A Day with Jin

We finished eating breakfast and he went to wash the dishes and I walked downstairs and met him in the kitchen.

I walked up behind him and hugged him from behind. He almost screamed "holy crap you scared me" I laughed really hard "don't laugh" I stopped and layed my head on his back "so what do you want to do today?" I closed my eyes and thought about it "I kinda just want to stay here with you"

"Sounds lovely, we can watch movies and eat" I giggled "we just ate" he shrugged "you can never have too much food sweetheart" I let go of him and walked around the kitchen while I waited for him to finish the dishes.

"Oh I have an idea, let's play hide and seek" he suddenly suggested, well you're never to old for hide and seek "Yes" I jumped on his back "wow you're cute"

"Hurry Jin" he finished quickly "I'll be it first" Jin shouted and I ran to find a hiding spot. I didn't know the layout of the house yet so it was pretty difficult. I decided to hide under the dining room table, there was a table cloth on it so it looked pretty good

"Ready or not here I come, and when I find you, I'm going to tickle you so I hope you had well"

I heard him walk past the table and I decided to peek out to see if he was gone, but when I moved the table cloth his face was directly in front of mine.
"Oh sh*t"

I tried to crawl back under but he pulled my leg and pinned me to the floor and started to tickle my stomach, "Jin please stop, I'm gonna pee my pants"

He hopped up and ran upstairs I chased after him but he literally disappeared "where are you" I searched everywhere for him and nothing

"Ok I guess I can't find Jin, adorable and cute Jin" he literally appeared out of nowhere and pushed me against the wall and stared at me "I'm not cute" I giggled "now that I won, get to choose my prize"

He thought for a second, then pointed to his lips and puckered them at me, I gave him a quick kiss and we both giggled and blushed and then went to his room and watched Disney movies and cuddled all night

[Thank you too the few people who read this, if you have any thoughts be sure to tell me, all opinions are welcome😊]
