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Presenting you

"Coming !! "Rosé shouted as she rushed downstairs hearing the door bell "ahh finally you opened I thought it would take ages " jungkook said in an amusement "shut up kook you literally live a floor below "rosé said rolling her eyes

"Btw I brought you white roses rosie posie "jungkook said "heyy stop calling me that I will kill your if said it again !!" rosé shouted making jungkook laugh

"Ohh my namjesus did a tornado hit in your bedroom "jungkook shouted "nahh I just forgot to clean it I was finding something "rosé said "what?" jungkook asked "I cant tell you that "rosé said scratching her neck  "lemme guess ahh you again lost eunwoo's photocard uhh grow up stop being a 15 year old "jungkook taunted while  rosé scoffed and attacked him making him fall on the bed

"yaa you bitch I will kill you!!" rosé shouted "yahh park chaeyoung I am sorry!!" jungkook said as rosé hit him hard "uhh chaeng you are too close "jungkook said as he got stuck between rosé's necklace

"I wanted to tell you something"jungkook said "continue"rosé said as she was busy eating ramen "I......I like you "jungkook said making rosé choke on her food "what?" she asked "Will you be my girlfriend"he said looking at her "kook..."

"Its ok if you dont want I just wanted to tell my feeling for you"jungkook said giving a smile "kook I like you too but I an not ready for something like this I am still getting use to life after what happened 3 years ago"rosé said as she hold on too jungkook's hand" i know chae and I understand btw you still wear it ?" jungkook asked as he saw a bracelet he made for her years back she was still wearing it "ofcourse how could i not but jungkook promise me you will wait for me "rosé said "Ofcourse I will wait for you"

"promise you will d wait for me and love me back " rosé said "all my life chae " jungkook said holding on to her hand "btw when did you liked me ?" rosé asked "well..."


When jungkook and rose were 5

Jungkook- uhh plz don't jaehyun mess with me

Jaehyun- u know I like it come here jungkook you don't even have anyone to save you you even have a mom poor boy

"Get your ass of jaehyun" rose said while punching jaehyun

Jaehyun - how dare you rose i will tell my mother now

Ryeah - yah go ahead dickhead

Rose- uhh kookie gwenchana? You are so innocent* she told him while holding his cheeks*

Flashback ends...

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