Chapter 35 - green sticky notes

time: wednesday

-- Aarons POV --

I get up and ready for school.

On my desk is a small green sticky note saying '1'or 'I'.

I don't remember putting it there, so I throw it away.

Still tired I get my school supplies ready and go downstairs.

"Good morning." my mom smiles at me.

"I made you some lunch." she says and points towards a small brown bag on the kitchen counter.

"Thankyou mom. Love ya, bye!" I quickly take it and get into my car.

Then I notice there's an other sticky note on it, saying 'w'.

Weird. I don't think about it more, because I'm just too tired for thinking at the moment.

Lisa told me yesterday she felt sick, so she won't be at school today.

"Hey Shawn." I greet him and sit next to him.

On the table in front of me there's a sticky note again:


"I will." I think out loud.

"You will what?" Shawn asks me.

"No, nothing. I just thought about something.." I mumble.


"I found three of those sticky notes today already. I wonder what they mean." I tell him.

"Probably someone's pranking you." he shrugs.

After class I go to my locker, "I will fight..." What was that about? All those green notes...

Nevermind, I walk to my next class, but I get stopped by my teacher before I sit down.

"There was this letter in the school mail, but it's adressed to you Mr. Carpenter." he says and gives me an regular envelope.

I sit down and open it.

There's a letter in it with sentences, which don't make sense and two green marked words: 'for you'.

I text Lis:

Do you know anything about green sticky notes? :)

No, I'm at home... I feel really bad, so what do you want?

Then I'm sorry, get better fast. Love u.

Then who does that weird stuff? Ally. It must be her.

Until lunch I don't find any more notes, but in the Cafeteria I immediately spot some.

"I will fight for you, I'll be.." I think. Was that a kind of really bad joke?

"Don't you think it's Lisa, who just wants to prank you?" Shawn says.

"No, I texted her, she's sick at home. And if she would have done this, she must've been here and then I would've seen her." I think out.

We get our food and sit at our usual table, where two sticky notes are. One at my chair and one underneath the table.

"I think this is a poem." I tell Shawn.

"Why that?" 

"I will fight for you, I'll be your light.." 

"Wow, that's going deep." he mumbles and begins to eat.

All the time I think of who could've prepared all that. 

When Shawn and I exit the cafeteria, there is a note on the big board on the opposite side of the exit. Actually it's ment for news, but it says because.

Still wondering I go to my next class, when I receive a text from Lisa, obviously she must've slept when I texted her:

Then I'm sorry, get better fast. Love u.

Because now she texted me:

Love you too! 💚

A green heart? She uses them all the time, but maybe she had something to do with the sticky notes.

Why do you text me a green heart? You really don't know smth about green sticky notes, someone prepared all over the school and my house today? 😏

No! Hopefully it wasn't that crazy Ally girl, though. And I text you green hearts cause I like green.

Okay. Sorry babe..

I put my phone down when the lesson starts. Although I really look for them, I don't find any sticky notes in the school anymore, so maybe there are more at home.

I go to my car, really tired. I unlock it and want to get in, but suddenly someone jumps one my back.

"HAPPY ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY!" I hear Lisa yell and let go of me.

"So it was you!" I laugh.

"It's really hard lying to you and not being seen by you in school."

Now I remember Lisa told me she was sick and at home. 

I decide to get her back.

"Wow, I thought you were no liar." 

She chuckles, obviously she hasn't seen my serious face yet.

"But I put a lot of effort in this." she smiles and I know she wants to kiss me and I do too, but I need to hold on my plan.

"Get in the car right now!" I say.She furrows her eyebrows and gets in the passengers seat.

"So how's the rest of your day been?" she asks, I can tell she is a little intimidated by me.

"Are you talking to me?" 

"Hello?!" she waves her hand in front of my face.

I don't answer her. I don't even look at her.

This is extremely hard.

"Can you only drive me home, please." she mumbles after a while and looks outside the window.

"Answer me!" she says louder.

Then she shakes her head.

"I just wanted to surprise you! I didn't mean to lie to you, it was part of the plan." she yells at me.

I see tears in her eyes.

She shouldn't cry.

"Sh... Don't cry okay?" I feel really bad now. 

She looks out of the window and wipes her tears.

Infront of my house I get out of my car.

"Babe, come on. I'm sorry, I wanted to get you back.." I mumble and open the door to the passengers seat, but she ignores me.

"Lisa please..." I carefully take her hand, but she pulls it away.

"I asked you to drive to my house." she murmurs, but still refuses to look at me.

"No, please. Baby I'm sorry."

She unfastens her seatbelt and pushes me away. 

I don't know what she is up to, but I go out the way and she hops out of the car.

"Please don't go." I beg her.

"Just don't do that again, okay? I hate to be ignored." she sighs and walks to the door.

"Sorry..." I mumble and lock my car.

(a/n: she's kind of a little bitch to me rn, haha. Don't take me serious.)

"Yeah.." I still feel the tension and hope it gets less by the time.

"You know I love you honey." I say before unlocking the house door and we get in.

"Sorry, but you ruined my mood right now." she murmurs and goes up to my room.
