
15 minutes before the train was due to arrive at Hogsmeade Station, Rowan decided it was time to change into her school uniform, which was neatly folded in her small backpack. After waving her wand, locking the compartment door and pulling down the blinds, she kept her black tights and black flats, changed into a black, knee high skirt, a plain white blouse, her blue and bronze Ravenclaw-striped tie and a grey sweater over the blouse and tie. Lastly, she got into her black robes and tucked her wand into the inside pocket of her robes, feeling the 12 and 3/4 inch ash wood wand with a dragon heartstring core press securely against her ribs.

Rowan was not in the greatest of spirits, but that's mainly because of how she's almost finished with her new book, finding herself hating but loving her talent of reading books at an incredibly fast pace. It would give her time to finish one book quicker in order to get to another one, that by itself is a good and bad thing.

Ryker had visited his sister a total of two times as the train rolled on its way to Hogsmeade, cheerfully telling her that he had made three friends already. There were the dark haired, honey-eyed twins, Dakota and June Silverkey and the sandy blonde, blue-eyed Ethan Pierce. The four 11 years olds all became fast friends once they started talking about their ultimate passion: Quidditch.

"Ryker!" Rowan called to her brother once she spotted him walking alongside his friends towards the boats where the first years were being taken to Hogwarts. They had arrived at the grand castle just a mere couple of minutes ago, but time seemed to fly as all the students rushed towards the carriages and boats. The 11 year old wasn't hard to spot, due to how his hair was glowing in the dark, it could've been mistaken for a ball of light. The boy turned towards her and rushed towards her, turning his head over his shoulder to his friends and gestured them to follow him.

"Hey Rowan," the boy greeted. "Guys, this is my older sister Rowan. Rowan, this is Dakota, June and Ethan, the friends I told you about." The three children all smiled bashfully and waved awkwardly.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. Are you guys excited for your sorting?" Rowan asked the first years as she walked them towards the boats, making sure to look out for them along the heavy crowds.

"We're nervous," Dakota answered, rubbing his small, pale hands together. His sister, June, smiled reassuringly towards her twin, rubbing his shoulder with her hand. Dakota looked towards his twin and smiled, thankful for the touch of comfort.

"Well, don't be. It's like how I told Ryker, it doesn't matter which house you get into, as long as you're proud to be in it," Rowan smiled and side-hugged her brother.

"Even if you get sorted into Slytherin?" Ethan asked, toying with the edge of his robe's sleeve.

"Slytherin is not a bad house," Rowan stated firmly, grabbing all the children's hands and pulling them off to the side when the crowds got too much. "The only reason that house is portrayed as bad and evil, is because of the witches' and wizards' actions, not because they were sorted into the House of Serpents," Rowan made sure she held each of their eyes with her own for a couple of seconds as she bent down to their level, feeling the need to defend the great house.

Just because people conformed to the dark arts whilst being under the Slytherin household, does not mean that the House itself was evil and was bound to turn you towards inevitable evil and darkness.

"Besides, did you know that Merlin was a Slytherin?" Rowan asked, sending a small smile when the three 11 year olds shook their heads, wide eyed with surprise and disbelief. "It's true. There's this legend that stated that the ribbon of a First Class Order of Merlin was green, to reflect upon his house," Rowan explained as they reached the boats, watching the castle for a bit before moving towards an empty boat, helping the 11 year olds inside.

"Now, be careful not to fall overboard, all right. Again, nice to meet you Dakota, June, Ethan," the three kids waved in goodbye and turned around, watching the castle in wonder. "Ryker, don't forget what I said, okay?"

"Okay," Ryker smiled and hugged his sister one last time and whispering an 'I love you' into her ear before moving towards his friend after hearing his sister whisper the loving words back. Rowan smiled to herself and began to walk towards the last carriage available, managing to grab the door before it swung shut. She pulled it open and climbed up inside, finding the occupants to be none other than Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter themselves. The girl sent them a small smile before settling into the only available seat, which so happened to be next to the Boy Who Lived. They all sent her smiles back and turned to each other, getting back to whatever they were talking about before while Rowan pulled out her book, getting lost in the fascinating fairytales.

