
E r i k a
I woke up with Chloe beside me. I noticed that Jakes shoes were at the door, but so where some other shoes. I woke Chloe up and we cleaned everything away, then walked upstairs. We looked in my room, Jake was asleep. Then we looked in the 2 guest rooms. Logan was asleep in one and Anthony and Adam was asleep in the other. We laughed and Chloe went to Logan and I went to Jake. I walked over and shook him awake. He groaned and I laughed.

J- Baby?
E- Hi bubba

He put his hand on his head and squinted his eyes, he definitely has a hang over. I heard walking so I looked out the door, Logan's arm was around Chloe and his eyes were half shut.

C- Hangover too?
E- Yep

We laughed and Chloe and Logan went downstairs. I got Jake up and we went downstairs. We gave them some Advil and water and some ice for their head aches.

L- So babe why are you here?
C- Well, since you were out with the boys, me and Erika hung out

We all talked for a while and soon enough Lauren and Rocky came over. Rocky got therapy and the doctor was treating her with medication so she's doing a lot better. Us girls sat on our boys laps and all talked. We all watched a movie and that's when I had an idea. I looked at Chloe and she looked at me. I nodded and she nodded to. I whispered to Jake that I would be back, he said ok and me and Chloe both got up and walked upstairs, into my room. We sat on the bed and I smiled..

E- I've came up with something..
C- Something for?..
E- You know what..
C- *giggles* Ok, What is it?

I told Chloe. She loved it. We hugged and talked a little more about it, longer than we thought. I noticed that it was dark outside, then I heard shouts..


We got up and ran downstairs. Jake was in tears. They all turned around and we were panting from running, seen as we are pregnant. I jumped into Jakes arms and he hugged me tight, crying onto my shoulder..

J- Where were you?...
E- I was just upstairs with Chloe.. I didn't realise how long we were..
J- It's ok.. just as long as you're ok..

I nodded and everyone left. Me and Jake had some dinner and then watched more movies, cuddling up. It reached 12 and we were getting really tired so we went upstairs. I put on a hoodie and Jake put his joggers on. We got into bed and I had my head on Jakes chest, his arms around me. I was drawing shapes on his chest with my finger when he spoke up..

J- Why haven't you said I love you back..

I looked up at him..

E- I'm sorry.. I've just been stressed.. I do love you, to the moon and back..
J- I love you too.. but what have you been stressed about..
E- I- *sighs* you'll find out soon..

I turned my back to him. I know he's upset. He was about to speak again, but just sighed. He kept his arms around me and I fell asleep as I closed my eyes..
