
Rose- so this is the coffe shop where unnie has a date

Lisa- yup

Rose- ok lets go in we are ready wearing coats and sunglasses

They both went inside the cafe slowly like some kind of detectives which was no doubt embarrisng but they didnt cared

They saw jisoo but her date was back facing them so they couldn't see this face

They look a seat little away from there which was near the door

Two people were seeing all this drama

??- wth is wrong with them

???-idk are thier brains ok the way they walk was so embarrisng

Rose- lisa can you see his face

Lisa- no i could only see jisoo unnie

Rose- uhh why doesnt he turns his face

Lisa- oh our order is here thank you

Waiter- nice sunglasses but why you need them now its evening

Lisa- its trending style you may go now

Rose - omg he is turning his face

Lisa- omg yes

Jisoo's date just turned his head girls were just going to see her date until two tall man came in thier way and jisoo 'date again back faced them

They lost thier chance to see his face

Rose- why!

lisa lost her temper and pushed jungkook down and kept her one leg on him

Lisa- yah jeon jungkook how dare you to come in between

Everyone's eyes were now on them

Rose- lisa lets go

Bambam- lisa leave him have you lost it

Lisa- because of you we couldn't see jisoo unnie 's date i wanna kill you

Jisoo- yah lalisa

Rose- shit

Rose took lisa 's hand and ran away fron there

They cane in thie rdorm and immediately sat with jennie and solar who did knew what mess this girls did

Jisoo- you guys spyed on me dont you

Lisa- nope we didnt

Jisoo- i know its was you lalisa

Jennie- if you know then why are you even asking

Solar- lmoa

Jisoo- why the hell did you do that

Rose- well you should have said us that yoh are going on a date

Jennie- date? Yah kim jisoo what is rosie saying huh

Jisoo-date.... seriously I had gone to the cafe to complete my team project now which is now incomplete beacuse jin had to run behind jungkook before he go tell his hyungs and i had to come behind you guys!!

Rose- ohhh hehhe

Lisa- heheh i am very sleepy let's go rose and sleep

Rose- yeo bye GN

Jisoo- stupid girls!!

Next day

Jisoo was removing something from her locker but her diary fall down revealing many pictures out

Jisoo- great!!

Solar- lemme help you

While picking up the photos solar came across a photo

Solar- nice photo

Jisoo looked at the photo and gave a small smile she felt a bit sad seeing that photo

Solar- you look so happy in it

Jisoo- I still remember it was my birthday party last year that time i had got dare to sing and jungkook had got dare to be my back dancer he threw his coat on jimin and rose and started dancing behind me

Solar-you miss him right?

Jisoo- no not at all i don't miss him at all i will never forgive him for what he has done

Solar- are you telling this to me or yourself

Jisoo- ....I miss him i miss him a lot i know he is hiding something from me but when will he say it to me he use to say everything to me!!

Solar- he will jisoo don't cry just give him sometime

Jisoo- he is like my Little brother he is always there for me and what i did....i slapped him...

Solar- it's ok move on

Sometime later

Selugi- um hi jimin

Jimin- oh hi

Selugi- can you give me your maths notes

Jimin- ya sure here

Jennie- jimin !

Jimin- yes

Jennie- give me your maths notes

Jimin- but i alredy i have given yours..

Jennie- but I want that !!!

Jimin- but

Jennie- i said i want that do you wanna die!!

Lisa- someone is jelaous tae

Taehyung- ikr

Rose- here selugi have mine

Selugi- omg i am gonna top in maths now using your notes you are a topper

Jimin- thanks rose

Rose- no problem

To be continued...

What is jungkook hiding?

Does Jennie like jimin?

Will jisoo forgive jungkook

Want to know ?

Then keep reading

He use to love me but...
I still love him.....