Eventually, the carriage pulled up to the castle and the Hogwarts students got off and went inside towards their respectful tables, the trio heading off to Gryffindor while Rowan ventured to Ravenclaw.

The sorting then began.

Rowan clapped respectfully and cheered when new first years got sorted into Ravenclaw, but she was anxious to see which house her brother would get into. It could be any one of them, as Rowan was in Ravenclaw, her mother in Hufflepuff and her dad in Slytherin. It was an odd mix but if Ryker got sorted into Gryffindor, the family would be the epitome of contrasting personalities present within a family.

"Dakota SilverKey," one of the twins got called on. Rowan leaned forward in interest, her eyes taking in the nervous boy shuffling towards the wooden chair, waiting as the string hat was placed upon his head. It took a couple minutes, but finally, the hat had sprouted its answer.

"Gryffindor!" Cheers broke out from the House that sported the red and gold colors, obviously thrilled to have another member join.

"June Silverkey," the female twin took a deep breath and sat upon the chair, waiting for the hat to sort out her fate. And just like her brother, it took a couple minutes, but the ultimate answer was worth her wait.

"Slytherin!" The table broke into loud cheers, overjoyed to have another first year join their house. June looked a bit upset as she stepped down and joined the table, looking longingly over to the Gryffindor table where her twin brother was doing the same, already missing having his sister by his side.

"Ethan Pierce," the blonde boy stepped up and sat on the stool, messing with his robe's sleeves out of habit, his anxiousness getting the best of him. His sorting took a bit longer than the twins, and the answer was something that none of his friends, including Rowan, had anticipated for.

"Hufflepuff!" The table parallel to Ravenclaw broke into loud screams, while Ethan looked a bit confused at first, but then shrugged his shoulders and smiled before heading off towards his new house, his home.

Rowan was still a bit puzzled, she had known Ethan for a short amount of time but even she could pick up on the fact that he was incredibly impatient, so she couldn't really see Hufflepuff working in his favor. Nonetheless, Ethan should be proud to be sorted into the House of Badgers, as they are known for their other qualities, not just patience, but kindness and loyalty amongst other things.

What seemed to be an eternity later, Ryker was finally to be sorted. Rowan held in her breath, only looking away when she felt eyes staring at her. She turned her head to the side and spotted Harry Potter staring at her, sending her a small smile when he caught her eyes. She sent one back but it was slightly hesitant, confused as to why the Boy Who Lived was staring at her of all people. Rowan looked away and focused on her brother, locking eyes with Ryker and smiling brightly to reassure him that it would be okay.

Tense minutes passed by, as Ryker sat in his seat, half his face being covered by the sorting hat, that was taking its glorious time sorting Rowan's only sibling.

"Gryffindor!" Ryker's face exploded with happiness as he jumped down and practically skipped towards the cheering table, getting a clap to the shoulder from a grinning Dakota who looked a bit happier now.

After the sorting ended, the Headmaster of Hogwarts walked up to his podium and started to deliver his welcoming speech to students both old and new.

"Well, now that we're settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement," Albus Dumbledore said, looking over all the students. "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well."

The large doors creaked open, and Mr. Filch came running in the great hall, clutching his chest as his thinning hair bounced with every step, his eyes set on Dumbledore.

"You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-" the great headmaster stopped talking once Mr. Finch came up next to him, whispering something in his ear and getting a reply soon, which then lead to Mr. Filch running back out the great hall with many eyes following him in amusement.

"So," Dumbledore continued, "Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tournament." Rowan's eyes widened as she recognized the event, recalling it from a book she read once. It was an event that hosted three magical schools, who chose an individual student to compete under their name for a chance to earn eternal glory. However tempting the prize may be, it was extremely dangerous, and not usually hosted anymore due to the number of deaths that had occurred.

"For those of you who don't know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests is not for the faint-heated," Dumbledore warned, his arms waving as he moved on. "But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Baexbatons Academy of Magic, and their headmistress, Madam Maxine."

The door opened once more, and in came in a small army of beautiful girls dressed in pale blue dress uniforms, sighing and being all romantic with their magical blue paper birds that chirped and sang. Behind the girls, a really tall woman walked with a pleased smile on her face, watching as the bursts of sparkling combat blue magic that exploded from within the group.

