This isn't home

  Himawari gasped. All she felt was cold, she opened her eyes only saw blured light above her, she realized she was in a... river? She squirmed trying to get out of the darkness, she was running out of air! When she thought it was over she was saved by a pair of slender warm arms caught her and pulled her out.

POV Hinata
 'I hope she is okay.' I thought over and over again as I pulled her out of the river. 'how did she even fall in?' I asked myself. 

I put her down on her side and push down on her stomache, the little girl coughed out water and looked up at me though stilted eyes.

 "Mommy?" She asked, then pulled herself up and laid herself in my lap soaking me even more. I Ignored the chill entering my clothes and picked her up and started running to the hospital.

POV Sakura 
 I saw a wet Hinata speeding pass us with a limp child in her arms, I turned to Naruto who looked back at me looking just as confused. 

  "Did you see that or was I hallucinating?" He asked, his eyes wide with shock.

   "Let's go." I said and we started running after her. When we finally caught up to Hinata she turned to us, her eyes worried, her bangs plastered to her forehead.

 "I-I saw her drowning in the river while I was training. S-she seemed to drop out of the air." Hinata informed us, we nodded, not questioning the information and continued running.

  "WATCH OUT!" Screamed a girl who was hugging her brother in fear infront of us. Hinata ignored them and jumped over children who were in the way, while Naruto and I swerved, and they looked back at her in awe. 

When we brought the girl to the hospital Hinata was nervously pacing in the waiting room, glaring whenever Naruto tried to lighten the mood, which was surpising considering she was always so nervous around him. When the nurse finally came and told us the girl was alright Hinata sighed looking realived and asked to see the girl.

  While we were walking to the hospital room Naruto made sure to keep a distace away from Hinata. 

I turned to her "Hey, do you know this kid?" I asked

     "Hm, no why do you ask?"

    "Well you were looked like you were going to murder the next person who talked to you until you heard she was fine." I told her, reminding her of how she looked at Naruto.

   Hinata winced "Was I actually that rude?" she asked. 

  "Yep" I said.

   She slowed down and turned to Naruto "I-I am sorry N-Naruto"

  "Its okay, you were just worried" He said smiling.

  "Yes, but t-that n-not an excuse to be rude" She persisted.

    I waited for them, holding the hospital room door. "If you lovebirds are done, I think we should get in the room now." I said smiling when they both blushed.

POV Naruto
 'Ugh whats this fuzzy, jittery feeling, and why does my face feel like it's on fire?' I thought as Hinata ran into the hospital room looking... Happy? 

The little girl that Hinata cared so much for was sleeping on the bed, my heart twinged unexpectedly looking at her fragil body. She had the same hair color as Hinata except her hair was more flared out like mine while Hinata's was straight. Hinata gently sat next to her and stroked her hair, then Hinata activated her byakugan and started scrutinazing the injuries, if there even were any. 

  "She looks fine" Sakura said sighing and sitting down in a bedside chair.

  "No, she's not," Hinata gasped. "She has a bruise!" She continued, pointing at a purple point on the little girls arm, I focused on the purple bruise, glaring at the purplish mark not missing Sakura's slight smile.

  "It's okay, I can heal it." She said exasperated. 

While Sakura got to work I studied Hinata, she looked genuinly worried for the girl. But how, she did say she didn't know her? When Sakura finished she said she was supposed to meet up with grannie Tsunade. The girl shifted and opened her... Ehh? Blue eyes which the same shade as me.

POV Himawari
  "Wow it is so bright" I muttered, my lips felt chapped and I saw a blurry person. O

nce my eyes focused a bit more I saw the shape of "MOMMY!" I yelled and hugged her then I took a deep breath of scent, lavenders and lillies. Yep this is my mommy I turned my head and saw dad. "Hi daddy" I said smiling over mommy's shoulder at him. Did he looked diffrent my eyes didn't completly unblur yet so maybe it was me?

    But then I heard the same words I heard last time "I-I'm s-sorry but I am not your mom." teenage mommy said stroking my hair just like older mommy would. I felt sad, "Oh s-sorry, it's just I never saw my mom in such a long time." I said feeling tears welling up, I hiccuped and started to cry.

POV Hinata
  My heart broke into tiny pieces when she told me that, my mother was dead so I could relate. I held her tighter and stroked her hair, saying calming words until she fell asleep, forgetting Naruto was watching me. We both knew we couldn't leave her alone at the leaf hospital for the night so I told him I would take her to my home, he tried to argue but I stood my ground.

    As Naruto carried her in his arms, I checked the girl out of the hospital, it was late so we walked to my house. I opened the gate and looked around my byakugan activated, I motioned for Naruto to follow me. We walked lightly towards my room, until Naruto stepped on a creaky floorboard, I looked around franticly and saw Hanabi was shifting in her bed, my father was in a room farther from mine so he mustn't have heard. I sighed and shot an annoyed look at Naruto. He shrugged apologiticly, when we finally reached my room I flicked the light switch on, Naruto placed the girl on my bed, I sighed.

  "At least we made it in one piece" Naruto whispered. Then his stomache grumbled I looked at him realizing I was starving too.

 "l-lets go to the kitchen" I said, planning to check if there was still onigiri I made yesterday in the fridge as I opened the door I turned and saw... Hanabi right infront of me, arms crossed.
