Chapter 10: Part 2 - A New Beginning

Clay's P.O.V 

Hannah fell against me, dizzied by the news she had just been given. She swiped the air looking for my hand to hold onto and I quickly grabbed it, steadying her to her feet. We ditched school and knowing that Hannah was in shock, i guided her to the doors as she stared aimlessly ahead of her, lost in thought. I didnt want to take her home, i knew she wouldn't want her parents bombarding her with questions when she got back. I took her to the only place i could think of, the Crestmont. It was quiet and dark and we could talk on our own or just sit in the comfort of our silence. I knew Hannah wasn't upset or distressed but i could tell she didnt know how to process the information. For once i could read Hannah Baker. She was confused so she just went blank. The drive there was quiet and the air felt heavy around us and Hannah hardly blinked. We got out the car and trudged inside the theatre, sitting behind the counter. Hannah sat down and her eyes were no longer glazed over and she looked like she had something to say. She didnt speak. I broke the silence "This is good Hannah. He is going to get what he deserves" I said thinking about her attack. Thinking about his hands on her skin, his strength pressing her down, pushing the remaining threads of will to live from her body. It was his fault that i nearly lost her and i would be damned if i said i didnt enjoy knowing that the will to live was going to be squeezed out of him behind bars. She looked up at me smiling forcibly. "Yeah i know. It just all feels so real now. Its all happening and everyone is going to know." She said, her mouth curling downwards and her eyes becoming glassy. I reached under the counter and pulled out our hidden box of Mike and Ikes, opening it up and offering her one.

Hannah's P.O.V

 I could feel my eyes filling, thinking about my ordeal circulating around school like a virus. I didnt want people to know or to find out. I wanted it to be my secret. My terrifying secret that i wanted to lock away along with Bryce and forget about. I felt Clay's reassuring smile without looking at him. I felt it warm me up like it always did. He reached down pulling out our secret stash of Mike and Ikes, grinning reminiscently. A laugh bubbled up inside me and it escaped unwillingly as I dunked my hand in the box, pulling out a handful and dropping them all into my mouth at once, Clay making me laugh as i did so, making a few escape my lips causing me to look very lady like. He sniggered tipping the box and pouring directly into his mouth, turning, wiggling his eyebrows at me and throwing a few he had hidden in his hand at my head. I stared at him, biting down a smile, trying to look cross. "You are such a child." I said shakily as i swallowed down giggles that kept trying to escape as i looked at his cheeky face. "Hey Han watch this." He said throwing one into the air and attempting to catch it in his mouth despite throwing it far too hight. "Careful your going to choke!" I laughed "Do you really want to die and have your stone read: Death by Mike and Ikes?" He rolled his eyes at me pretending he was pro whilst he tried time and time again to catch one in his optimistically wide mouth. Eventually, one fell into his mouth causing him to triumphantly wave his arms up and turn lifting me off the ground and sitting me on top of the counter. He looked up at me, into my eyes, lost in his gaze. We pulled closer, slotting together perfectly like the matching pieces in a puzzle and gently kissed, feeling his grin on my lips. He pulled away, finding my hand. I pressed my forehead against his, closing my eyes.  "Things are going to be better now Hannah. Things are going to be better"

6 months later...

Clay's P.O.V

The school throbbed and pulsed with excited teens, bustling about heading to the main hall for the ceremony. Blue robes and graduation hats swirling passed my view as everyone threw them on hastily. I saw her turn the corridor in her bright blue robe and her hat, squinting to one side of her long curly haired head. Hannah spotted me in front of her, the dimples appearing on her perfect complexion and her eyes glowing electric blue as she ran over to me, laughing as she held onto her hat before it flew off. "You are late Helmet." She said grabbing the sides of my robe and pulling down straightening them up while i centred her hat onto her head. I looked down at her, at her bright button face and her rosy cheeks. She reached her hands up, holding my face and grinning. "Your getting too tall." She laughed, standing on her tip toes to plant a peck on my cheek. "Ugh get a room." Justin joked, a mischievous smile spreading across his face, Jessica latched to his arm, both sparkling in their blue graduation attire. "Shut up Justin" I laughed, bumping his fist as the girls ran up to each other. "Can you believe how hideous these things are?" Jessica sniggered holding up her gown to Hannah. "Oh i know but where is the fun in leaving school if they don't force you into one more ridiculous thing." They laughed together excitedly touching each others hair and telling each other how cute they looked.  I warned everyone the ceremony would be starting soon and we had better get into the hall, wrapping my arm over Hannah as we all buzzed excitedly. 

The hall was alive with hundreds of voices as we waded through students to get some seats together. We sat down, Hannah placing her hand on my leg, waiting for me to lace my fingers through hers as she looked around at everyone, a sea of Liberty High blue. Principal Bolan stood up and walked over to face the beaming crowd of teens, heading to the microphone stand placed in front of him. He tapped it a few times making everyone wince at the noise of the screeching microphone before he began. He spoke for far too long of the achievements we have all made during our time at Liberty and the friends we have made etc etc before beginning the hand over of the diplomas. The band began to play as names started to be called and scrolls tied in blue ribbon were passed to the receivers walking up to the front of the hall. Hannah was called first, grinning from ear to ear as her hand left mine. I watched my girlfriend glow in front of me thinking of the shell she had been several months ago and the improvement she had made after Bryce's sentencing. Jessica was called a few names later, then Justin as the crowd at the front began to grow. Eventually i was called and Principal Bolan gave me an approving nod as i felt the parchment diploma graze my hand. I nodded back holding it in my grasp and dipping through the students to stand with Hannah. All the names were called and as a group we let go to Liberty high, throwing our hats in the air and Hannah looking over at me laughing uncontrollably as we all jumped around together, a group of free young adults.

Hannah's P.O.V 

Clay and I were one of the last few to leave the school, spending some time to walk through the halls for the last time, hand in hand, thinking of our future in New York together. The corridors had died down, very few blue clad students emptying the remnants of their lockers as we headed to the main doors to leave behind high school. The sunshine glowed though the doors welcoming us to our new lives. I squeezed Clay's hand and looked up at him smirking widely. "We did it Helmet, we finally did it." 


Thank you to everyone for all the love and support with this fanfiction. I loved writing it. If you want to know more about what i think Clay and Hannah's future would be like then please read my other story: Hannah and Clay: Loving Her Back to Life. Thank you! xxx
