

              Hinata started serving ramen to everyone, when she got to Himawari she accidently spilled hot broth on Himawari's hand, Hima yelped.

"I'm so sorry" Hinata said she grabbed a napkin and some ice from someones drink, and made a makeshift icepack, then put it on Hima hand cooling the burn, but when she pulled up Hima's sleeve she saw a bracelet with a charm of the Hyuga clans crest. "W-whats this?" She asked as everyone looked from the charm to Hinata, and Himawari looked panicked. 

POV Neji

  That small girl who hugged lady Hinata and called her mother now has the Hyuga crest on her wrist! 

"Who are you?" lady Hinata asked, her eyes holding a mix of confustion, hurt, and a small bit of hostility, which was suprising. 

I starting walking over to them, everyone was now watching the comotion,  and Choji just woke up and was looking around blearily, probably for food. But before I could reach them Sakura and Tenten blocked my path with their arms.

  "Let them work it out." Sakura said firmly, her eyes still on the scene.

   Tenten nodded in agreement holding me back. "If it breaks out in a fight you can go, but for now it's still okay, tense, but still okay." I hate this, but she had a point.

    So I was forced to watch as Hinata held the girl's wrist, staring at the girl, her eyes harsh. Suddenly the little girl wrenched her wrist out of lady Hinata's grasp and started to run fast, like a shinobi. As we all saw and registered the fact that she must be a shinobi or child of one, lady Hinata stood and started chasing after the child, gripping the bracelet that broke off the childs hand, her byakugan activated. 

   "NO!" I shouted pulling myself out of the two girls hands, the jounin weren't here they didn't come, so us genin had to deal with it ourselves. The others must have been in a stupor but Naruto was the first to snap out of it.

"Come on you guys, we have to help them." I heard him yell faintly, but I was already to far away.

POV 3rd person
  "Shut up Naruto" Sakura told him as they all watched Neji's receding figure chasing after them at a surprising speed.

   "We can't go, this isn't our business, this for the Hyuga's to handle." Shikamaru explained bluntly.

  "But we can't leave Hinata all alone with Neji" Kiba said, saying Neji's name in disgust.

   "We can trust him, he changed, he is nicer now" Tenten told them defending Neji.

  "Heh, you just have a crush on him" Ino said smirking as Tenten blushed red.

  "Ino, this isn't the time to be taking about love!" Sakura snapped. 

Soon they started arguing and the boys plus Tenten, all sat down except Naruto to who kept checking the direction of the forest, Sakura noticed.

    "Hey receding hairline, at least focus when I'm trying to insult you." Ino snarled, she turned to look at what Sakura was looking at. "oOoh" She giggled when she noticed and Sakura joined her.

 Everyone else who were watching the arguement looked over at what they were giggling over, and saw Naruto looking over at the forest.

 "Hey Naruto, are you looking for your girlfreind" Sakura asked teasingly 

  "Himawari isn't my girlfreind, she is too young for that." He said, like he was stating the obvious.

  "She meant Hinata, dummy" Ino sighed.

  Naruto blushed, Shino the most unseen person took a picture and handed it to Kiba who shook it out and smirked. "Wow, this one's a nice one." 

Sakura smiled and took the picture from Kiba and looked at it, Naruto was red and his hand rubbing his head embarassedly.

 Sakura nodded approvingly. "It's a keeper, one for the yearbooks." And Naruto turned redder. 

"She is not my girlfreind, you know." He said, but everyone just rolled their eyes. 

   "Sure" Tenten said.

 Hinata and Neji finally cornered the paralazed Himawari in the forest where she first appered. Himawari was crouched, the bright blue scroll infront of her, her hand ready to press the summoning circle. She looked up at the two older Hyuga's whoms byakugans were active and in a fighting stance.

 Neji glared at her. "Who are you." He asked menacingly, while Hinata just looked sad.

 "I'm sorry mom." Himawari said her eyes somber, she slammed her hand on the scroll, she screamed as she was sucked in a void and disappered. 

  A bright light shone brightly from the forest "HINATA!" everyone yelled horrified, (mostly Naruto🤭) then the light came to them and place Neji and Hinata's sleeping forms infront of them. The light came closer to them and started to shine bright, suddenly it hit them making all the genin forget everything that happened, and most of all, all about Himawari. 
