Chapter 5

The Lady was to be wed to a Viscount somewhere.

Certainly, not a man worthy of her.

Much less so given that he stank of zombie magics.

Not quite like the Plaguespreader Zombie, but honestly, that Monster would die, repeatedly, for its masters. The Plaguespreader Zombie was certainly a better companion than this man, who pretended he didn't hang out with Necromancers all day long.

House held him by the throat, growling. "You would dare lay your hands upon my mistress!" she shouted. "Unacceptable! Unforgivable!" she shouted, stomping the ground.


House tossed him aside. "I know, my lady, I have investigated you and it is in your school records," she said, as she watched the man cough and hack, trying to gain control of his breathing as well as he could.

"Then why are you attacking him you- you-" Louise screeched

"As your Head Maid, it is my duty and pleasure to be rid of any and all threats to you and your happiness," the maid hissed, "and a man who would wed a child, nay, a man who would despoil a child in a dishonest pursuit of power, is not worthy of my lady!"

"What!?" Louise shouted, "you crazy maid, the marriage was arranged by my parents, he didn't-"

"I would assume neither of your parents is aware this man conspires with Necromancers... the stench of the Zombie energies cling to his very being. This is no mere association, this is subordination, even!" she said. "My lady-"

"Necromancers? What are you talking about-"

Before Louise could say anything, Wardes had attacked her familiar with lightning bolts while she was busy talking to her.

House hissed in annoyance, but not in pain, the attack hadn't done much except singe her clothes.

"Step away from Louise, monste-"

Whatever the goatee man wanted to say was interrupted as he fell on the ground, staring at a dragon that dwarfed those he was used to.

The Dragon opened its jaws and roared.

"I'm gonna die!" Wardes screamed.

"We're all gonna die!" the people behind him screamed.

"Yay, fireworks!" a blue dragon shouted in jubilation.

Kirche took a bite from the bread she was gonna originally feed to Tabitha's dragon.

"I told you this'd be better than any drama book," she said, nudging Tabitha.

The blue haired girl nodded.

"Should we help?" Kirche asked.

"Louise said we shouldn't come here," Tabitha reminded her.

"But what if Bigger Sis needs help with Beardy?"

The screaming of panic and agony continued.

Kirche took another bite.


"Did you just summon a bunch of familiars in one go?" a fat blond asked.

"Yeah, so?" Louise replied, looking smug.

"That's against the rules, isn't it?" the fat blond asked.


"I think she's euphoric," Kirche said, idly flipping the page of the extremely salacious novel she was reading. Tabitha approved, even if she didn't approve of her reading material, of her reading at all.

With a huff of effort, Tabitha hopped off of her sleeping familiar's back. Ever since Louise's familiar began teaching her how to use her natural gifts, her familiar had grown in leaps and bounds... not in size, but in a strange way, she was just... more.

Almost as if before she had been a normal Dragon, and now she had a special Effect to her that was hard to describe.

Louise was being swarmed by women with draconic characteristics, who were all fussing over her in various ways, and while she pretended she didn't, she seemed to be enjoying the attention.


House cleared her throat. "Ladies," she said, "we have a daunting project ahead of us. We have a royal cousins situation, worse than Risebell and Saambell."

"Worse? How do you get worse than the worst siscon and brocon duo?" a dragon girl with red hair asked. "And why is this our responsibility?"

"They've crossed the line, that's how," House said, eyes closed. "As for why it's our responsibility, our current owner also happens to be herself related to one half of this royal couple, and yes, it's exactly as you think."

The others nodded.

"The original mission called for stealth and subterfuge, whereupon our lady and her fiancé would infiltrate a floating island."

"Are we talking Sancturay in the Sky or..."

"We're talking more Ignoble Knights here," House said. "However, as our lady's fiancé came down with a sudden and unexpected case of Me, our plans have changed."

A girl with pink hair in a pink nursemaid costume cheered. "Is it time for massive property damage?"

"From this moment onwards until the Rebellion that has self determined as Reconquista has been quelled, ladies, the Land of Albion shall become our grounds, and unless you're not worth the time it took to summon you to this realm, you WILL see it clean, to the last speck!"

The gathered dragonmaids cheered.

"Henceforth, per the will of Queen Henrietta de Tristain, the lands of Albion shall be the domain of Louise Françoise LeBlanc de la Valliere, and it is our duty to make them worthy of her ownership!"

There was another cheer, and then the courtyard of Tristain was filled not with cute humanoid maids, but massive technicolor beasts. Five of six Maids became Dragons, and with a flap of their wings that resulted in a massive shockwave, they took to the air, in the direction of Albion.

Only one remained behind, waving at them.

"Ah, Chamber, wasn't it?" Louise asked, looking at the blonde in black that had been left behind. "Aren't you going?"

"My sacred duty is to look after your chambers, as my name implies," the maid said, curtseying, "as they are still here, I am to remain here. Naturally, your direct guard is my primary responsibility. Pleased to make your acquaintance, my dear mistress."

Louise thought for a moment.

Who named their child Chamber?

Either way...

"You wouldn't happen to know how to play Poker right? House was teaching us but... you know..."

In a flash of light, Chamber's maid dress was replaced with a... black leotard and fishnet stockings. There was a headband with bunny ears sitting on top of her head, peeking over her horns.

"Master... let me teach you about this wonderful thing called a Casino..."

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And if you want more like this I suggest going to the original author of this story Lord Mendasuit's home page here
