Five : Don't be trapped in someone else's Dreams

At this moment, Jimin and the members are stretching their bodies before they start to practice their dance routine. By the looks of it, Taehyung and Suga are struggling to stretch while Jimin and Jungkook have little to no problems at all. Jungkook smiles apologetically to his hyung for having to endure the pain by their dance teacher for not stretching properly. The dance teacher had to push their backs, hold their legs, and pull their hands until the 'pop' sounds came out.* Jimin who's at the side stretching along with them; is wincing every second looking over to his older members. It looks painful by the way how Suga and Taehyung groaned loudly and painfully. J-hope tries to ease Jimin by saying 'they're used to this', 'it's okay, they're old despite their young age', and all things that he cannot hear due to his fixation towards Suga and Taehyung. Seokjin also sees how Jimin tries not get bothered by their groans but fails to do. So, he did the right thing, by asking their dance teacher to let Jimin help them two stretching instead of him. Upon hearing Seokjin's request, he immediately turned around to stare at Jimin. Jimin squirmed by seeing his dance teacher 'feral' stare and tries not to look onto his way. Just then, he sighed and allowed Jimin to do it with a promise (or more like a request) to do it properly and perfectly. Jimin instantly nodded vigorously and goes to two of them who's by now laying on the floor after being 'ambushed' by their dance teacher.

Jimin plopped down beside Taehyung who looks exhausted and ashen. He tries to live up the mood of his hyung by smiling gently, "Tae-hyung, do you need me to teach you some of easy steps to be more flexible?" Jimin proposed, bringing his hand on Taehyung back and begins to rub it in circle.

"Anything, Jiminie. As long as you don't hurt me more." Taehyung responded, giving a small smile that doesn't seem to reach his eyes. Jimin notices this and felt bad for his hyung. He gets up and looks over to Suga who's unsurprisingly sleeping contently. Jimin thought he shouldn't bother him right now so he proceeded to teach Taehyung some of the easiest stretching for a beginner like him.

Little by little, he taught some of the basic stretching that will make dancing much easier step by step. Taehyung tries to be patient and listened attentively to everything Jimin instructed. He follows exactly what Jimin said and Jimin tries to give some tips for Taehyung benefit. J-hope, Jungkook, and Seokjin who's watching from afar are smiling fondly looking at how their youngest member being patient by teaching Taehyung without complaining. The dance teacher who's monitoring Rapmonster notices this and snorts to himself, muttering something inaudible.

Taehyung feels at ease for knowing the steps to have a much more energetic body before dancing and he's grateful to Jimin. All the time while doing this, Taehyung honestly never thought for his arrival to be 'special' but he tries his best to be a good hyung for Jimin. He, at first was happy for Jimin's addition to their group but gradually felt bothered by his presence alone. Taehyung knows that Jimin tries harder than anyone else but he can't help but felt that Jimin was annoying sometimes. Even though he's a great dancer (according to manager Sejin) but Taehyung never sees his potential during their dance practice. At this rate, he thinks Rapmonster and Seokjin are even far better than Jimin! There's also the fact that he cannot get the right pitching and tone when singing. Taehyung actually felt like they are progressing slowly ever since Jimin joined them. That's probably the reason why he snapped during the 'incident' and avoided Jimin ever since then.

It's a lie if he tells himself that he doesn't feel guilty for thinking and acting like that before. He knows Jimin tries his hardest to be fitted in this group. Taehyung felt pathetic and sorrow building up in his emotion. When he hears Jimin instruction again, he follows it correctly. That made Jimin's evidently happy for him and he cheered, "That's great Tae-hyung! You're improving!" Jimin excitedly clapped for him. Taehyung smiles a little and feels his heart warmed at how supportive Jimin is.

He then realized something wrong at how Jimin was calling him, "Jiminie, it's TaeTae-hyung for you." Taehyung corrected, smiling widely at him. Jimin was thunder-struck but then regained himself again and nodded to him while smiling shyly. Taehyung being him cannot help but coos at him while pinching his cheeks. Jimin face warmed even more.

