Chapter 7

My breath catches in my throat and I stop struggling for a second.

"Look here, we've got you trapped." The guy says evenly, his chest vibrating against my back. "We're going to seat you down in a moment and you are going to get one more chance to answer our questions" His arms tighten slighty around me "Understand?"

I hesitate, gasping when his claws break through my skin. A warning. I nod my head stiffly in answer.

"Great. Now I'm going to let you go in a second and you are not to move." He whispers into my ear "Or, my friends here won't hesitate to kill you"

I tense, glaring silently into the darkness, trying to spot the other figures in the room. A flutter of doubt flickers in my stomach. Maybe he's alone. Trying to scare me.

The grip around me loosens slightly, then completely, his body shifting behind me. I feel a wave of panic wash over me. Should I run? Attack? Then I feel his body make a definite movement behind me, I move before my actions can catch up with my thoughts. I slam my head back, making contact with a thud. His chest. I spin around and face him, only just making out his silhouette in the dim light.

I flash my eyes unconsciously before taking his shock as an opportunity, slamming my knee upwards with force.

He lets out a whoosh of air before dropping to the ground, shouting curses at me.

I take off, dashing towards what used to be the door, bursting into the fresh air, my bare feet slamming into the gravel of the path painfully. I shift as soon as I'm a mere few metres from the house, spinning around to face the threshold with a snarl.

Four figures stand in the doorway, all staring at me.

A wave of anxiety crashes over me. Maybe they didn't know about my secret. Maybe...

Each of the shifts in front of my eyes, massive male wolves, eyes glinting against the moon. I lower myself to the ground, not submissive but defensive. I know that if I run. They'll catch me. If I fight. They'll kill me.

I run anyway, shooting into the woods without a second glance. I hear their pursuit immediately, their breathing close behind me. I glance back reflexively, my heart dropping at the image. They all have their tongues hanging out, their ears pricked. Playing.

I dodge to the left quickly, spinning out of their path. I hear them skid on the damp ground, their huge size proving to be a disadvantage. But their strides gain on me again almost immediately.

I push myself further, feeling my heart pounding against my ribs. If I can make it to the stream then I can slip into the small cave there, it's well hidden. Perfect. I keep the image fresh in my head, ignoring my tiring legs as I keep my pace steady. The multiple wolves behind me keep pace, neither gaining on me nor losing me.

My ears prick as I break into the small clearing in which the stream cuts through, hope flaring in my chest. I'll just have to throw them off for a second, then I'll slip into the hollow.

I try my best to look away from the spot, keeping my eyes ahead but my senses focused on the footsteps behind me. I lunge forward as if to jump the stream, but pull back at the last minute, slipping under bodies as they leap above me.

Then I push off the wet dirt, scrambling on the pebbles there before gaining purchase.

I hear a struggle as the guys realise I'm gone and leap panicked towards the hollow. Two more strides and I'll be within safety.

Then I slip. I skid along the mud, rolling by pure impact onto my side.

I frantically try to raise myself, but continue to slide on the wet ground, my feet slipping out from underneath me.

Then I'm pinned. Pressure forcing my head down to meet the indents my struggle has left in the mud, my legs gripped hard between jaws.

I feel the anger. Feel the intention. I know that if I move. I will die.

I lay still, breathing heavily.

Slow clapping fills the silence "Can't say I expected that, that's for sure." The cold voice from before sneers "But, congratulations, you made it less than one hundred metres."

I don't have the energy to fight. But anger builds in my chest and my lips lift, showing my teeth.

"Now, Sweetheart, you've dug yourself a bit of a hole, haven't you. I think we'll just go straight to the Alpha now. Let him have you?"

I stiffen. No.

"I need you to shift." 

My ears flatten.

He catches my movement "Love, if you don't? Then we'll force you."

I catch the warning of his words, hear the way that his teeth clench with meaning. But in human form I'm defenceless.

So I don't move. Don't react. Don't shift.

The teeth on my skin tighten, the pressure increasing, pushing me into the ground.

I hear a frustrated sigh "Fine." There's a pause "Actually, i'll just carry you, Princess."

I snarl low and loud, rolling my eyes in order to see what's going on. But I can't move. I consider thrashing but know that the jaws circling my limbs won't hesitate to snap through bone.

So I wait. Expecting arms to yank my body up any second. Then I realise how easy it would be to get out of that type of hold, how easy it would be to...

Teeth fasten themselves around my neck, tight. My limbs are released simultaneously. But the message is clear.

Don't move.

I try not to move my neck, lowering my breathing until it's shallow. What's going on?

Then the teeth move, grazing my neck before settling on my ruff. They roughly grab ahold of the skin there, lifting me off the ground and I realise with shame what he is about to do.

I hang motionless. Knowing that if I fight or struggle, one movement could end my life.

Then we start to move. I snarl as I'm half-dragged half-carried over the pine needles, feeling more than vulnerable and defenceless.

But the grip on my neck only tightens.

Thanks for reading! Thoughts?? How's the plot so far? What do you think will happen?
