Seven : A Blissful Weekend

My high fever finally got better but then! My younger brother got into car accident that caused my fic to delayed, seriously haha. It's a relief that he's fine now and we will be able to celebrate.

(o;_ _)o...<(*- -*)>

The weekend morning seems to be a good start for Jimin's day. The weather is a mixture of hot and humid but there's a chilling breeze to accompany with it. The streets, shops, and everywhere are filled with families, children, elders, and different kinds of people. Everyone is taking this as a perfect day to spend their Sunday with their closest ones and loved ones. All except for trainee like Jimin, of course. He's on his way to board the train to Myeongdong to buy new shoes and possibly some new clothes as well. Some necessities are important too. Jimin is glad that he was able to get permission from his manager. His allowance just came last night and he couldn't be more thankful to his parents for sending it at a perfect time. After all, allowance doesn't come easily to him as his family are short on money. He's glad his parents are able to send enough money to him.

He quickened his steps as soon as he arrived at the train station and sees that the train that he's supposed to depart are departing soon. He managed to slip inside the train in time and a relief sigh left his lips. Just when the train starts to go, Jimin searches for a place he can hold so that he won't stumble during the train ride. Jimin stares at the scenery with a longing feel. He misses his family and friends back at Busan. He knows that he will be able to get a few weeks holiday to go back home but sometimes there's a thought that goes inside his mind wondering whether this training is worth it. His lifestyle now is different from before. But then, he thought it's not fun if he won't get any challenge in his life. Sometimes, it's worth the trouble. With that, he gets off the train when it arrives and looks at his surroundings.

Jimin asked for a suggestion from Seokjin and Namjoon for a place where he can buy sorts of things and they immediately recommended this place with no hesitation. Now, Jimin can see why they recommend this place. He's sure that he will be able to go home with his hands full, Jimin thought with a smile. He starts to take his time to leisure the place and at the same time, stopping for a while when he sees some snacks sold by street vendor. Overall, he had a great day shopping here. He overcome his shyness and tried to ask the assistant questions related to his skincare. He's glad that the assistant isn't the judging type or the chatty type, or else he would have trouble talking with them. After visiting the pharmacy, he went to the shoes store. Since his shoes that was intended for dance practice is close to breaking out, he's planning to buy one. He followed the shop assistant advice and tried the shoes. He stepped out the shoes store when he noticed the weather is turning cloudy. Jimin looks up to the sky and shield his face with his hand when the sun hits his face. He prayed that the rain won't come soon since he still has a lot of stuff to buy. He quickly went to the place he wants to visit without wasting any time.

As soon as he bought the things that he required to buy, Jimin let out a heavy sigh, relieved to know that he still have time. Jimin found a huge fountain in the middle of the place where shops are surrounding it with trees scattering around the place. Jimin sat down on the edge of the fountain; shielding his shopping bags from water and began to ponder if he still has additional things to buy. He also noticed that the sky is turning darker each time and according to the huge digital clock on the building, it just turned 2 in the afternoon. He felt tired from shopping half of the day since this is the first time he's doing it alone. He's thinking of getting some food but doesn't know which restaurant would serve him the best. After all, there are great variety of restaurants here that Jimin thinks he, who will be living here in Seoul, won't even finish exploring the restaurants.

The weather is still hot but bearable. The buzzing sounds of cars and trains far away from here still can be heard even with the loud music that the shops playing. Jimin smiles when he sees a child getting sulky over her mother who won't buy her a balloon and a little boy getting happy over his ice cream treat. He also can see numerous people here who's on a date which makes Jimin feels a little bit fidgety. He's still young but sometimes seeing them looking so happy with their partner make him wonder if there will be a time he experiences that? That will probably be impossible, considering they are debuting as idols and even though their company doesn't have 'dating ban', he still has to be cautious over relationships.

As Jimin zones out from his staring, he can feel himself lulling to sleep but refused to and starts to shake his head. He slaps his cheeks with both hands repeatedly in a desperation to make himself stay awake. While he's in his own world trying to not to sleep, he doesn't notice someone took a seat beside him and stares at him confusingly. That person is J-hope, he was granted a permission from his Manager-hyung even though he was late about it. Well, all that matters are he could go out and buy some new pants. It seems that Jimin won't still get out of his own world so J-hope had to poke him to gain his attention. Jimin snapped his head to J-hope and J-hope fears that he will be snapping his neck.

"Hyung? Why are you here?" That was the first thing that came out of Jimin's mouth after several minutes they are staring at each other, both shocked at their presences.

"Why not? I'm not allowed to go out?" J-hope pouts sulkily, Jimin just smiled sheepishly.

"I'm here to buy some new pants and I've already done that 30 minutes ago. You?" J-hope glanced down at Jimin's shopping bags that were surrounding him.

