
𝐻𝒾𝓈 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥

Not being able to keep still, I had decided to leave Northern France early. The jet had landed around an hour ago and I was now at the cafe.

Usually when I was here, I couldn't hear the bustle of the world around me. I had planted the trees and other plants for that specific reason. I liked it that way. It was calming to not hear every car and person that passed.

But even through all of this, I had heard it. The sound something crash.

I decided to check it out. The street was empty this time of night, so I was able to jog out easily.

I don't know if I would have gone out then if I knew what was awaiting me on the next street.

As the car comes into view, I realize it's a white A4 Audi.

Didn't Cyra have that car?

I start running towards the wreckage and that's when I see it.

Her body.

I push the ambulance personal out of the way, running towards her.

Tears start cascading down my face as the images of my mother flash through my head.

"Cyra, stay with me," my voice shakes. "Not you too."

I see a faint smile emerge on her face through the obvious pain she was in. Her eyes crinkle at the edges, her eyes almost disappearing.

"It's only a tiny injury," a tiny laugh escapes through her lips.

"I'll miss your smile," I whisper after a few seconds of silence, the only sound being her ragged breaths.

"Don't talk as if this is the last time we will talk," she responds.


"I know it looks bad Omar. I know what you're thinking about right now. But please trust that this will not play out that way. I will make it out alive," she says with such certainty, as if she knew the outcome of this situation. "Make Dua for me and put your faith in الله for he has already written what will happen."

Her eyes wander over to mine and she frowns slightly.

"What is it," I say.

"Smile for me," she whispers. "Please?"

And I do. "Happy?"

"Mhm," she responds her voice, at this point, becoming a hum in the wind.

"I'll promise I'll see you again and I promise I'll listen to you talk about everything you want to," she was struggling to breath. "So promise me you'll have some faith in Allah."

Her hand reaches out and I stiffen slightly as she stops half way, seemingly having remembered herself. And that's when I knew. The light from her eyes dim.

"I promise. I promise Cyra, please. Stay with me," tears stream down my face harder than before as I already knew that this situation was out of my control.

She was looking up at nowhere in particular as if she was looking at a world far far away. Something that no one could see but her.

Her face was the epitome of peace.

Just like mom. Wasn't this exactly how it had happened?

Unfortunately, my part hadn't changed at all.

I felt the hands of an officer push me away from her. And I watch as her body is taken into the ambulance and away from me.

Why me Allah? Why me?


Life of a writer :)

Am I sorry rn? idk man.

That's a secret I'll never tell.

xoxo- muslim wattpad girl (aka thedesiroyal)

ok no i just reread this and i'm literally so sorry was this even needed

word count: 554

Date Posted: 02/27/2022