That must be the headmistress, Rowan thought as she rolled her eyes when the boys in the room looted and whistled towards the girls, winking and clapping as if that was the best thing they had ever seen. It probably was. Finally, the act was finished, and the girls took a bow, moving to stand in front of the side walls.

"Now our friends from the north, please welcome the proud sons of Durmstrang, and their high master, Igor Karkaroff," Dumbledore announced after kissing Madam Maxine's hand in greeting, and silencing the cheering crowd.

Through the open door marched a small army of men. Contrast to how elegant and beautiful the girls from Baexbatons was, these men wearing thick brown fur coats and carrying wooden staffs were nothing but. They were aggressive and strong as they preformed their act, ending in a fiery bird produced from one of the student's wands. Nobody missed the entering of the high master, and another student, most likely well known by any Quidditch loving fan.

It was Victor Krum.

Rowan didn't have much interest in the sport, or the person, but it was highly amusing in seeing the gasps and whispers that rang out once the male had entered. It was especially amusing to see Ryker's face go ghostly white, his eyes as wide as saucers. Ethan, Dakota and June's faces weren't much different.

Not long after Dumbledore and the high master, Karkaroff, ended their greeting, the feast commenced. Loads of food appeared at the long tables, ranging from roast, to chicken legs, to baked potatoes and green beans... it was a sight that always amazed Rowan. The elves has really outdone themselves this year, but then again, they did so every year.

As they were eating desert, Rowan tried to continue reading her book, but she found it quite hard due to the constant giggling from the French girls that sat at the Ravenclaw table. Before she could tell the elegant girls in blue to kindly shut up, Dumbledore walked up to stand next to the tall tower of gold.

"You're attention, please!" He yelled out, bringing immediate silence as the students looked towards him, attentive. "I'd like to say a few words... eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament."

Rowan, looking around, could tell that that peaked people's interests, seeing the small smiles curl at the edges of their lips.

"But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks," he continued, a hand resting atop the golden tower beside him. "For this reason, the ministry seemed fit..."

But Rowan wasn't paying attention, as her eyes caught movement near the wall behind the staff table. It creaked as it open, and it revealed a man who looked as if he went through hell twice. His face was scarred, his clothes were drenched with the rain that hailed from outside the castle walls, but the most eye-catching view was his left eye. It was strapped to his head by pieces of leather, and the electric blue eye itself seemed robotic, spinning as if it had a mind of its own.

"...Mr. Bartemius Crouch," the young Ravenclaw focused her attention to the headmaster once more, as he gestured to the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, who smiled and began to walk forward, but stumbled back when thunder rumbled and echoed in the Great Hall.

Everybody jerked their heads down and cried out in shock, not expecting the enchanted ceiling above them to display such viscous weather. A bolt of faint red magic zapped from the newcomer's wand, instantly clearing the gloomy weather into twinkling blue night skies.

Once the man stepped out of the shadows, Rowan was able to get a very clear look on his face, but she knew who he was before. It was Alastor Moody, or as people had taken to call him, MadEye Moody. He was an Auror, and a bloody good one as well. People's eyes could not leave him as he limped his way to Dumbledore, a scowl fixed on his severed features.

Rowan narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw him greet Dumbledore, then proceed to head off to the side, pulling out a flask and taking a big gulp out of the unknown substance. Somehow, she knew that it wasn't any sort of alcoholic beverage, no matter his dark past and the horrors he had faced during his dangerous career. Her attention shifted to Crouch, as he made his way to stand in front of the tower, his lips slightly pursed.

"After due consideration... the Ministry has concluded that, for their own safety... no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put their forth name for the Triwizard Tournament," before he even got to finish, protests had rung out, ranging from all around the hall. "This decision is final."

A sigh of relief escaped her lungs, as Rowan scanned her unique blue eyes to catch the disappointed looks that painted her younger brother and his friends. She knew how dangerous this tournament was, and she was glad that an age restriction was put forth, eliminating the possibility of a mere first year to compete in such hazardous conditions.

