Love Pattern

We come to when Harry comes to Potions Class to talk to Slughorn

Since that rather failed Harry met up with Hermione

Hermione: Sometimes you can just be so thick Harry. Did you honestly think Slughorn would just spill his darkest secret by just asking him? 

Harry: Yeah once again I didn't think. 

Hermione: What would you do without me?

Harry: What would WE do without one another?

Hermione chuckles 

Hermione: I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning.

Hermione got up but then Harry stands up and calls out to her

Harry: Hermione! 

She turns around looking concern 

Harry: We still have something else to talk about. I mean we only had two snugs and we never gone anywhere with them. 

Hermione: Harry.....

Harry: Hermione why are we even not talking about it? You know how I feel about you. And I know you feel the same. 

Hermione sighed 

Hermione: Yes.....but Ron is mad at us cause of it. 

Harry: I feel bad for him. I do. But why are we even letting him stop us? 

Hermione: I....don't know. Guilt? Friendship too strong to brake over love? I....

Harry walked close to her 

And then......he kisses her again which drew her to fall into kissing him back

The kiss broke and Hermione stared in Harry's eyes and didn't say much.....till.....

Hermione: Goodnight Harry. 

Harry was nodded but faced down was Hermione ever gonna express her feelings for him? 

But then.....we come to this scene

In the hospital Wing the teachers discuss how Slughorn got that poisonous wine in the first place and who Slughorn meant to give it to: Dumbledore  

But when Lavender shows up worried sick for Ron her argument with Hermione was.....slightly different 

Lavender: What are you doing here? I happen to be his girlfriend!

Hermione: I'm well aware of that you....daff dimbo. And as his friend I don't mind whoever he dates. What concerns me is the way you possess him. 

Lavender: How dare you....I love him! 

Hermione: Well....that's all that matters to me.....

Hermione looked at Harry for a moment but then Ron began mumbling Lavender assumes he senses her presence like in the film but mumbles Hermione's name which shocks her and Lavender 

Lavender runs out crying and broken hearted 

Dumbledore gives the same speech of love's keen sting but in the change......Harry faced down.....sadden

Hermione looked at him go worried

Ginny: Hermione....for bloody God's sakes. Go tell him how you feel. Ron is stubborn but give him enough time he'll understand. I'll make sure he does. 

Hermione: Then be honest with your you love him? Draco?

Ginny first nods

Ginny: Yes I do. I know he's done awful things. But he really has changed. And....there's a lot he's going through he only trusted me with.....I can't say what....for his sake. I really do love Draco. So please Hermione try to understand.....

Hermione: I do. I really understand. 

Ginny: Then go. Stop wasting your time Hermione. We may face the end of the world soon cause of You Know Who. Every moment counts now. Talk to him Hermione.

Hermione nods 

Hermione nods and rushes out of the hospital to find Harry Ginny then looks down at her brother and rubs his face 

Ginny: Try to understand Ron. Hermione loves Harry. I know it's hard. But I promise I will help you through it and you will find happiness. I promise. I even know you think Draco is evil and you want to protect me. And I love you for it. But please.....don't destroy yourself because of your anger. 

Ginny hoped with all her heart her brother will let go of his anger when he wakes up and gave him a kiss on the forehead which made him tilt his head side ways 

But then.....

Hermione: Harry! 

Harry turned around and he saw Hermione running towards him 

Harry: Look---

Hermione: Shh. 

Hermione then....surprisingly kisses him finally

Harry: What---you---

Hermione: I was scared Harry. That's why I didn't talk about it. I was scared to hurt you like I did at the Yule Ball. When Cedric told me how you felt about me I didn't feel I deserve you. And after the kiss last year I felt I didn't deserve that either but......I now know what I wanted all this time. I do love you.....Harry Potter. 

Harry smiled emotionally

And they kissed again

(Well it's about time......)
