
𝐻𝑒𝓇𝓈 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

I stare at my ceiling which was something I had been been doing a lot more recently.

Being in my thoughts for a while and letting everything out before going to sleep was slowly becoming a habit. Forgive everyone before going to sleep, or however the Islamic saying went.

I used to find it dumb but it was actually working. Not that it was much of a surprise.

According to my brother, Omar had apparently broken Hamza's jaw with that one punch he had dealt.

And all of that for me.

It still boggled my mind how one could do so much for a person.

He had made a comment in passing about how he had been practicing boxing since he was 13, but I hadn't ever though about how well he probably was at fighting.

Or how fit his body probably was.

I can feel heat rise in my neck area slightly. Just the thought of him was enough to make my blush, how was I supposed to live with him. I sigh and close the topic out of my mind. There was no point in thinking about it if I could simply see if my assumptions were true in a mere few weeks.

Although now that I thought about it, I did need to start working out. It wasn't as if my body was in any bad condition. Throughout my last two years of high school, I had worked out endlessly as a means of letting out my stress.

Ever since then however, I had not touched a single piece of gym equipment so I had picked up some wight along the way. Not that I was mad about it.

I had been underweight growing up and would constantly receive comments about how I looked like a skeleton or about how I needed to eat more. Th list went on but the simple fact of the matter was that I just wasn't able to.

So now that I had gained a little bit of weight, although it was mostly from heavy late night snacking, I was happy.

We can stop when we have a slightly toned stomach for now. I didn't want to take it too far.

I pick up my phone and text my brother to make sure I didn't skip meals over the next few weeks. It was something of a habit at this point since I didn't get hungry often. Besides, if I didn't eat and I worked out I would lose too much weight.

I hadn't seen or talked to Omar after the incident. However, my mom had told me that the family dinner would be pushed further away. "His schedule is full and can't find time to come back to France."

Another thing, the incessant calling from today had been the detective on my hit and run case. He had a few suspect down and wanted me to come in in a few days to see if I could possible name a face.

The thing that had gotten me was that he said he thought it was deliberate. There were absolutely no cars around besides us two at the time of the accident and I had been waiting patiently at a stop sign so there was absolutely no reason for my car to be hit.

Unless of course it wasn't an accident.

But for what reason would someone go out of there way to crash into my car to hurt me even with the risk of totaling their car?

I sigh and turn to face the right side of my bed and recite the sleeping dua.

I had a lot to do tomorrow and not sleeping wouldn't make anything better.

And so I fell asleep with that nagging feeling in my chest. I ignored it the best I could, but sadly, it was still there the next morning when I woke up to find Fatima downstairs waiting for me with a cup of iced vanilla coffee.


Ramadan is in 2 days, I CAN'T WAITTT -- comment your goals here I want to read them :)

Word Count: 644

Date Posted: 3/31/2022
