Luna 🌙

"Coach!! Please she's about to give birth! Her due date is within this week I need to be with her" Oikawa pleads

Their coach just sigh and let him be it's been another 3 months and now Hinata is on her final trimester. They keep in touch with each other and he's really happy that Hinata welcomed him in her life with the 'little potato' as she call the baby

"Thank you coach!" He's so delighted that he thank the coach in his native language with a 90° bow

Oikawa immediately booked a flight and called Hinata

"Sho chan! I'll be there tonight please tell our little potato to wait for me and don't get too excited" he excitedly said to the ginger

Hinata chuckled "Don't worry little potato will wait for you"

Oikawa did a series of do's and don'ts while on the phone which made Hinata laugh so much. She really appreciate the care and time that Oikawa spend with her they even went to buy the baby's necessities together and when he visits her from Argentina he always have stuff's for the baby and they would even go for a late night food trip together and he's always with her during doctor's appointment, if not he makes sure to talk to Pedro or Bella to go with her and make a video call during the appointment.

She's so thankful that sometimes she felt like she don't deserve it all. 

Later that night Oikawa arrived of course with a lot of stuff again and even fruits.

Now Hinata is eating tangerines while Oikawa presents all his newly bought baby things.

"Ah this! Sho chan this is so cute!" He said and gave her a new born baby socks with a cute alien design

"Aww it's so cute Tooru and it's so small" she can't hide her smile because of this while Tooru is busy caressing her baby bump. She's about to say something when she feel a strike of pain in her belly. She hold it and look at Oikawa who is looking at her.

"Wait are you okay Sho chan?" He asked as he watched the pretty face of the ginger gets paler.

"We'll at least she waited for you" she said and smiled

Oikawa felt adrenaline rush and shouted for Pedro to come out of his den. Hinata tried to stand and hold her bump to calm herself.

This labor surely hurts huh.

"What? Oh sh*t" seeing Hinata standing with pale face and holding her bump he already know whats happening.

"I'll get the bag and call Bella!" Pedro said while panicking.

"Cab! Taxi! I'll get one" Oikawa said and run to the door but went back

"Will you be fine?"

"I'm okay..go" Hinata assured and smiled at him

Pedro and Oikawa talk non stop on the way. But really she's fine. She's just surprised when she felt the pain but that didn't stop the two and when they started walking out of the house her water broke which almost made the two faint. Oh god she wanted to laugh if not with the pain she's feeling.

When they got to the hospital and started her hellish labor Oikawa never leave her. He makes sure to guide her with her breathing and ask if she need something.

"Hey you still okay Sho chan?" He asked and put the strands of her hair out of her face.

"Yes" she nod a little

"I'll call the nurse" he kissed her hand before leaving. When he got back the nurse checked on her and announce that they will prepare the delivery room.

Everything happened so fast and she can't really remember anything until she heard a baby crying. Soon after she saw Oikawa entered the room.

"Sho chan.. you made it" he said while crying. That made her cry too. The doctor called for Oikawa to cut the umbilical cord then a baby is placed on top of her chest. A beautiful girl with ginger hair.

"Hi there little one.. Hi Luna" 

"Want to take a picture?" The nurse ask. Oikawa gave his phone and went beside them.

A YEAR after the birth of Luna, Oikawa continue visiting them in Brazil. Hinata is busy working as an organizer, Luna is always with her and when Oikawa is in Brazil he almost never let go of Luna. Like today Hinata is talking to the press while Oikawa have Luna in a baby carrier looking around the place.

When the press conference starts Hinata started looking for Oikawa only to see them in the lobby looking at the fishes in a big aquarium.

"Tooru, Luna" she called as she approached the two and give Luna a kiss

"Momma ma ma"

Momma is not her first word it was Dada and Oikawa caught it on a video.

"Dada.. dada.. say it baby dada" Oikawa said while convincing Luna to say Dada

"How about Momma.. say momma"

"Naaah" said Luna while still busy playing with her lion stuff toy

"I'm hurt. I'll bye bye now.." Oikawa said dramatically and started walking with his phone still focused on Luna.