"Oh! I'm doing the same thing! Except I bought more things than you." Jimin grins looking sheepish.

"I can see that." J-hope's staring at... 5? 7? Shopping bags. He wonders what did Jimin just bought. Does he have that much money? He looks up to Jimin.

"Oh well, are you hungry? Let's go to some famous Samgyeopsal Restaurant that I found last week. It's delicious! Come!" J-hope began to pull Jimin's hand and took some of his shopping bags.

"Wait, hyung! Won't it be too expensive?" Jimin asked worriedly, who was about to retract his hand. He just spent a lot of his money for his necessities, he doubts there will be any left for an expensive restaurant.

J-hope shakes his head vigorously. "Of course not! It won't be that expensive! Even better, the food taste will worth every penny!" J-hope rejects Jimin's hand who was about to snatch some of his shopping bags from J-hope's hand. Jimin didn't say anything else figuring he's also hungry so searching for other restaurant will be a waste. Taking that silent answer as 'yes', they both walked together while holding hands to the restaurant.

If J-hope was bothered by the whispers and stares from everyone, he didn't show it. Jimin was another case, he's blushing red till the tip of his ears. J-hope just chuckled and even though Jimin looks bothered, he didn't make any move to remove his hand. They walked in peace and once in a while Jimin's staring at everything he sees and was once again, on his own world. Jimin wasn't aware how much time has passed, just that he realized they're both standing in front of the restaurant. Their walk took 30 minutes and their legs are aching badly. Jimin want just to go in and sits in the most comfortable chair he can find. Luckily, the process of finding a table wasn't hard even though there were a lot of people here. The atmosphere inside the restaurant is clean and great; Jimin is excited to taste the food. Even though this is a 'cook-for-yourself' kind of restaurant, but according to J-hope, their meat and vegetables are high quality.

Once in a while, they made a small talk but overall, they just ate without a care in the world. They didn't even pay much attention to their surrounding and just engulfed their food in happiness. Jimin forgot how many times he asked for a second but just like what J-hope said, it worth every penny. J-hope was just eating like Jimin does but stopped halfway when he's about to put it into his mouth after he sees someone familiar. J-hope narrowed his eyes wondering if he's imagining it but then realize he's not imagining anything. Not wanting the person to escape any further from his eyes, he called out loudly, "Jin-hyung! Suga-hyung! Over here!" J-hope waved his arms wildly.

At the sound of their names, Jimin choked on his meat and immediately retrieve his water beside him. He sighed in relief when the water washed down the meat he choked and pouts at J-hope when he sees J-hope smiling sheepishly. Jimin glanced behind him to see Suga and Seokjin walking over to them with Suga in his usual 'I'm not amused' face. Jimin quickly made a space for Seokjin to sit but what unexpected was that it was Suga who sat beside Jimin. He doesn't look bothered by it and Jimin made no point to address it. Unfortunately, Seokjin sees at Jimin's face and he smiled to Jimin, taking a seat next to J-hope.

"So, this is unexpected, how did you guys end up here?" J-hope asked first after Seokjin and Suga made their order. To which Jimin bulged his eyes out after finding at how many foods Seokjin ordered.

"I found it on internet and since the other kids doesn't want to join, I asked him." Seokjin replied casually, eating some of the leftover which Jimin and J-hope left.

"He forced me, not asked me." Suga chided, still looking 'dangerous'. He's glaring at Seokjin to which Seokjin paid no mind.

"What can I do? If I don't ask you, you will be cooping inside that studio for 24 hours." Seokjin munches on the vegetables looking bored at Suga.

"That's true." J-hope agreed, smiling sheepishly when Suga turned to glare at J-hope. Jimin who's beside Suga just watch them.

Not long after, the food arrived and Suga sizzles the meat on top of the grill without saying anything. Jimin's already full the moment they came here so he just watches them from the side without saying anything. J-hope noticed this and offered Jimin some of his meat to which Jimin rejected kindly. While Seokjin and J-hope are happily talking with each other about anything and everything, Jimin peered to Suga secretly. He thought he looks cool cooking the meat, he looks manly. Jimin blushed once he realized what was his thought. He diminishes the thoughts by shaking his head.

Suga noticed that Jimin was staring at him and he's wondering whether this brat actually noticed he's doing it or not. Unable to contain it any longer, he glanced at Jimin narrowing his eyes at him. "What is it?" Jimin smiled sheepishly realizing he got caught staring. "Nothing, hyung."