"Jimin, that's enough! Go teach Suga right now!" The dance teacher who's playing with his phone tapping rapidly grunted at Jimin.

Taehyung pouted at their dance teacher and slowly released his hands from Jimin. Jimin strokes his chubby cheeks after being 'assaulted' by Taehyung hands. He excused himself from Taehyung and strides to Suga who's still deeply sleeping. He was about to wake him up but then halted by J-hope's voice, "Jimin! Do not wake him up recklessly! You will be killed by him!" J-hope exaggerated though looking genuinely afraid. Jimin was clueless at this and look at his hyung strangely. Taehyung was about to say something too but then Seokjin stopped him by hitting his head lightly. He then smiled and told Jimin not to be afraid. Jimin slowly nodded to him continuing it again. He can hear Taehyung from far off whining about how he got hit but not J-hope.

He hesitantly set his hand on Suga body and slowly shakes him trying to wake him up. He mumbled his name over and over again with a lower voice but it got longer than it intended. In the end, he has no choice but to raise his voice more and shakes his body aggressively. Suga finally wakes up but not without sitting over and shouted, "You little shit! Stop waki---" His couldn't finish his sentence after seeing Jimin terrified face and his hand in the air. Suga grumbled and roughly rubs his face. He then glares at Jimin intensely and that made Jimin cowers even more.

"Yoongi, stop being mean." Seokjin scolded from afar. Suga broke his eye-contact with Jimin and turned to glare at Seokjin (which Seokjin immediately glares back and a glaring competition ensue). With a voice still laced with sleep, Suga denied him, "I'm not being mean, I'm just grumpy at him for waking me up."

"I'm sorry.... I need to help you for your stretching routine." Jimin timidly said, looking down at the floor. Suga sighed heavily and gets up from his sitting position. He urged Jimin to carry on with his teaching which Jimin immediately obliged. Seokjin who is still watching from afar shakes his head at Suga behavior.

Suga grumpily follows Jimin instruction meanwhile Jimin stuttered instructing Suga feeling scared for his action earlier. Despite this, Jimin handles it 'professionally' and tries his best to help his hyung as much as he can, even though he can see how Suga hates doing this. What's circling through his mind right now is to make the time goes faster because everyone can practically see the awkward interaction between two of them. Jungkook who's watching them winced when he saw how Jimin struggled to go through instructing without stuttering every time. It seems like Suga was tired about Jimin's nervous habit so he finally exploded, "Can't you please stop squirming and stuttering for every damn time?" Suga quipped. Jungkook was shocked at Suga words so he shouted his name, trying to warn him.

Jimin was startled but immediately answered, "I'm really sorry.... I'll try harder." Jimin plays with his fingers and kept looking down.

Suga sighed and scratch his neck feeling guilty for snapping at him. In the end, he settled with, "Whatever, kid."

Suga can't blame Jimin for being scared of him since that's what he usually gets portrayed by people who doesn't know him very well. He should just go along with what Jimin is feeling for him but he has to admit that he doesn't like it when Jimin mistook him as a bad person. He knows he has his days when he gets hostile and rude. When he thinks about it again, he wonders if Jimin knows that he was looking down on him last time during their discussion with other members. He lifted his eyes to look at Jimin who doesn't notice that Suga is staring. Honestly he doesn't know what goes through Jimin mind even though he's an open-book. There are two reasons, one is because they're not that close with each other and second is Jimin is a private person**. Whatever happened, his 'opinion' that the fact Jimin is doesn't have that much potential in their group doesn't change. He shrugged to himself erasing every thought in his mind. Soon afterward, they heard their dance teacher calling them to gather and ordered them to go over through the dance again which they tiredly comply.

Jimin sighed heavily feeling tired even though what he did for all these time was just instructing. Jimin get into his position and starts to get ready. Suga who was just behind Jimin absentmindedly scratch his head wondering whether he should do it or not. After a short time of thinking, he made up his mind and tap Jimin's shoulder to get his attention. Jimin turned around to look at Suga and Suga muttered, "Thank you for helping me." Jimin just smiles to him as a reply then turned to the front.

Just because he's a mean and a scary person, doesn't mean he can't feel gratitude to someone who help him, right?

