
We sat together on a bench, I don't know how long we were there but I had my head on his shoulder and he leaned his head on mine

He looked at his watch "Y/N get up it's nearly 5 am" I just sighed "you tired?" I nodded "want me to give you a piggy back ride to my house?" I smiled and nodded again. "Ok cutie" he picked me up and put me on his back. He wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist and held my thighs, I held onto his neck and layed my head on his huge shoulders.

"Want me to sing you a song" I smiled "You sing?" He nodded "I also cook and clean" I giggled "Wow your perfect, what can't you do?" He sighed "well I'm not the best dancer" I giggled "same"
He sighed "what a relief"

He sang Paper Hearts

[A/N: I know Jungkook is the one who sang Paper Hearts but just imagine Seokjin singing it😍😍]

After about 20 minutes we were at his house, he reached in his pocket for his keys, he opened the door and looked around "She's not here" I nodded "that's good" he sighed "yep, now let's get you to sleep, you can have my bed, I'll get my extra blanket and pillow and lay on the couch"

I shook my head "No, I want you to lay with me" he looked at me "you sure?" I nodded "it's your bed you should lay in it, plus I want to cuddle with you"

"Ok" he walked me to his room and layed me down "I'm gonna take off my jeans I have on shorts underneath is that ok" I asked him. He nodded "I'll find you one of my shirts to sleep in" I smiled "Thanks Jin." He left for about 2 minutes and then walked back into the room.

He was wearing basketball shorts without a shirt.

[A/N:Imagine that, Omg😅]

"Here" he handed me a pink t-shirt "You wear pink Jin?" I giggled at the thought. I hadn't even noticed he was shirtless yet. "Of course I love the color pink"

[A/N: Just cause he's gorgeous]

I looked up to him and almost yelped. "You okay" I shook my head

"So you sing, cook, clean, are an amazing person, are unrealistically handsome, and have a nice body, you are unreal, are you an Angel Jin?"

He chuckled "You flatter me, but you're the real Angel, not everyone would of stopped to help me" he smiled sweetly at me and then walked around to the other side of the bed. I began to take my shirt off so I could change, he noticed and turned away facing the wall.

"I'm done" he turned back around and smiled at me "you look so small and cute in my shirt" I blushed "I think we better get some rest" he nodded and crawled in bed beside me. I layed on my side facing away from him. But I tried to get closer to him.

Eventually he got the message and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. He held me tight, then he lifted his head up and looked down at me he smiled he gave me a peck on the cheek and then one on my neck.

I smiled which made him happy. He layed back down and snuggled him face into the back of my neck. He grabbed my hand and held it. Then we fell asleep, and for the first time in a long time, we were Happy
