Who's The Half Blood Prince?

Later that evening back at the Common Room Harry and Hermione were on their studies again 

Harry: You did better than I hoped today Hermione. I don't know why you didn't compete in quidditch before.

Hermione: Well back then I was more in books and pages than brooms and heights. I mean when we rode Buckbeak together that was just sudden. 

Harry chuckles and Hermione was in thought 

Hermione: I'm kind of worried about Ron though.

Harry: Why? 

Hermione: During practice he asked me out. He seemed disappointed when I turned him down. I mean.....he's upset about Ginny being friends with Malfoy enough now he's.....I think he's growing into me. 

Harry seemed worried too

Until he caught that label from earlier This Book is the property of The Half Blood Prince.

Harry couldn't shake who this mystery prince was he felt Hermione might know 

Harry: Hermione. What do you know about a Wizard known as....The Half Blood Prince?

Hermione: Never heard of him. Why?

Harry: Because this book belonged to him. From this handwriting. You think he's a friend of Dumbledore's 

Hermione: Maybe. But if so it be smart to hand that book in. 

Harry: Oh I will but....this book actually helped me win the Liquid Luck. It's like he corrected the potion ingredients by writing over them. That's how I knew you only can crush the nuts not cut. 

Hermione: Huh. That is curious. Let me see. 

Harry handed the book to Hermione and they went over it all night 

That's when later that week we roll to the first scene at Hogsmeade 

 Harry: So did you find anything on the Half Blood Prince in the Library Hermione? 

Hermione: I did. But found nothing. I couldn't come across any record on any Half Blood Prince. 

Ron: Who? 

Harry: The book from potions class Ron is property of the Half Blood Prince. 

Ron: What? Half Bloods in royalty now? 

That's when they saw Slughorn talking to Flitwick 

And Harry asking Hermione and Ron if they fancy a butterbeer

The scene at the pub was slightly the same 

But the main change was Ron saw Ginny with Draco again 

Ron: Oh bloody hell! 

Hermione: What now? 

Harry and Hermione looked over and saw them too 

Ron: Bloody git. I'm gonna jinx him if he touches her. 

Hermione: Honestly Ron they're just hugging. 

They looked again and Draco and Ginny caught sight of them looking at their direction and pulled away fast 

Harry's suspicion on Draco grew more curious 

Ron just couldn't stop ranting about Malfoy and his sister 

Ron: Ginny's clearly gone womble. How could she forget that Malfoy is the enemy? 

Hermione: Why does it matter Ronald? Besides she wouldn't judge you if she saw you snogging Lavender Brown. 

Ron: Who??

That's when Professor Slughorn came over and greeted Harry 

Slughorn: Harry my boy what a pleasant surprise. What brings you here? 

Harry: Oh just having a drink with my friends. 

Slughorn: Splendid. But I'm glad I ran into you. You see in the old days I always select a few of my students to join me for supper parties. Perhaps you and Ms. Granger would like to attend? 

Harry: We be delighted. 

Slughorn: Selected. Look for my owl. Uh.....good to see you too Wallinbe. 

Ron was a little offended 

Hermione: What was that all about Harry?

Harry: Keep this between us but.....Dumbledore wants me to get to know him. 

Hermione: Why? 

Harry: Because uh.....he knew Voldemort when he attended school here. 

That drew much curiosity to Hermione as Ron sat there still offended with Slughorn and Hermione joked with him on Lavender Brown

That's when we roll with the scene after the pub from the film

And McGonigal's office

But when Harry and Ron are in bed that night Harry spies on Draco on the Maurder's map and Ginny's name was beside his

His conversation with Ron shifts here

Ron: Harry you've known Hermione the most. Do you know what she likes besides books and essays? 

Harry: Well she's.....she likes animals and camping. She goes with her parents to a forest called....forest dean. At least that's what I think it's called.

Ron: So if I impressed her with a magical creature....would that win her favor? 

Harry saw what Hermione meant Ron was growing attach to her he now knew if Ron knew about his own feelings for Hermione especially their kiss from last year.......

.....would Ron ever forgive him?

He didn't had the heart to tell him

Harry: I suppose yeah. Very nice. I'm gonna go to bed now. 

Ron: Right. 

Harry took off his glasses and saw Ginny's name leaving Draco's and it.....disappeared 

(Coming soon the next chapter.....)