(*' ˘ '*).。oO ( ♡ ) ... ❤︎⁄⁄꒰* ॢꈍ◡ꈍ ॢ꒱.*˚‧

After a long time practicing, they finally finished with their training for the day. Jimin drowsily walk out of their practice room feeling haggard after their arduous training. A sigh left Jimin lips as he looked at the clock that reached 11:30 PM by now. He never thought that idol training could get this hard, he thought. His workload might decrease if he doesn't join a group instead, Jimin thought regretfully. Right now, he cannot do anything but just do everything that was ordered by Bang PD-nim for him. If this gets anymore distressing, he will quit. A lot of dissatisfaction went through Jimin mind that he doesn't have any energy to stop it further before his paranoia gets worse. At that time while Jimin was searching the dark hallway to get out from this building, he saw a light coming through a small room that he doesn't think anyone ever uses before. Curiosity gets the worse of him and he peeped from the small opening of the door wondering who's inside the room at this hour. Usually, it's only managers and some staffs that stays along with them. Others, like producers, stay at another floor.

It was a shock to Jimin when he sees someone he never thought would be occupying this room and smoking carelessly on top of that. It's his dance teacher and someone he doesn't recognize. Only one thought that went through his mind at this point, when did he get there that fast? He thought he saw his dance teacher went to the way out after they finished practicing. How come he's here? Jimin pondered curiously. He stares even further inching closer to hear what are they talking about.

"I heard you got a new kid to teach." The person in a grey hoodie said this.

"More like, I got a new brat to teach! He's a pain in the ass." The dance teacher fumed, smoking every 10 seconds. Jimin gulped.

"Why? He's a kid. Every kid is stubborn sometimes."

"He's in his world a lot. He thinks he's improving but he's f**cking not! Wants to be an idol and shit but doesn't even have a face to make up for it!" The dance teacher barked, letting out some 'powerful' curses after that. Jimin winced when he heard this and upon seeing closely inside the room, he can see bottles of alcohol splaying out on the floor.

"Poor kid! He doesn't even have a chance in the idol world then." The other person snickered, dunking down another bottle.

"0% chance! The fact that the shitty boss even adores him a lot makes it even possible for me to order him! He's debuting in a year and me, a person who trained for 3 years doesn't even have a chance! That boss must be mad!" Now Jimin can see a pattern forming, no wonder he treats him like a fool. Jimin frowned feeling angry at how immature he's acting.

"Man, I feel bad for you. What are you going to do now? You know, to let him quit the training." Jimin gasped when he heard the words coming out of the person in a grey hoodie.

"I like treating him like a slave, kid's a timid b*tch. I'm going to order him every time and in the end, he's going to get fed up with and leave." The dance teacher smiled wickedly to which Jimin squirmed seeing his smile. He cannot take this anymore so he bolted down the hallway making sure no one follows him. He runs out of the company building (forgetting the fact that he needs to be in his dorm now) and went to small park near the company building, catching his breath when he arrived.

He looks his surrounding and was relieved to find there are no one nearby. He went to the nearby bench that was right below the tree and sat down on it, rubbing his face tiredly. He droned out looking in front of him not thinking of anything particular. He feels emotionally and physically drained of life. He sighed heavily again and search for his pocket to find his phone. He messaged his parents two days ago about the real situation and they were happy for him but at the same concern about his health. He immediately replied them saying he's fine and he's getting along with everyone. Oh, how the truth is far away from what he told his parents. He feels guilty for not admitting but at the same time he doesn't want to make his parents worry. He starts to open his message and send a new message to his friend Yejun.

From : JimIN

To : Yejunnie

What are you doing now?

08/06/2012***, 11:50 PM.

Jimin smiles a little once he sent it, he knows Yejun is still up at this time playing games.

From : Yejunnie

To : JimIN

Why are you asking the obvious?

08/06/2012, 11:52 PM.

Jimin chuckles at his sarcasm and immediately typed back.

From : JimIN

To : Yejunnie

I'm bored. :(

08/06/2012, 11:53 PM.

From : Yejunnie

To : JimIN


Where are you now?