Suga sighed and leave it at that to which Jimin appreciate it. Soon afterward, Seokjin and Suga was able to finish their foods quickly and they left the restaurant with their stomach full. Jimin sighed to himself when he realized that he ate a lot and he needs to work out in the gym longer than any other day tonight. He doesn't say anything else and walked beside Suga together with J-hope and Seokjin at the front still actively talking. Suga hands are filled with some of Jimin shopping bags after seeing that the younger was struggling to carry everything. When he 'accidentally' look inside the bag, he noticed a brand-new shoe. He wondered to himself whether he should ask it or not. In the end, he made a decision to just ask the younger.

"Where did you buy this shoes?"

Jimin was snapped back to reality when he received that question and slowly looked up to Suga. "I bought it from... Ah! That store. There's a discount so I bought it." Jimin's words was a bit messy and he blushed to himself. Suga just nodded.

"Next time, invite me as well when you're going to buy new shoes or clothes." Suga mentioned, looking at the store that Jimin pointed out. Jimin's staring at him, dumbfounded at what Suga just said.

"O... okay?" Jimin replied hesitantly. He figured there's no harm in doing this together with him. Does this mean that Suga is trying to be friends with him? Or understand him? If that's so, then Jimin is all for this. He smiles blissfully and they went home together with Seokjin's driving the car.

(o;_ _)o...<(*- -*)>

The homework that his English Teacher gave was a bit difficult to solve and understand. Jimin pouted getting furious at how he's still in the same spot for over an hour now. He just finished his other homework and this is his last one but for some reason, his brain just stop working! He knows the others are already asleep or busy with doing something else considering it's already 1:30 in the morning now. Jimin sighed to himself wondering who to ask for help. It would be too embarrassing to ask his Manager-hyung, so, who? Eventually, knowing that he won't solve anything by just thinking and wondering, he gets up from his seat and stepped out of the kitchen. He clutches his homework on his hand and his eyes keeps searching for someone who can help him.

The only one who's at living room is Seokjin who's currently doing something in his phone while lying down on the couch. By the looks of it, he's reading something on the internet. Jimin coughed to catch Seokjin's attention and he immediately looked up to see Jimin looking guilty. He instinctively knows there's something wrong with Jimin, so, he sits up from his position and stares at Jimin.

"Can you help me, hyung?" Jimin fiddled with his fingers.

Seokjin smiles fondly. "Of course! What do you want me to help with?" He strides over to Jimin and look at the book Jimin's holding.

"It's... my English homework." He peered up to look at Seokjin to see Seokjin looking sheepish. He scratches his head.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I don't think I can help you with this. But there's someone who will be a perfect fit for this!" Seokjin grins at him, ruffling his hair affectionately.

"Who, hyung?"

"It's Rapmonster!"

To Namjoon, here we go, Jimin thought inside his head. A sigh left his lips wondering if it's okay to ask him for a help. He's shuffling down the hallway of the BigHit building to Namjoon's studio. He griped his homework tightly once he arrived in front of the door. Once again, he sighed heavily and made a move to knock his door. He can hear a voice with an underlying confusion in it 'come in'. Jimin went inside the studio slowly and peeked his head to look at Namjoon. Namjoon noticed it was Jimin so he gave him a smile. He offered a seat beside his 'working table' and Jimin immediately sat on it.

"Is there something I can help you with, Jimin?" Namjoon smiles now his full attention on Jimin.

"Um.... English homework.." Jimin showed him his homework to Namjoon and Namjoon took it from Jimin's hands. "You want me to help you?" A vehement nod from Jimin. After examining his homework for a minute, he closes the book and smiles to him. "Let me teach you."

They start with Jimin homework right away without Namjoon saying anything. Jimin patiently hears whatever Namjoon says and once in a while, Namjoon praised Jimin for getting it right. To which in result Jimin getting giddy over the compliment. Namjoon's tutoring went for over 45 minutes and they stopped when Jimin's finished with his homework. Jimin heaved a sighed of relief and Namjoon just laughs lightly, patting his head in encouragement.

"Thank you for teaching me, Namjoon-hyung. Sorry for taking your time." Jimin glanced at the clock and was shocked at how much time has passed. It's almost 3 AM.

Namjoon shakes his head smiling. "No worries, Jimin. We told you before didn't we? Come to your hyung whenever you have problem."

Jimin gave him a bright smile and he excused himself later since it's already late. Sleeping has never been so peaceful knowing today was a great day.

(o;_ _)o...<(*- -*)>

Thank you for reading, people. Sorry for another short chapter. I'm trying to make my grammar sounds better and my dictionary is always beside me whenever I'm writing this fic hahah. We don't celebrate Christmas (none of you know this, but I'm a Deist.) but that doesn't mean we can't have fun, right? Haha. I hope you all have an amazing weekend and Merry Christmas!

IMPORTANT : The next chapter will be a hopefully long chapter. It will be on other members point-of-view about Jimin's first arrival. I will update it after Christmas!

