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Part 2: Like I'm gonna lose you

Cw! small fluff, but also small angst?

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Michael knew his time is coming. He knew something is going to happen tomorrow night, but don't know what. Unfortunately, you, his partner, have no clue about it. You knew about Michael's tragic history and his father's doing. You also knew about him being an owner and the manager of Pizza Place. You went there once to see it for yourself despite Michael's warning. He panicked when he first saw you there, telling you to leave and never come back because it is too dangerous. You didn't understand, but you took a small glance around and left the building, never returning there again as promised.

He felt bad for not telling his partner about his sudden feeling. He didn't want you to worry and panic; he knew you'll try all of your power to make him stay and never return the pizza place. Michael decided to spend most of his day tomorrow with you as if it's his final day together.

Michael woke up early before you and cooked breakfast. You were quite surprised by it but paid no mind to it from knowing how sweet he is. Throughout the morning, the both of you have spent time cuddling on the couch as the two of you watch his favorite tv series The Immortal and the Restless with a bowl of popcorn.

Things are going to plan; you don't seem to be suspicious. Or at least that's what Michael thought. You are not that dumb; you can tell something's off. Michael is acting strange; he's too quiet and is closer than usual. Whenever you slightly move, his arms that are wrapped around you tighten. You don't mind him being clingy, but his sudden change of behavior is bothering you.

"Michael, honey..." Michael turned his head towards you, "Yes, love?" "Is something wrong?"

Michael's eyes widened as his body stiffened. He exhaled, "Nothing is wrong, why do you ask?" You bit your lip, "You're acting differently today; You haven't said a single word throughout the show. Is there something bothering you?"

Michael sweatdropped, you are onto him but he doesn't want to tell you. "No, nothing is bothering me," He put his hand to your cheek and moved his thumb. "I assure you that everything is alright. There's no need to worry, okay?" You exhaled through your nose and nodded, forcing a smile. You didn't buy it; you knew it was a lie. You didn't question further. Michael let out a smile and kissed your lip. "I love you," he whispered. You smiled softly, "I love you too."

The two of you proceed to watch the show with his hand interlocked to yours. You then stop after Michael gets up from the couch to get ready for work. Michael moved slowly as he gets ready. He sat on the bed with his hands holding the white mask. He doesn't want to go, he's not ready, but he has no choice. He let out a sigh and walked out of the bedroom. He enters the living room to see you reading a book on the couch with music playing. He looked at you as you sway your head to the beat. I guess staying a bit won't hurt...

He walked towards you and stood in front of you. You look up from the book and saw his hand holding out. "May I have this dance, love?" Michael asked. You let out a giggle, closing the book, and put your hand onto his. The two of you moved away from the furniture and stood in an open space. Your left hand is on his shoulder as the other holding his hand with his other hand on your waist. You both started slow dancing as a smile brought up upon your face. Michael smiled as well, seeing you smiling makes him smile as well. The song slowly faded and it switches to the next song.

I found myself dreaming

Silver and Gold

Like a scene from a movie that every broken heart knows

Michael recognizes this song; you would often hum the lyrics while washing the dishes. Both of you kept slowly dancing as Michael listen to the lyrics. Strange, the song is exactly what Michael is trying to do at this moment. As the instrumental part went on, you spoke,

"I know that you're lying, Michael." Michael looked at you, "What?" "I know something is wrong, and I know you know as well. It's been bothering me all day that you wouldn't tell me." Michael faced down, "I'm sorry, it's just... I don't want to worry you, and-" "It's okay, you don't have to tell me. But please promise me something..."

Michael stares at you, "What is it?" You look at him in the eyes, "Promise me you won't go, promise me you'll come back to me, please..." Michael pursed his lips, he's not sure if he could keep that promise, however, he doesn't want to upset you. He brought your hand close to his face and place your knuckles onto his lips. "I promise..." he whispered.

You breathed out you through your nose, you let go of his hand and wrapped your arms around him. You place your head onto his shoulder as he slowly wrapped his arms around you as well. He nuzzled his face onto your neck, placing his lips on your skin. Michael closed his eyes, letting himself feel your warmth. Oh, how he wishes this moment could last forever...

I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you

I'm gonna love you, like I'm gonna lose you

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