The main source of protests were from the Weasley twins at the Gryffindor table, their voice projecting far and above all the others. They kept at it until Dumbledore proceeded to shout.

"Silence!" Not a word was heard after that.

The great wizard pointed his wand at the golden tower, and they all watched as it slowly melted away to reveal a big, ancient-looking goblet sitting atop carved rock. The goblet then erupted in magnificent blue flames that looked as if they were floating above the artifact.

"The Goblet of Fire," Dumbledore yelled out, "anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament... need only write their name upon a piece of parchment... and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly. If chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun."

The students were left pondering over his impacting words, before the food that was long forgotten disappeared, and they were called to return to their dormitories for bed.

Instantly, Rowan tucked the book under her bag as she pushed her way towards Ryker, who was chatting happily to a slightly sad Dakota. He caught sight of her and sent her a big smile, walking to her and wrapping her in a big hug, not caring about the people around them.

"Congratulations," Rowan sent her brother and his friend a smile, pulling back from the hug after ruffling the hair that was identical to hers. She saw the longing look that Dakota sent to his twin, as he caught sight of her walking behind the other first year Slytherins.

"Dakota," she caught his attention, hazel eyes meeting blue. "Listen, just because your twin got sorted into another house, doesn't mean that you'll never see each other again. Gryffindors and Slytherins share a lot of classes together, and you have breakfast and lunch with the exception of dinner to hang out and do whatever. I've seen siblings get separated, but I've never seen them forget each other."

"Thanks Rowan," Dakota smiled and gave her a tight hug, his sad expression leaving his face. Both first years waved at her, and ran to follow the head boy and girl that were leading them towards the Gryffindor tower. Looking around, she spotted June lagging behind as well, and smiled before making her way towards her.

"June, congratulations," the small girl looked back towards the taller girl was a slightly fake smile, but the older of the two could see her eyes glistening with tears. "Hey, there's no need to be upset. I'm gonna tell you what I told your twin: just because you're not in the same house, doesn't mean that you're never going to see each other again."

"How do you know?" June asked her in a small voice, using the material of her rob to wipe at her eyes.

"I remember a pair of twins that were separated during their sorting. One went to Gryffindor, while the other went to Ravenclaw. They did not allow that to sever their relationship, and to this day, I see them hanging out together whenever they could, giggling and gossiping like all the other fourteen year old girls," Rowan smiled, thinking of her dorm mate Padma and her twin sister Parvati.

"Really?" June asked, hopeful.

"Really," Rowan confirmed, accepting the hug the young girl gave. "Now, remember what I said about Slytherin house?"

"Just because I'm in the House of Serpents, does not mean that I'm bad and evil," June answered her with fierceness in her voice and a strong look in her eyes.

"And don't you forget it. Have a nice evening, June," Rowan bid her goodnight, and smiled as the girl ran off towards her new inmates, the sad look disappearing completely off her face as a smile graced her soft features.

Taking her time, Rowan slowly made her way to Ravenclaw tower. After moving and spiraling staircases, she found herself standing in front of the door that lead to the common room. Unlike all the other houses, a logical riddle given by a bronze age-shaped knocker must be answered to be granted entry.

"Lives without a body, hears without ears, speaks without a mouth, to which the air alone gives birth. What is it?" The Knocker gave the riddle. Rowan pursed her lips, and after beat, she felt confident in her answer.

"An echo," the Knocker said nothing else, but aloud the door to swing open, allowing her entrance to the common room.

Rowan immediately smiled, breathing in the scent of books and paper, grazing the rich blue and bronze silks that hung on the walls, and looked up at the domed ceiling painted with stars in content. This was her second home. Walking towards the dormitory entrance, she passed the white-marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw as she went up to her dorm room. She carefully opened the door and found her trunk laid in front of the bed furthest at the back, right next to one of many arched windows, giving her a clear view of the raining weather outside.

Her dorm mates included Padma Patil and two other girls she saw frequently, but never interacted with, so she never bothered to learn their names, as she was sure they didn't know hers.

She was in bed after getting ready, and within a few minutes, she fell asleep to the sound of rain pelting against her window.
