Freaked out..

J a k e
We were all sitting in the room, silent. Erika was on my lap, her head on my shoulder, sniffling. Anthony and Adam looked stressed. Anthony's head was in his hand, scratching his scalp. Adam had his head hung low and was moving his thumbs around, making circles I guess you could say. I then heard running. We all looked up and saw all of our parents, Jc, Logan and Chloe. Erika ran to Jc, I ran to Logan, Adam ran to his family and Anthony ran to his. Lauren and Rocky's family were crying and we all sat back down. I went to sit down with Logan next to me, then the seats next to me filled up with our families. Erika turned around though and saw that there wasn't a seat next to me and she began tearing up. I reached my hand out and she walked over. She sat on my lap and I drew little circles on her thigh. Logan and Chloe talked and so did everyone else, so I quietly talked to Erika in the softest voice I possibly could.

J- You ok now?
E- Still freaked out
J- Well, I'm not leaving your side.. when you left I was getting worried because you hadn't texted me.. but I didn't want to text you and be too clingy because I know girls hate that..
E- Be as clingy as you want.. I don't care.. I would love it actually

I looked her in the eyes and we smiled, leaning in and pecking lips.

L- Little brother got a girlfriend, huh?
J- Logan-
L- I'm Logan, nice to meet you
E- I'm Erika

They shook hands and I talked with Logan and Chloe while Erika played with the hairs on the back of my head, her cheek on the top of my head. I could tell she was still upset about everything..

Dr- Rocky Garcia?

Her family and Anthony stood up because we all agreed that we would have the families go in first.

Dr- Shes doing just fine, she just had to get some stitches and a few jags, she's currently sleeping, but you can go ahead and see her in room 38ga

Anthony sprinted to her room and her mom and dad followed behind. After 5 minutes, another doctor came out.

Dr- Lauren Dascalo?

Adam and her family stood up too. She was in the same situation as Rocky. They're both very lucky. Adam and Lauren's parents went to see her while we all stayed back.

Jc- Rik?

Me and Erika looked over and Jc looked at us.

Jc- You ok?

She nodded and hugged me tighter, her legs coming up and her head on my chest.. I heard Jc sigh and I rubbed Erika's thigh, calming her down as she was silently crying. I think.. I think I-