When she heard the word bye bye she turned to Oikawa and started crawling wanting to go with him.

"Da da da daaaa"

This made him so happy that he sent it to his teammates like a proud Dad.

"Sho chan let's eat, it's almost 1 pm."

"Right I lost track, how about Luna?"

"She's done " he said and held her hand now she notice that Oikawa looks so good in dada mode wearing a casual clothes with a pink baby carrier and a diaper bag with a pink bunny design.

"What?" He asked. Hinata chuckled and wrap her arms to his

"Well you look good in dada mode."

"Sho chan I always look good" he said wiggling his eyebrow and Hinata can't help but to roll her eyes.

While eating Hinata noticed that the restaurant is playing the recording of yesterday's match. Now she remember, she went to Argentina not too long ago to watch Oikawa play. He didn't stop until she said yes and media went chaos because of his interview after the game.

"Tooru Oikawa! This is definitely one of your best game" the female reporter said

"Of course! My girls are watching!" Oikawa said that earn a cheer from the crowd but one of his teammates crash the interview

"Dada sure play great today for his baby girl"

Oikawa just laughed at it but you can see the shock on viewers and reporters faces.

Later that day Oikawa went viral and he was caught the next morning during his morning walk with the pink baby carrier. He never confirmed any of the allegations and rumor not even any of his teammates.

"Sho chan you're not paying attention. I need you're attention."

"Fine. All ears!" She said and pinch his nose. Oikawa felt something in his stomach but choose to ignore.

"Okay so as I was saying, are you planning to go back in Japan? I'm planning to go home and.. you know"

"I'm going home." She said as if it's nothing.

"Wait really? Sho chan lets go home together! I can't wait for Iwa chan to meet Luna in person! Oh he will love her" Oikawa said

"Iwaizumi san know Luna?" She said with shocked face

"Uhmm.. sorry? I was talking with Iwa chan one night when Luna cried and Iwa chan is so mad, he accused me of just playing around then he demand for a video call"

"And you didn't even told me."

"Sho chan I swear I didn't say anything. He know Luna but he doesn't know your the mother. So forgive me.. please"

Hinata can't help but to pout and accept his apology

Oikawa volunteered to arrange everything for their homecoming. But of course Hinata insists paying for their ticket which Oikawa didn't agree so in the end Oikawa pays for Luna and Hinata paid for herself.

She called her mother that she will be back with someone and her mom freaked out thinking that it's a man. She didn't correct it, more like her mom didn't give her a chance to. Her mom said the news to her father and the two began asking her questions that she don't even understand because they talk fast and it seems like they're arguing over the phone.

The phone that she's using is a new one since she lost her phone at work when she got to Brazil. Meaning all her contacts was lost too and now she only have her parents number and her friends in Brazil and of course Oikawa. She don't even know if someone from Karasuno tried to call her.


"Still trying to call her?" Yamaguchi asked a certain blonde while they're having a drink.

"Yeah. No luck" he said

"It's been years. Is it that important?"

"It is.." Tsukishima said not wanting to explain

Yamaguchi is about to ask more question when Kageyama took the seat in front of him.

"I thought you have practice?" Tsukishima said

"Well it's not everyday you ask for someone to drink with you" kageyama said and drink the beer

"I didn't ask for you to be here"

"It was me.. sorry Tsuki" Yamaguchi said

He just rolled his eyes and drink

"Kageyama! Are you still in touch with Hinata?" Yamaguchi asked Kageyama

"That dumbass! She never call or text when she got to Brazil"

"You mean no one know what's happening to her this past 2 years? I thought you're exchanging calls." The freckled boy said

"No.. I met Suga san last week he asked me too. So no one knows?" Kageyama said as if he can't  believe their conversation.

A loud bang was heard on their table as Tsukishima drop his bottle of beer and tightened his grip to it

"That's not usual for that shrimp! Just what happened to her?"


What am I doing 🙄
