New Year

"Ryker! Come on, we're gonna miss the train!" Rowan yelled out to her brother, who was out in the backyard of the modest sized, two-story medieval built house, and was riding his new Nimbus 2000 with eminent joy. The eleven year old turned his head to face her, presenting his flushed cheeks and red-tipped nose, an evident sign that the inevitable winter was close by, which for Rowan, meant curling up in a big chair with a warm blanket around her, a book in her lap and a nice cup of hot chocolate. "You don't want to miss your sorting, do you?"

The young boy made the right decision by flying back down to the grass, landing with a soft thud and rushing to hug his best friend, his big sister. Ryker lifted his head from where it was pressed against her ribs, worry shown clear on his face. 

"You won't hate me if I don't get sorted into Ravenclaw, right?" Rowan laughed at his concerned tone of voice and shook her head, settling down on her knees so that she could be at eye level with her lovable brother. 

"Don't worry, I won't be mad. Besides, it's not like you're smart and knowledge-hungry enough to be in Ravenclaw," Rowan joked, ruffling his bright platinum blonde - almost white -  hair that was identical to hers. The young boy scoffed and shoved his sister in a joking matter, smoothing down his hair after removing her hands. "I'm kidding. But really, no matter what house you get sorted into, I'll always love you." 

"Thanks Row," he smiled at his sister and grabbed her hand, dragging her inside towards their awaiting parents. Amelia 'Mia' Devereux and Maximus 'Max' Devereux stood together, hand in hand beside the fireplace, watching with wide smiles as their beloved children interacted with each other in such a remarkable way, that it almost brought tears to the mother's eyes.

Both children looked a lot like their parents; Rowan and Ryker both shared their white-blonde hair from their mother, but both were rather on the short side thanks to their father. Ryker had his mother's caribbean green eyes, while Rowan had her father's genuine cerulean blue eyes. Both children also got their light dust of freckles across the nose from both of their parents, as well as the seemingly flawless pale complexion. The oldest of the two Devereux children looked very similar to her mother while the youngest was beginning to look a lot like his father. 

"Rowan! Ryker! Come on, we have to leave now if you want to catch the train on time," Max called out to his little angels. The adults watched as the children rushed towards them, whatever items they wanted to use during the train ride tucked safely in a small backpack that both of them had on their backs.

"Come on now, Rowan, you first darling," Mia ushered her only daughter towards the fireplace, extending the medium-sized metal bucket of floo powder they were going to use in the fireplace so they could be transported to King Cross Station. "Now, say it loud and clear darling."

"I know mum, it's not the first time I've been in the floo network," Rowan said as she grabbed a handful of the grey-black power. 

"I know, dear, it's for your brother, it's his first time," Mia chuckled, wrapping her slender arm around her only son.

"King Cross Station," Rowan's voice was loud and clear as she threw the powder to the ground in front of her feet, sending a quick wink to her brother before she was enveloped by the roaring green flames. Her bright eyes surveyed the oblivious people around her, all walking around trying to get to where they needed to be without any unnecessary intrusion. She knew her mother and brother were following behind her, so she quickly stepped away and waited as for them and her father, who had taken the job of lugging the two heavy trunks that belonged to the children.

The family were walking by calmly towards the wall in between stations 9 and 10, but before they could pass through, a chilling voice interrupted them. 

"Maximus, how lovely to see you." It was Lucius Malfoy, father of Draco Malfoy, also known as the biggest bully Rowan had ever met in her life. He never failed to harass her at any given moment whenever they cross each other's paths.

"Lucius," Maximus greeted with a firm, single nod of the head, his eyes sending a warning glance towards his colleague's son, Draco, who was trying to grab Rowan's attention, but was failing miserably due to her ignoring him. Draco, once catching the older man's eye, quickly stopped and moved slightly behind his father. Narcissa Malfoy greeted Mia with a nod and a tiny, none-too-pleasnat smile, receiving a similar greeting in return.

"It's your first year in Hogwarts, is it not, Ryker?" Narcissa asked the young boy, who stood clutching his mother's hand tightly as the nerves began to fill him. He looked over to the older woman and gave a shy nod.

"Yes, it is."

"And what house do you wish to be sorted in?" Lucius joined in on the conversation, a cold smile curling his lips. 

"Gryffindor!" Ryker said in excitement, ignoring the poorly disguised disgusted look that crossed   the older Malfoy's face. Rowan smiled down at him and gave him a side hug, rolling her eyes when Draco let out a scoff at her brother's answer.

"You have go-" before Draco could complete what he was saying, Lucius grabbed the boy's shoulder with his cane and sent him a warning glare.

"We really must get going. The train will be leaving in a few short minutes," Rowan interrupted, grabbing her brothers hand and began leading him towards the wall. She sent him a reassuring smile and ran up to the wall with Ryker, feeling her hand being crushed for a second before it was released as her brother looked around the hidden station, the 9 3/4 platform sign shining on the wall above the Devereux siblings. 

"This place never ceases to amaze me," even if Ryker had been to the platform before for his sister's departure, the Hogwarts Express always managed to take his breath away by how beautiful it was. "Come on!" He yelled out to his parents before setting off, dragging his smiling sister behind him. Max sighed, walking towards the clerk by the train and giving him the two trunks, smiling in thanks. He then stood on his toes and spotted his wife and children standing on the side, talking and hugging.

"Now, Ryker, this is your first year at Hogwarts, which means you have to be on your finest behavior for the first three days at least. I don't want any owls coming into my office dropping letters from the professors saying that you were being disruptive," Max knelt down and grabbed his son by the shoulders, giving them a quick squeeze. "Remember, we don't care what house you get sorted into. Whatever house you get into, will be lucky to have you as its member." 

Ryker smiled at his father and gave him a hug, looking towards his mother when she started talking. "Just try your best and make friends." The boy couldn't help but laugh when his mum said that, knowing that that was intentionally directed to his big sister, as she didn't make any friends on her very first day at Hogwarts, and unfortunately, still doesn't have anyone she could call her friend.  

"I will. I'm not like Rowan." 

"I can too make friends!" Rowan objected, "I just don't, because I couldn't be bothered enough."

"And you never will be if your nose is continuously stuck in those books of yours," Mia chuckled at her daughter. Max clicked his tongue and turned towards his eldest child, a grin presenting itself on his face as he reached into his coat pocket and brought out a book.

"Speaking of books, I got the one you asked for." Rowan gasped and grasped the slightly thick, leather-bound book, rubbing her thumb over the gold painted paper edges. Grimm's Fairytales was a book she had always wanted to read. Since it was published only in the muggle world, it proved difficult for her father to get the necessary amount of money and find the book in a shop.

"Thank you so much!" Rowan hugged her father and then her mother as she took a glance at the time on her father's watch. "We should get on the train, it's almost time for it to leave and I want to catch an empty compartment." Both children hugged their parents once more before hurrying inside the train, going to an available window and waving to their smiling parents one lats time before going about their way. 

"Do you want to sit with me or venture off to find some friends?" Rowan asked her brother who was looking around in wonder as people bustled around them, carrying brooms and pets. By some miracle, Rowan found the third compartment on the right completely empty, so she quickly went inside and set her bag on the rack above the seats before looking at her brother for an answer.

"I'll go and explore the train further, hopefully make friends along the way. Is that okay?" Ryker asked.

"That's perfectly fine. Just come back here if you need me," Ryker nodded, then quickly ran off, leaving his sister to smile for a few seconds before grabbing her new book and began reading by the window. 

The horn sounded and the train was of towards Hogwarts for a brand new year.
