Chapter 7: Part 1

Hannah's P.O.V

It was the night before school started. My stomach was churning and my mind was exploding with thoughts and worries of what the next day was going to bring. Clay had asked me if I wanted him to stay over tonight a few days ago but i told him no. I didnt want him to be worrying about me when he had his own school stuff to sort out like homework and studying. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, praying my bed would just swallow me whole. The thought of seeing Bryce was what was terrifying me the most. The thought of him looking at me, watching me. What if he tried to talk to me? Just as my stomach did another summersault, my phone buzzed and lit up my dark bedroom. I turned over and an involuntary smile spread across my face as i read the message from Clay.

Clay <3: Hey Han, shall i pick you up tomorrow morning and we can go into school together? xx

I grinned, i liked that he was thinking of me. Selfishly i liked how he worried about me. It showed he cared. I tucked my hair behind my ears and opened my phone to respond

Me: Pick me up? In what, your Rolls-Royce ;) ? Ahahaha xx

He read it instantly so i knew he had been waiting for my reply.

Clay <3: Shut up Baker. I believe i promised you a ride on my bike a while ago so if you would join me on my humble mode of transportation it would please me greatly xx

I agreed to him and said good night before shutting my phone off and placing it back on my bedside table. I wished i had just let him stay tonight. My bed was cold and the sheets felt so empty. I wished he was lying next to me to hold me and keep me warm. I fell into an uneasy sleep, thinking of nothing but the dread of tomorrow, grasping onto my pillow tightly.

Clay's P.O.V

The monotone, drilling sound echoed through my room making my eyes flinch open, the light of my room filtering into my pupils like a blurry photograph. I rolled over and stared at my alarm clock with pure hatred before battering it with my hand to shut it up. I rolled back onto my back and rubbed my hands over my face and groaned irritatedly. I peeled the covers off of my legs and swung them over onto my cold floor, my toes clenching. I eyed the clothes i had laid over my desk chair and the back pack full of completed homework and study notes and skulked across the room reluctantly to have a shower.

"Family breakfast in 5 minutes" Mom said perkily as she bounded into my room without knocking, causing me to quickly throw my shirt on, hanging limply over my jeans. "I cant today mom i need to go pick up Hannah." she raised her eyebrows as i slipped my hoodie over my arms. "So are you too a thing now then Clay?" She asked with her hands on her hips grinning at me. "Mother please leave i need to finish getting ready." She laughed and left the room, bustling down the stairs to finish cooking for my dad. I thought about seeing Hannah and it perked my mood up a little as i walked down the stairs and out the door. I unchained my bike from outside the garage and swung my leg over, setting off to pick up my Hannah the wind waking me up slightly as i rode to her house.

Hannah's P.O.V

I had barely slept. I kept waking up every hour or so in a cold sweat, dreaming up one scenario after another of how today would play out. None of them were positive. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder gently shake me awake and i turned over to see my mom stood over me. "Morning honey, you gotta get up." She smiled at me warmly and left the room to get ready for work. I stared around my room, my eyes barely open, just slits gradually growing as i adjusted to the light. My duvet covers had me wrapped in a security blanket that i so desperately didnt want to leave. I wouldn't have been able to venture out from the covers if Clay wasn't coming to pick me up. I didnt want to disappoint him and not be ready after he detoured to my house to come and get me, to look out for me, to protect me. I forced my self up walking over to my closet and pulling out my oldest pair of jeans, a grey t shirt and a red checkered flannel shirt. I slipped my jeans over my legs. They had loosened over time and were the comfiest pair that i owned. I pulled on the t shirt and hooked my arms through the flannel before sitting down at my desk to put on as minimal an amount of makeup as possible. I pulled my hair out from the bun sitting on top of my head, releasing my thick dark curls, falling over my shoulder. I looked at my reflection in the mirror opposite me and shook the tears that were forming away. I could do this. I had Clay.

Clay's P.O.V

I pulled up to theBaker's house and walked over to the door optimistically hoping Hannah hadmanaged to get up. I knocked a few times before the door opened to reveal MrBaker in his work clothes and his store name tag sitting on his shirt. "AhClay, morning" He said smiling taking a sip from the mug of coffee he washolding in one hand. "Morning sir. Is Hannah ready? We were going to rideto school together" I said my hands fidgeting with the bottom of my shirt."She'll be in her room. Up you go." He invited me in and i scaled thestaircase, the feeling of uncertainty beginning to overwhelm me. I got to herdoor and gently knocked before i heard a meek "Come in" from theother side. I stepped over the door tread to see her sat at her desk, lookingextremely worn and anxious. "Hey Clay." she said quietly, biting herlip as tears started to well in her eyes. I walked over to her and sat with heron the stool matching her dresser. I held her hands and looked at her kissingher forehead. "Hannah your gonna do so good today. I'll be with you toodon't panic." She looked away from me "I cant see him Clay. I justcant look at him." She whimpered. I stroked her hand with my thumb "Iwon't let him near you i promise. Now your chariot awaits outside. Itsnot a Rolls-Royce but its there as requested. A small laugh escaped her and weheaded down the stairs to start the day    
