Chapter 27 - happy birthday

time: the night before Lisas birthday

--Aarons POV--

"Yes, goodnight. I love you too." I smile and hang up.

"AARON!" my mom yells from downstairs.

I quickly run into the living room. "Yes?"

"Here are your washed clothes." she says, giving me a pile.

"Thanks, uh mom, there was something I need to tell you." 

She nods.

"So it's Lisas birthday tomorrow and I wanted to surprise her, so I'll leave the house shortly before midnight so don't worry." I tell her.

"Aw Aaron, that's cute of you. Have a nice time." she smiles.

"Okay thanks." I say and go up to my room again.

At 11:40 pm I start my plan.

First, I text her.

Are you still awake?


I need about 10 minutes to her house and I want to be there shortly before 12, so I need to start walking in 5 minutes.

I just watched the last episode of gossip girl and it's awful.

I'm sorry about that.

I dont have anything to do now. Bored af, I'll probably just go to sleep now.

Don't you wanna celebrate every second of your birthday?

I now get out of my room and leave the house, with the present and the flowers I bought for her.

If somebody was driving down the street now, he'd probably think I'm really weird.

Not really. Why can't you sleep? Having bad dreams?

Nah, I dunno why...

Poor boy :(

Haha yeah... And you? 

I am kinda mad at my dad. I always thought I would spend my 17th birthday with all my friends but I'm here alone and I just... I don't know.

It's 40 seconds before 12 now. I need this whole thing to be on time.

You're not alone babe.

What do you mean?

Look outside the window.

I see her silhouette push away the curtains and open the window.

"Happy Birthday." I smile.

Her face, told me she was totally surprised. She didn't say anything.

And then I just stood there, smiling at my birthday girl, standing in her room looking outside the window, being perfect just the way she is, with her cute little messy bun and my too big shirt.

Then she disappears behind the curtains.

A few moments later, the house door opens.

I go inside the house and we both are going up to her room quickly, trying to be silent.

As soon as I closed the door behind me I hug her tightly.

"Happy Birthday princess." I smile.

"That's so cute Aaron." she squeels.

"I love you." I say and kiss her.

"I love you too." she replies, after I pulled away.

"Soooo, I got you some flowers and this." I hand her the little present I bought for her.

"You didn't have to do that.." she blushes a little and sits on her bed.

I seat myself next to her and watch her unpack.

She unwraps the box and pulls out a few bracelets and an army beanie.

She looks at the bracelets. They're nothing special, but I thought they are cute and within the last weeks I noticed, she wears bracelets quite often. 

She lays them on the small  table beside her bed and takes out the beanie. 

I snap it out of her hand and place it on top of her head.

"There you go." I laugh.

"Thank You Aaron, these are seriously the best birthday presents I could ask for. But you being here right now is the best about it." she smiles.

"I wanted to surprise you." I mumble.

"You definitely did." she laughs and lays her back on the bed, looking at me. I decide to do the same.

"Do you remember, when we first met, sat in my car and I asked you about your age?" I ask her serious.

"Yeah" she replies.

"You wanna know what I thought about in this moment?"



Sorry, for this chapter being so short, but I needed to split.. Next chapter continues just in the moment this one ended though. xx
