Chapter 36

"Are you even listening to me? I swear to god-"

I jerk in response, my chin shifting from where it's propped on my hand, my head heavy from lack of sleep.

I grumble something incoherent to let Beau know that I've not heard a word he's said and go back to pushing a glob of butter around my plate.

I don't miss the moment he takes to console himself, his knuckles white as he clenches his fists on the table. But I can't bring myself to care either.

"Eat your last bloody piece of toast and actually pay attention" he snaps, guiding my knife roughly to stab into the piece on the edge of my plate.

I yank my from his grip and watch as the toast falls down the silverware to sit against my hand. I give Beau a pointed look.

He ignores me.

I finish the toast in silence, taking the time to try and wake up a bit more. Until finally I turn to face him, waiting for him to speak while I fish sleep from my eyes.

Beau releases an overdue sigh and centre's his gaze on me.

I shift uncomfortably.

"Right-" he continues, unaware of the weight of his eyes "as I've said only about seven times so far- you will be coming with me to scan the pack borders this morning-" he holds up a finger, catching my look "-alphas orders"

I glare at him, his face amused as he watches my thoughts flash across my face. I have to shift. I size up Beau, who's still watching me. Maybe this time I won't try to stop my wolf when she tries to attack his ass.

We are outside the front steps within ten minutes, with me shivering in the chilled morning air waiting for Beau to finish mindlinking 'Tully', who's instruction are, apparently, worth freezing my ass off for.

Finally I've had enough, having lost feeling in one too many fingers. I shift without a second thought, closing my eyes against the sudden warmth of my fur, shuddering as the cold edge backs off.

I send Beau a look, taking advantage of his attention as I clearly deliver my thoughts on the waiting time.

He rolls his eyes and turns his back to me.

You'd think that mind linking was more efficient than talking but it seems to be taking a heck of a lot longer.

I wait a total of two seconds before losing my patience, starting off towards the tree line where prominent scent paths taint the air. I assume that this is where the pack members in patrol go, the scent as imprinted as the well worn track in the dirt.

I eye the line, surely it's pretty obvious where their borders lie to outsiders, then again, the only wolves crossing them would be looking for trouble.

I walk for a good five minutes, sticking to the well worn track as I manoeuvre my way through the trees, the border cutting through the dense shrub on a diagonal.

Unable to help myself I scent the other side of the border, considering the chances of making it further than a hundred meters before being caught.

Little to none- for someone with no abilities...

I slow my pace to a complete stop, a plan forming in my head.

"-don't even think about it"

I whirl around, a snarl ripping from my throat as I shift back in half a second, hands up in front of me.

But it's not Beau. "What do you want?" I snap at Isaiah, lowering my hands but maintaining an offensive stance, my eyes narrowing.

Isaiah holds my eyes, leaning back against a tree, an action that pisses me off immensely, especially when a light smile makes it's way to his lips. "You still haven't forgiven me?"

I scowl, taking a swift step towards him, my mind already calculating how fast I could pin him to the tree. "You have no right to speak to me, you didn't care before, why care now?" I spit through clenched teeth.

Isaiah sighs, his smile dropping "Ari-"

I close the distance and slam my fist into his chest "Don't you ever call me that"

Isaiah doesn't move, taking the hit easily and grabbing my wrist firmly but gently "Aria, we're family, we don't have anyone left-"

I rip my wrist from his grip and faster than he can comprehend, move it to his throat, crushing it into the trunk of the tree, my nails piercing his skin.

"You are not my family. I haven't had a family for the last eight years,"

I growl, adding more pressure to his skin "Isaiah- I don't have anyone left, not even you"

I watch with growing rage as he struggles to speak, my grip choking him as my anger swells,  his face turning purple as I stare at him.

I see the panic, feel it as I felt it the last eight years. I see the pain, twin to that I felt from all those shifts with no one to comfort me. And I see the sadness, like that I felt when grieving my family, grieving him.

Still, I push harder.

I hear his heartbeat, see his answer to my words, his eyes locked on mine. I'm sorry.

I give him a grim smile. Yeah, you're only sorry now that you're the one suffering.

I shake with my anger, the emotion fading to a dull throb in the back of my head.

I'm lost in it, disorientated as I look into Isaiahs eyes and see my fathers, as I look at his neck and see my fathers twisted one, and I-

A roar rips through the air and suddenly I'm flying through the air, away from Isaiah. Brother and sister crumple to the ground in union.


I rise just as quick, a roar of my own joining Beau's as I lunge toward where he's crouched over Isaiah.

I'm down again within seconds, my shoulders held to the ground. I feel my hair moved to the side "Strike one," Luca whispers in my ear "any more stupid decisions Aria and our lessons won't change shit"

I attempt to the lift my head, my eyes rolling as I hear Isaiah cough, the remaining anger in me ebbing away as I finally feel the earth against my flushed cheek. What have I done?

Merry Christmas!! Hope you guys have a great one! x