08/06/2012, 11:55 PM.

Jimin can see the underlying concern beneath those words.

From : JimIN

To : Yejunnie

It's okay, let's just talk. :D

08/06/2012, 11:56 PM.

Their conversations went everywhere to the point where they talk basically about everything. Jimin feels relaxed at his friend comforting words (even though it was full of sarcasm). He's glad to have such a nice friend. They talked for about 35 minutes until Yejun had to retreat due to the fact he almost finished his credits. Jimin feels sad at that but he let him go. Now, he waits for nothing and just stares at the stars and the gleaming moon.

"Jimin? You are here!" A person who's out of breath suddenly announced his arrival. Jimin was perplexed to see an out of breath Rapmonster because that's the person he least to see.

"Where have you been? Why are you late? Why don't I have your phone number?" Rapmonster pressed even more now standing in front of Jimin holding his shoulder. Jimin feels guilty for leaving without informing his hyung.

"Hyung.... You never asked, that's why." Jimin smiled sheepishly to Rapmonster and he heaved a sigh, sitting down beside Jimin.

"I allow you to go out but not without telling me, Jimin." Rapmonster scolded Jimin. Jimin gave an apology repeatedly feeling sorry for his hyung for having to search for him everywhere.

"Let's go, I'm hungry. I know a place that serve great Jjajangmyeon." Rapmonster suddenly said this, getting up from the seat and went without looking at Jimin. Jimin follows behind him in fear he might angered him even more.

(*' ˘ '*).。oO ( ♡ ) ... ❤︎⁄⁄꒰* ॢꈍ◡ꈍ ॢ꒱.*˚‧

Just a while ago Jimin felt exhausted, now double that along with lethargic. Jimin feels that he's ready to collapse anywhere even on the dark streets. He feels slightly disoriented due to the fact he ate a lot of foods (it's also the owner fault for giving him more food). Rapmonster who's walking beside him chuckles at Jimin. While they were on the restaurant, they don't really talk about anything serious, just general topic and Jimin's grateful for that. He knows Rapmonster is a mature person and Jimin knows he must have his own reason for thinking negatively about Jimin. After all, everyone has their own reasons for saying their opinion.

Rapmonster is not generally an immature person, but he's still young so he has his days where he thinks immaturely and childishly. That part of him made him hate himself. He wondered why did he have to go that far just for relieving himself for knowing now that they have a 'less' talented boy. He knows that Jimin works hard but he must have felt so tired that he blame it all on Jimin for a single mistake. He doesn't mind the fact that they're much slower at progressing as a team than before. He thinks it's worthwhile just for Jimin. He looks down at Jimin beside him.

"Jimin, are you fine? Do you need help?" Rapmonster asked, realizing that Jimin is a second away from collapsing any moment.

"I'm fine...... thank you." Jimin answered sluggishly.

"Come on, take my hand." Rapmonster held out his hand towards Jimin and Jimin reluctantly takes it. They walk together to their dorm not saying anything.


"Yes, hyung?"

"Call me, Namjoon." Rapmonster turned to Jimin, giving him a fond smile.

"Is it.. okay?" Jimin hesitantly asked.


"O-okay, Namjoon-hyung."

Eventually, they walk home with a better spirits and with happiness buzzing in the air at the dark streets of Seoul.

(*' ˘ '*).。oO ( ♡ ) ... ❤︎⁄⁄꒰* ॢꈍ◡ꈍ ॢ꒱.*˚‧

*My P.E teacher who's also my dance teacher used to 'torture' me like this hahah. Those were the days....

**It's possible for someone to be an open-book but at the same time a private person.

***This is according to DAYS/MONTH/YEAR.

My boss seems to know that I'm writing this fic because he gave me truck-load of work that I don't even have time to breathe lol. For your information, I went through hundreds of articles to write this fanfic, from Korean school year to BTS debut days hahaha (I know it's not showing very well). I love suffering.

I hope this chapter leave more imagination to you guys about the 'not-so-bad-guys' characters. *wink wink* + feel free to follow me on twitter if you guys want update for my fic : iwrite_yukaoi

