Chapter 4

"Hold it... hold it... and now, release!"

There was a sound oddly like the fart of an engine with low quality fuel, before the strident sound of white lightning deafened those who heard the snort.

Followed immediately by an explosion.

"Excellent," House Dragonmaid said with a short clap. "You have finally managed to utilize your Breath Weapon, my felicitations!"

She sounded only slightly sarcastic, but her smile was genuine and warm.

The blue scaled dragon fell on the grass, almost thudding like an old sack of potatoes that had been overstuffed with unidentifiable vegetables and sheep meat. "Why am I so tiwweeed" she groaned, her tongue tripping over itself as she yelped, spiting a wad of blood and what appeared to be glowing white sludge.

"Muscles that have gone unused for too long are shaking the cobwebs off," the humanoid dragon beside her said, patting her side. "It is the first time I see white lightning snot, however."

"Tabitha your dragon breathes lightning," Louise said.

"Yes." Tabitha replied.

"That was the coolest thing I've ever seen," Louise said, a little bit of awe in her voice.

House sniffed. "This girl is but a whelp," she said, evenly, "but the Chaos in her blood is strong," she frowned as she said that. "Hopefully you will not go insane from its power flowing through you."

The dragon yipped in an almost uncharacteristically nonreptilian sound, for her species. "I don't wanna go mad! Bigger sis, how do I avoid that?"

"Then plead to Holactie to have mercy on your brains, for I will not."


"Oh hey, did you sleep well?" Louise asked, as her familiar maid began bustling about, making her bed and, before Louise herself even noticed, taking Louise's bed clothes off her slight frame and into the basket of laundry. Then she blinked, slowly, trying to get used to the sunlight that wasn't there last time her eyes were open. "Did you even sleep at all?"

"I slept for five minutes, more than enough."

Deciding not to question that, Louise nodded. "Ah, uh, is my-"

Then she looked down.

"When did you-?"

Her uniform was on. A clean one, even. Even her hair had already been brushed to perfection.

Smug as ever, the familiar brandished a small brush. "Now, mistress, let me teach you about the joys of a toothbrush. I'm afraid I could only make a paltry substitute for toothpaste, but I shall endeavor to produce something up to standard shortly..."


"Oh hey, Louise, woah, your breath smells really fresh and nice," Kirche said, as she plopped herself on the seat next to hers, for Alchemy class. "Also before you even think about anything else, care to tell me what you and Tabitha have been doing lately? She's been mum on the subject and I'm starting to think there's some juicy rumor worthy stuff going on here. Now spill."

There were many reasons Louise disliked Kirche von Zerbst.

Her tits nearly bursting out of her uniform were two of them. Important, round, bouncy reasons. Hypnotic even.

Being super nosy didn't help.

"Also if you can tell me the secret behind your breath, that would make my life so much easier, with all these guys whose breath stinks of rot."

Louise sighed. "Why do you think I'd ever tell you anything, when you've done nothing but make my life miserable since first year?"

"Fair," Kirche said, nodding. "... I don't really have anything to offer you that you couldn't get through your family, not really at least," Kirche said, scratching her cheek and looking at the ceiling trying to think of an answer. "I mean I can get you laid pretty easy but I don't think you care about that."

"I have a fian-" Louise protested.

"So do I but I'm certainly not letting that nonsense stop me," Kirche said, waving her hand, "ok, I got this, your allowance is pretty small right? How about a shopping spree on me? I never use my allowance so it's been piling up, 'cuz I get all the boys to buy stuff for me."

"And the fact that you admit that readily in front of everyone... well I don't know whether I should think worse of you, or the idiots who buy you things."

"Hey, the system works, I get stuff, they get to touch my stuff, and we get to have a good time!" Kirche said, with a wink. "Also spill already, class is gonna start-"

"A minute ago," the teacher at the front said. "If you'd please remain quiet, miss Zerbst..."

Kirche sighed. "Later then..." she said at Louise.


"I'm trying to understand whyever you thought it was a good idea to try to sneak into my lady's room."

The masked intruder seemed pensive. "In hindsight," she admitted, "it was a pretty silly idea. I just thought it'd be fun, to be all cloak and, I guess not dagger?"

"Y-You almost-" Louise seemed faint. "House! You almost- almost-"

"It's okay, Louise Françoise, your familiar was merely protecting you, I'd be surprised to see anything less to be honest!"

"Princess!" Louise whisper-yelled, jumping on her long time friend, and/or possibly girl crush in denial, and embracing her tightly. "It's been so long!"

"Yes, because someone unilaterally decided that she shouldn't attend our playdates anymore," the Princess said, stroking her oldest friend and/or possibly cousin with erotic subtext's back, rubbing small circles on her very small torso.

It was amazing how Louise managed to seem even smaller every time Henrietta saw her.

Louise blushed, guilt spreading across her features. "It's not right, I'm just a failure who can't even cast a spell, if the princess were to be seen with me, then-"

House nodded. "I see," she said, "so you have that kind of relationship..."

The two of them looked at her, puzzled.

"What kind of relationship?" Louise asked, puzzled.

"You are certainly cousins of the highest degree of noblesse," the maid said, smiling in an almost patronizing way.

Henrietta blushed brightly. "I-"

"Oh dear... she's not the only one, is she?"

The princess was making a very, very accurate imitation of a tomato.

"Princess, what does she mean?"


"In hindsight," the headmaster's secretary, a green haired woman who faintly reminded House of what remained of the Gusto after the Cow was through with the Duel Terminal world, "perhaps it was a mistake."

She looked upon the chaos and hell she had unleashed upon the old pervert.

"But he totally deserves that."

For she had used a clever ruse and subterfuge to bring the man's familiar to a certain student's attention, in particular, when the speedy white mouse was inbetween her legs.

Let it not go unsaid that the dragon in maid form did not take kindly to those who would attempt to violate her mistress' modesty.

Fouquet then returned to pondering just how she was gonna break open the vault. There was no way Colbert was right and it was just as simple as punching the wall open with a golem, right? Right. The man was cleverer than he seemed, she suspected, and might be trying to lead her into a trap.

If you like this story I suggest going to the original source here

And if you want more like this I suggest going to the original author of this story Lord Mendasuit's home page here
