerned face from his mother and two confused faces from the girls. "Michael?" his mother called.

"I... I can't- I can't go yet..." Michael stuttered, "I have to go back... I have to go back home! (y/n) ... they're- they're waiting for me!" He couldn't stop stuttering as he tried to explain.

His mother smiled at him softly and put her hand down. "We understand... Go." Michael looked at her in shock. He smiled at them, "Thank you..." he whispered loudly. He wants to hug them but knew he couldn't. "Hurry and go!" Elizabeth exclaimed, "The whole building is going to be burned to the ground."

Michael nodded and remembered the photo he taped on the wall. He turned around and grabbed it to see it having tiny burnt corners, he was luckily the fire haven't fully damaged the picture yet. He didn't notice Helpy wasn't on the monitor. He shoves the photo inside his pocket and heard a voice behind him. 

I forgive you

Michael's eyes widened, letting a soft gasp. He quickly turned to see the door empty; the light is gone and so were the others.

He recognizes that voice to be his little brother. After all of these years, he couldn't forgive himself for what he did to him. (y/n) kept telling Michael many times before that his younger brother had already forgiven him, but he didn't want to believe it. And now hearing his brother saying those words broke him. Tears started falling and he let out a sniff.

(y/n) ... (y/n) .... (Y/N)! Right, he can't forget about (y/n) again. He needs to go now!

He rubbed his eyes with his sleeves and ran out of the room. He saw the whole area burning, the fire is growing and he is running out of time. He ran towards the exit door, dodging the fire and the burning objects. He stopped, the exit door in front of him was a locked metal door. Michael pounds at the door, kicking it. "HENRY!" he yelled. "OPEN UP! PLEASE!!!" There was no response. The blockade is secured tight and impossible to break. He was losing hope, but the thought of (y/n) kept him going. There's gotta be another way out.

He quickly scanned around the room and saw a large vent on the wall. He ran towards it and kneel. He tried pulling it out but it's screwed in. Even kicking it wouldn't budge. It was getting hard to breathe; the smoke was filling through his lungs. Michael coughed, he coughed violently. He kept punching the vent though his hands were red from his blood. He stopped, yelled out in frustration. He sat on the floor with his back on the wall.

He gave up, there's no other way out. He began to cry, letting out his tears. Small debris coming down from the ceiling, the only things that can be heard were the sound of the flame and Michael's loud sobs. Everything around him began to blur. The fire is getting close to him. I guess this is it. he sighed one last time, I'm sorry, (y/n). It appears I'm going to break my promise...

The last thing Michael heard was thumping inside of the vent, but he was too miserable to move, stuck in the room of Hellfire. 

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